Body Confidence Tips That Every Woman Needs In Her Life
Social media may be good for a lot of things, but one thing it doesn’t usually help us with is body confidence. Services like Instagram fuel the belief that you have to look perfect to be accepted, and that’s done terrible things for the way we see ourselves.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though. There’s plenty that you can do to feel more comfortable in your skin, no matter how much social media might mess with your head. Follow these six tips, and you might find your body confidence thriving where it once may have faltered.
Switch Off Social Media
In these modern times, staying away from social media might sound like an impossible thing to do. However, it could be exactly what you need to keep those negative thoughts at bay.
If your lack of body confidence comes from comparing yourself to others online, then switching off social media is only going to benefit you. Research shows that how we use social media impacts its effect on us, and more often than not, the outcome is negative. Anything that focuses too much on other people’s looks is bound to shape how we see ourselves.
To combat this, you don’t have to delete all your accounts and isolate yourself from the internet because that won’t do you any good either. Just reduce how much time you spend scrolling through Facebook and Instagram to short, sporadic intervals. When you can’t see people being praised for looking perfect, it’s a lot harder for those self-doubts to rise to the surface.
Find An Enjoyable Workout
The problem that a lot of women face with body confidence is that they don’t have any fun trying to change their bodies. This is particularly the case when trying to lose weight. People feel compelled to drop down a dress size, yet their efforts to exercise just make them miserable. This inevitably leads to them giving up, not dropping any pounds, and feeling even worse than before.
You don’t want to end up in that cycle of negativity, which is why if you’re going to try and lose weight, you find ways to do it that make you smile. You might think that’s impossible when you’re dieting and exercising regularly. However, if you find an activity that you enjoy doing, then at least you’ll always have something to keep your spirits up.
It doesn’t matter whether this is something super energetic like running, or something more laidback yet still beneficial like gardening. As long as you enjoy yourself, you’re bound to stick with it for longer, improving your chances of reaching your goal.
Go With Your Gut
You shouldn’t change your body because beauty standards online deem it the right thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change your body if it’s something you want to do.
Think of it this way. You shouldn’t lose weight because people tell you you’re not skinny enough, or because all the popular girls you see on Instagram are super slim. You should do it because you want to be healthier, or you want to be happy with the way you see yourself, rather than how others see you. The end goal might be the same in these situations, but the motivation for getting there is different.
That can be applied to any aspect of changing your body, including breast surgery. You shouldn’t get a lift or reduction because it’s what others deem appropriate, but because doing so will make you feel happier. For anyone who wants to change their appearance and thinks breast surgery could help. Enhanced Medical Group has been doing these procedures for years, and they generally find that when women come to them with a genuine desire for surgery, they walk away with greater confidence.
Think Positively
It’s so easy to tell someone who’s down on themselves to think positively. Actually applying that advice is incredibly difficult, though, especially if you’ve spent years doubting the way that you look.
Rather than constantly forcing yourself to be optimistic, we’d recommend spending a moment or two everyday thinking about your best qualities. This can cover things like the parts of your body that you love or finding positive ways to reflect on the areas that you dislike.
Taking five minutes out of your day to do this in the mornings and evenings could really change the way you start to see yourself. Over time, you’ll naturally become more of an optimistic person without having to force yourself to look on the bright side.
Change Your Wardrobe
Who really needs an excuse to go out and buy more clothes? What you wear could have an incredible impact on how you see yourself, so ensuring that your wardrobe is right for you is essential.
You may feel compelled to buy baggy clothes that hide your figure, but this will only strengthen that negative mindset. What you ought to do is find stuff that works well with your body without drawing too much attention to your size. It can be hard to know how to dress for your figure, so hopefully, these tips will help you find the right clothes for you. The sooner your wardrobe starts to compliment your body, rather than hide it, the sooner your confidence will begin to grow.
Lift Up Other Women
Sometimes, the best way to feel better about yourself is to make others feel good about themselves. The media loves to pit women against one another and make them compete for perfection; when really, we should all be celebrating one another.
You may already do this for the other women in your life, but if not, get started straight away. Anytime a girlfriend or sister tries to come down on herself, pay her a compliment and remind her how amazing she is. Not only will that make her feel better, but it’ll also make you feel more positive too. Plus, she may well return the favour, reminding you of the stuff that makes you great which you may tend to forget about.
There’s no quick fix to body confidence issues. The process of thinking positively can be a slow and steady one, but so long as you follow these tips, you should reach your goal in the end.