Do You Fall in Love too Easily?
Getting into a new relationship is supposed to feel like a rollercoaster ride, however some people find it hard to get past that first rush. If your heart is in your mouth with every new date, it could be that you’re attaching yourself to others too quickly.

When falling in love hurts

The romance of falling in love is very seductive in itself. You can’t eat, sleep or even breathe without thoughts of that special someone filtering into your mind. These feelings are usually pleasant and fleeting – they’re not supposed to last very long, just until you’re more settled into a relationship. However, if these feelings are too strong they can become all-consuming and quite distressing for the person experiencing them.
When you’re taken over by strong feelings of love in the initial stages of a relationship, they can cloud how you really feel about the other person and make the connection difficult to develop. These feelings can manifest themselves in several ways. You might worry or become anxious about where they are or what they’re doing, panic about being rejected or feel like you need to speak to them more frequently than is convenient.
Why do people fall in love quickly?
Feelings of increasing obsession or panic, which are centered on another person, are not usually concerned with that person at all. It might feel like the feelings of love are only occurring because of the presence of the other person, however, they could just as easily be manifestations of personal anxieties.

In order to gain a healthy connection with another person, an individual has to feel happy and confident in themselves. When you feel you’re lacking certain qualities, it can become tempting to look to another person to fill in the gaps. When this happens, you can feel as though you’re falling in love when actually you’re looking to avoid being alone.
What is needed for healthy love?
Couples who stay together long term have managed to find a balance where they both feel fulfilled. They may have come together because of similar interests or personalities but they have stayed together because neither is looking for the other to complete their lives.
Most people say that they met their other half when they were least expecting it. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to abandon your search for a partner altogether – it only means that a truly good relationship tends to arrive when you’re feeling that you’re living the life you want to live. Signing up for clubs and classes allows you to meet more people, as well as improving your life independently of a relationship.
Online dating, through websites such as, is another method of meeting potential dates which doesn’t take up too much time. You can easily juggle a career, hobbies and friends with online dating – keeping your own life going while you look for love. Simply set up a personal profile, conduct searches and message potential dates when you have time – it couldn’t be easier (click here for more information).