Frownies – The Natural Botox Alternative
Botox? Natural? Wrinkle Reduction? We know we have your attention! Yes, it is now possible to reduce wrinkles and frown lines naturally with an old-fashioned, American product called ‘Frownies’. You only have to apply the Frownies ‘stickers’ overnight and see your wrinkles disappear. No fat-filled injections needed.

How Botox Works
Expression Wrinkles on the face are caused by repeated contraction of facial muscles. Injecting Botox paralyzes the muscles so that tension is no longer possible and the skin becomes smooth as the wrinkles disappear. The disadvantage of Botox is not only the price and the pain but also some unpleasant side effects such as droopy eyebrows and eyelids. Frownies do not have these side effects. Let us see what Frownies are.
The Painless, Natural Alternative? Frownies
Frownies are an age-old proven remedy that was invented by Margaret Kroesen in 1889 for her daughter, a concert pianist, who had developed wrinkles and lines. Known as ‘Wrinkle Eradicators’ at that time, the Frownies gained popularity with the Entertainment industry and was, for a long time, Broadway and Hollywood’s best kept secret. Olivia de Havilland, Gloria Swanson and the Kennedy Women were some of the more famous patrons at that time. The fourth generation of this family owned anti-aging business has brought forward Frownies as they are available to us today and continuing the tradition, they are still sought after by celebrities including Raquel Welch, Rene Russo and Missy Pile. You can read up the intriguing history of Frowniesin detail on their website.

How to Apply Frownies
Frownies are like a plaster that you apply on your face. They are triangular pieces of unbleached plant-based paper which are wet on one side. You need to stick as large a piece as needed, on to your smooth, expressionless forehead with two fingers where your wrinkles are. Frownies also has products for around the eyes and mouth. When the Frownies dry up, they become very hard. This makes it impossible for your muscles to tighten. You need to hold the Frownies for at least three hours, and preferably overnight. You can take them off in the morning after wetting them up a little. You can find detailed instructions on applying Frownies to your face on their website.
Popular Frownies Products
Available on their website and other beauty stores, some of the most popular products of Frownies are the Facial Patches including patches for for wrinkles on the Forehead & Between Eyes and those for wrinkles on the Corner of Eyes & Mouth as well as Under Eye and Eye Lid Gel Patches. These patches, with regular use, re-educate the muscles about their original, natural and relaxed state as opposed to the tension lines that we see on our faces.
When to Expect Results
You can actually see the results overnight as you wake up find that you have a lot less wrinkles than you went to sleep with. Your forehead will look quiet and relaxed, less tired and much more attractive. During the course of the day, when you start with your regular expressions (that you are now so used to making that you don’t even realize), the wrinkles tend to come back. However, the return of the wrinkles gets lesser and lesser since the product is re-educating them during the night. After three to four weeks you will find that the wrinkles have disappeared, and do not come back because your muscles are now trained to relax. It is definitely not as fast as Botox, where you get to see the results instantly, but the effect is basically the same and obtained in a natural way.
So there! You have Hollywood’s best kept secret with you now. Say goodbye to Botox and order a box of Frownies and age beautifully, gracefully and naturally!
I have used many products like this but none of them worked for me, i don’t if this is worth buying, will do some research on the internet.