The Best Part-Time Jobs for Moms
The best jobs for working moms are those with adjustable hours and a decent pay. Moms need to find work that they can plan around their family’s needs. Jobs during school hours are ideal for mothers who have kids at school. These jobs allow you to be home with your kids in the afternoon and help them with their schoolwork, cook for them etc. while supporting your family financially.
Many companies also, these days, allow their employees to work from home and submit their daily work online through email. Here are some of the best part-time jobs we found suitable for moms with kids.
Freelance Writers
No job can top this one. You can work as much or as little you want and set your own earning goals. Freelance writers can work from home with a flexible schedule. You can use a laptop or desktop computer to write articles for print publications or websites. Many companies allow you to control how much you write, so you can work as much or as little hours as you want. Freelance writers must have a firm command of the English language. It helps to have a university degree in areas such as journalism, communications or English.
If writing is not your thing, you can look into many more online freelancing part time jobs available that require you to work from home.
Personal Tutor
For a few hours every day, you can provide personal tuition in any field of your expertise. It is very popular these days, to have a personal tutor to teach you a variety of stuff like speaking a foreign language, playing a musical instrument, learning a particular form of dance, creative arts and crafts, skills like Reiki, Tarot etc.
Nursing offers flexible hours and the option to work a part time job. Many hospitals provide special services to help mothers to meet their personal needs. Nursing skills can also be used in private practice and other related fields in health care. To be a registered nurse, you must complete an approved nursing course from a vocational school or college. With the recent rise in online schooling you can even get your masters degree in nursing online, perfect for a kid-wrestling mom who can’t spare the time to leave home several times a week for school. Nurses are responsible for overseeing the care of a patient when a physician is not present. A nurse is such a forgiving job, but before you start applying for nursing jobs. Make sure you have all of the correct checks. It’s so easy to do these checks now days, for example you can do a CRB online check, which takes around 5 minutes.
Baker or Chef
Yes, you can cook and/or bake for money working part-time. Many restaurants and bakeries require their baked goodies to be made at a particular time. If you are available at that time, you can opt for a part time job. You can also earn without leaving your house by collaborating with a neighborhood bakery or shop to shelf your home-cooked food stuffs like cupcakes, tarts, cookies, savory snacks etc. You need to supply them the decided quantity every day and they sell them fresh each day. It would be a good idea to brand your products so you have the options to expand this part-time arrangement a full-fledged business years later, when your children have grown up and you have lots of time to spare.
You can work as a Teacher while your own children are in school. To be a Teacher, you require knowledge in the field you wish to teach and exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Public school teachers must obtain a bachelor’s degree in a teacher education program and became licensed by the State Board of Education.
Personal Fitness Trainer
Personal trainers usually have a few clients and they work with a gym or at the client’s home. Trainers helps to determine the fitness level of the client, help set goals and motivate the client to work towards these goals. Instructors can also teach batches of clients at the gym skills such as Pilates, yoga, aerobics etc.. Trainers must complete a certification course for personal trainers and apprentice with an experienced trainer before they can have their own clients. Some employers require a degree in a field related to health or fitness.