Tummy Tuck Vs. Liposuction: Which is Right for You?
Many women out there aren’t totally satisfied with their bodies. Although we are told we should love ourselves no matter our shape or size, it’s easier said than done – women often turn to surgery to make themselves feel better and give them more confidence. Surgery should be the last option after a healthy, balanced diet and exercise has failed, but there are a few methods proven to be effective. Women often wonder what the difference is between a tummy tuck and liposuction, so we’re going to take a closer look at both in this post and discuss which is the right route for you:

Some people assume that a tummy tuck and liposuction give the exact same result. This isn’t true, although both treatments help to improve the contour of the stomach area and rid it of stubborn fat that’s resistant to exercise.
Liposuction can be used on more areas than just the stomach area, including areas like the chest, face, back, arms, and bum. There’s a procedure called tumescent and super-wet liposuction, which involves a mixture of anesthetic, adrenaline, and salt water being injected into an incision to make the fat easier to remove. Both the liquid and fat are then pulled out using cannulas or metal tubes. In certain procedures, a tummy tuck can be used in conjunction with liposuction – this is usually a treatment favoured by new moms who aren’t happy with the way pregnancy has left their stomachs. Ultrasound assisted liposuction uses sound waves in addition to liquid injections to make the fat liquid, and is used on areas like the face where more accuracy is needed to achieve a satisfactory result.
Tummy Tucks
A tummy tuck, otherwise referred to as abdominoplasty, is a procedure only for the stomach and is a big surgical operation. An incision is usually made in the lower stomach, and weakened muscles are restored and tightened before the excess skin is removed. The stomach area is then flattened and tightend often creating a toned appearance! The difference between lipo and a tummy tuck is that lipo doesn’t concentrate on the saggy skin that can come with excess fat, which is sometimes why both treatments are performed together to get the most satisfactory result. There’s also the option to have a mini tummy tuck for patients who don’t need as much skin or fat removed. This will mean less down time for the patient!
Although both treatments improve the shape of the body and look of the stomach, each procedure is suited to different people. Patients who have lost a lot of weight in a short period of time will usually be left with saggy skin, but this can easily be removed with a tummy tuck. Patients who don’t need as much skin/muscle tightening and would simply like to smooth out a few areas should go for liposuction.
If you’re considering either of these treatments, you should have an in depth consultation with a doctor or surgeon to point you in the right direction and get a good idea of the pros and cons of each!