How Women are Outnumbering Men at Gaming
The gaming world has long been dominated by men, however, the male-dominated video-game world has now inched into a female-dominated demographic with women gamers now outnumbering men. The changing trend reflects the changing nature of video game players and those entering the fields of the likes of science, engineering, maths and technology in general.
In the US, the split between male and female gamers is almost even, a huge change from the male dominated figures prior to the turn of the millennium and much of the noughties. There has been a greater enthusiasm from women and now, people who have not traditionally been a part of this industry, have fallen in love with gaming. In 2013, it was reported by Nintendo that half of its users were women and just two years later a study found that 42% of American women now own a video console as opposed to 37% of men. Furthermore, it was also found that participated increased in cohesion with age as 61% of women aged 45-64 played games compared to 57% of males.
Online gaming remains largely popular with men aged between 15-24, however, women aged over 35 continue to outnumber men of the same age. In the UK, US, France, Turkey and Brazil, the number of women gamers aged over 35 outnumbers men by far. Some 73% of Turkish women aged between 35-44 play games online.
It is thought that women turn to gaming as a break from their daily routine as they seek some mental stimulation. Such players prefer matching games, Mah-jong style games and puzzle games. Whilst gaming remains popular amongst the older generation of women, it is also popular among teenage girls who seem to enjoy exploring their future life via role-play.

Acting out so called grown-up situations they recognise from their surroundings such as having a job or being a parent, helps them feel independent. Games like dress-up, pet caring and cooking duties are very popular indeed among the younger female generation. Girls enjoy being creative and wish to share their creativity with others and to be connected with those around them. Many games young girls like to play share a cross-generational appeal meaning mothers can play along with their daughter for both bonding time and some light entertainment, something which cooking games especially help.
Whilst a large number of females now own video game consoles, the advent of the smartphone and mobile gambling has helped to drive up female participation and gaming an untold amount. Nowadays, gamers can log on to their favourite online casino app anywhere where they like, regardless of time and location. Whether they are playing on CasinoCruise, or Candy Crush at their friend’s house, smartphones and tablets have changed the world of gaming more than ever. It was always inevitable that more devices would be developed to help with the forever growing gaming area, though few predicted the sheer scale that the market would grow to. Browser and app-based games draw in the majority of the market as they offer the easiest entry point into gaming.