Crafts & Hobbies

Pretty Easter Basket, Easter Crafts

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Pretty Easter Basket, Easter Crafts

What you will need:

1. Whipped cream container 2. Light pink, white and blue pipe cleaners 3. Scissors 4. White felt 5. Green felt 6. Hot glue gun


1. Cut the green felt in a long strip that will cover the outside of the container.

2. Use the scissors to cut the top of the green strip so that it looks like grass.

3. Plug in the hot glue gun.

4. Cut two ¼ inch wide long strips from the white felt. Make sure that they are long enough to go all the way around the container.

5. Cut “fence posts” out of the white felt. Make sure that they are tall enough that some of the point goes over the top of the container.

6. Poke two holes, opposite each other in the container.

7. Use the hot glue gun to glue the grass, and fence onto the outside of the container.

8. Braid the three pipe cleaners together and put the ends through the holes in the container to make a handle.