Health & Fitness

10 Foods that help you lose weight – Best Weightloss Strategies

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4. Sprouts and Whole Grains

Eating raw sprouted pulses help gain vitamins and fiber. Moong (Green Gram), for instance, sprouts quickly and is beneficial for the health also. A 2001 study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that whole grain breads that contain unrefined grains require you to chew vigorously and create a feeling of fullness, making you less likely to overeat. Scan bread labels and choose brands that list whole grains (like whole wheat, barley, or oats) as the first ingredient and contain at least 2 g of fiber per slice.

5. Nuts, biscuits and Fruits

Instead of munching biscuits or other high-calorie snacks, it’s better to have fruits like grapes, apples or oranges that give you the required energy and also work as great fillers in between meals. Nuts like almonds, packed with monounsaturated fatty acids, contain fats that lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes and also help you control your appetite.

Strawberries are high in fiber and low in calories6. Strawberries, Yum!

They’re full of water, high in fiber (3 g per cup), and super low in calories (just 43 calories per cup), which makes them ideal for weight loss. Strawberries typically contain high levels of pesticide residues, so try to buy organic berries.

7. Fruit Smoothies

Nutrition researcher Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., suggests drinking a homemade fruit smoothie before going out to eat. Mix fruit with low-fat plain yogurt and ice in a blender. If you make your own, smoothies are low in calories but full of water and air, so they fill your stomach and activate sensors that make you feel satisfied. Rolls says drinking water alone before or during meals doesn’t have the same effect.

Smoothie Recipes for Good Health

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