How to Wear a Garter
If you would like to wear an undergarment to cover your legs but don’t like the full coverage offered by a pantyhose, then a garter and stockings may be just what you are looking for. Garters are both attractive and functional. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, and they are a very effective tool for keeping your stockings positioned properly.

What is a Garter?
A garter is basically a piece of elastic that is covered by fabric. It slips over your thigh to hold your stockings in place. Modern garters are normally used as a fashion accessory more than a functional piece of underwear. They are most commonly used as a wedding day accessory. Garters can be made from a variety of fabrics including satin, silk, and lace. Brides will usually match the color of their garter with one of their wedding colors.
What is a Garter Belt?
A garter belt is undergarment that is designed to hold up silk stockings. Garter belts come in two basic designs. The first design option is the stand alone garter belt. This type of garter belt slips on over your underpants and has 4, 6, or 8 straps with clamps on their ends. You clamp the straps to the top of your stockings to secure them. The second type of garter belt that you can buy is one that is built into a girdle.
Finding the Right Fit
When you are shopping for a garter you need to measure the widest part of your thigh. This is the measurement that you will need to use to find a garter that will be large enough to comfortably slip onto your thigh, yet small enough to keep it in place. Wedding garters usually come in small, medium, large, and extra large sizes. Use the sizing chart on the back of the package along with your thigh measurement to select the right size for you.
Putting on Your Garter or Garter Belt
A garter is much easier to put on then a garter belt. You simple step into the garter and pull it up to the position on your thigh that you want the garter to sit. The elastic in the garter will keep it in place.
To put on a garter belt takes a little more work. If you bought the type that is built into a girdle then you first need to put on your girdle and stockings. Then you will need to attach the strap clamps to the stockings. The front clamps are fairly easy to fasten, however, the back clamps can be a little tricky. One way that you can do it is to stand like you are taking a large step and then reach one arm through your legs to grab onto the strap clamp, and then reach the other arm around the back of your leg to hold onto the stocking. Then fasten. If you have someone to help you, fastening the back straps to your stockings will be much easier.