Makeup to Match Your Hair Color: Brown, Black, Blonde and Red
Our previous article helped you match your makeup with your eye color. Now, let’s take a look at which makeup looks best on each of the following hair colors:
For Brown Hair:
Avoid light foundation if you have a light skin tone; instead use a tinted moisturizer to have a natural look. We recommend Garnier BB cream.
Also, use a purple shade of a lipstick to contrast.
For Red Hair:
Green eye shadow is a must, no matter what eye color. Also, peach shades work fine as well.
For Blonde Hair:
Match your golden hair with shimmery golden toned eye shadows. Also, pair it with a plum shade of a lip stick or lip gloss.
For Black Hair:
Use a light plum shade to have a pop of color and not seem to dark. Also, use any shade of an eye shadow that can match your blush and lipstick. For example, a dark peachy eye shadow can be matched with coral cheeks and coral lips.