Holes and Tears: Fast Fixes for Footie Pajama Feet
Most of us love to get into our warm and cozy pj’s for a relaxing evening at home and a nice comfortable sleep.
If you are stepping into your Sleepyheads footie pajamas or something similar, you might find after regular use, that the feet might need a quick fix, as a few holes and tears can sometimes appear.

It is understandable that something you wear a lot will occasionally need some sort of minor repair and you will want your footie pajamas back in action as quickly as possible, so here are some tips to deal with any holes and tears.
Foot traffic fixes
No matter how well made your footie pj’s are, toddler foot traffic is going to be pretty high mileage and that means that the soles of the feet are going to be vulnerable to wear and tear.
There is absolutely no reason to throw away a perfectly good pair of pajamas just because of the appearance of a hole in the sole, especially if there is still plenty of growing room left in the pj’s.
You can find a good number of online tutorials and fixes like the jammie fixer tutorial for some step-by-step visual guidance through the process and here is a look at what items you will need and a walk-through how to get those footie pajamas looking like new again.
Fixing kit
If you are a practical sort of person and comfortable with making a few minor repairs with a needle and thread, then you are already well on the way to having what you need in your fixing kit.
As well as a needle and some suitable thread, you will also need a good pair of scissors and although a thimble is absolutely necessary, you will probably find one helpful if the layers of the fabric are quite thick.
You will also need some thick fleece fabric to use for the repair although flannel might also do the trick. Finally, some chalk or a washable marker might help but don’t worry if you don’t have them in your fixing kit.
Getting started
Start by turning the pajamas inside out and arrange to lay the foot of the pj’s that you are repairing onto the fleece or material that you are intending to use.
You can either try to match the fabric as best you can or as many kids seem to quite like the idea of an odd color that doesn’t obviously match, just find a fabric that works rather than worrying too much about getting a match.
Remove the old soles
Your next move will be to remove the old soles that are worn or torn.
Take care when doing this as the old sole will act as a good template for the new ones that you will be stitching on.
To get a good fit, iron the sole piece so that it is nice and smooth as well as being as flat as possible. Don’t forget to take account of a definite shape for the left and right foot if there was one, and if you want the replacement soles to be as durable as they can be, you could create a fleece lining between two layers, for extra padding as well as durability.
Before you start sewing, you might want to think about pinning the replacement sole into place, which will make it easier and neater.
For best results use a slip stitch, sewing around the patch and the foot of the pajamas. To make the slip stitch, stick the needle through the material in one movement, pulling it snug and also ensuring that you haven’t got any knots in the thread.
Your aim should be to try and match up your new stitches with the old ones. Repeat the process leaving a gap of roughly 3/8” apart from the first stitch but do not sew with the needle then up, if you are making a slip stitch.
Finishing the job
Having worked your way around and attached the new sole to your pajamas, arrange to tie the knot off.
For extra strength, you might want to stitch over the places that have holes so that you are able to connect the patch and the pajama fabric together, although this is optional and you might only want to do this if the hole you are repairing is quite large.
Follow this guide for a fast fix and you will soon have those footie pajamas back in service.
Allison Ernst is a working mom and is a health professional. She has a passion for sharing her experiences and tips with a family-orientated online audience. You can find her posts across a number of different websites.