Best Fruits and Vegetables To Make Juice From
Unless you have been living under a rock for years, you’ll know that juicing is one of the hottest trends today. Because of the long list of health benefits, more and more people are now interested in trying out or continuing their juicing journey. Following a green juicing diet allows you to enjoy mental alertness, improved mood, dramatic weight loss, and boost your immune system. Juicing is also one of the best options for people who don’t like to eat fruits and vegetables as a whole. With juicing, you can mix different ingredients and still get your six to eight servings of fruits and veggies every day!

If you’re thinking of doing the same anytime soon, let this article provide you with some of the best fruits and vegetables to use in juicing as listed by
Everyone wants to enjoy younger-looking skin. As much as possible, you don’t want other people noticing the fine lines and wrinkles on your face and other parts of the body. Aside from speaking a lot about your real age, fine lines and wrinkles can eventually take a toll on your mental health and make it very challenging for you to get out of your comfort zone.
For you to enjoy antioxidants, make juice with apples. This fruit is packed with antioxidants, aiding in the repair of damaged cells and the production of new ones. Apples can also boost your immune system, clean your digestive tract, and reduce the cholesterol in your body. This is one of the most obvious reasons why “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
And because apples can go well with any fruits and vegetables, you can use this as your base ingredient for all of your juices. Some of the best ingredients you can use with your apples include carrot, spinach, kale, ginger, and even orange!
Having ulcer problems can be inconvenient and stressful. When you have an ulcer, you’ll frequently feel a burning sensation in your stomach and experience heartburn, making it hard for you to be productive during the day. You’ll be too focused on looking for solutions to relieve yourself of these discomforts that you won’t be able to finish a single task. You can steer away from this direction once you include cabbage in your juices.
Cabbage is an excellent ingredient for juicing because it can aid with ulcer problems. Regularly consuming natural juices made from cabbage can help regulate your metabolism and help your body in detoxifying. But since cabbages don’t taste great when consumed alone, go ahead and look for other fruits and vegetables that can mask its bland taste.
Aside from these, cabbage is also packed with countless nutrients, namely protein, folate, calcium, and magnesium. Cabbage can also prevent inflammation in the body, keep your heart healthy, and lower blood pressure.
If this is your first time to juice cabbage, consider adding blueberry, celery, carrots, and kale to the mix. Apples are also great options when juicing cabbage.
Powdered pineapple juices already taste great, but can you imagine how better the flavor would be once you take this fruit fresh? For your next juicing recipe, make sure that you include pineapples as one of your ingredients. This fruit is a great source of bromelain, a digestive enzyme that aids the body in absorbing and digesting protein. Pineapples also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that can expedite the recovery process of damaged tissues and muscles.
Adding fresh pineapple juices to your diet allows you to ease your digestion, reduce your risk of cancer, boost immunity, and suppress inflammation. Pineapples are also great sources of essential nutrients, such as iron, niacin, and folate.
Some of the best ingredients you can use when juicing pineapples are apples, carrots, spinach, and mango. You can also pair oranges and lemon to your pineapple juice for a sweet and refreshing treat!
Not everyone loves eating vegetables. Because of its bland and bitter taste, a lot of people dislike eating them. This is especially true for children who tend to be picky eaters. However, if you want your body to be safe from breast, colon, and lung cancer, start adding broccoli to your natural juices. This vegetable is loaded with antioxidants and Vitamin C, keeping common illnesses and diseases at bay. Juicing, combined with other fruits and vegetables, is a great way of enjoying broccoli.
One of the best things you can experience when juicing is the fact that you can conceal the flavor of specific fruit and vegetable by using other ingredients. If you want to hide the bitterness of broccoli, add spinach, carrot, or kale to the mix. For a sweet treat, you can also use strawberries and oranges when juicing broccoli.
Most people suffer from digestion problems. If you’re one of them, experiencing symptoms of diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain becomes a regular occurrence. There might even be days when you can no longer function because these sensations tend to become severe. Adding papaya to your natural juices can finally help solve your digestion problems. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which is responsible for faster protein digestion.
You can juice some papaya and consume it after every meal, as a small amount can go a long way. You can also add in a few mints to strengthen the properties that you can enjoy from papaya.
Having a high uric acid level can lead to a spider web of illnesses and diseases. When you have high uric acid, you’ll likely develop gout, kidney diseases, hypothyroidism, and even psoriasis. You can avoid experiencing all of these illnesses by adding celery into your diet. This vegetable can cleanse your digestive system from uric acid, especially if you’re taking it regularly. Because of its high potassium content, celery can also regulate your blood pressure and manage bloating.
If you’re planning to go on a detoxification diet soon, always include celery. This vegetable has high diuretic content, making it easier for your body to remove toxins.

Make Your Own
Now that you know the best fruits and vegetables to make juice from, start looking for recipes that incorporate all of these. Aside from using the internet as your guide and asking for recommendations from people you know, don’t be afraid to try out creating your own juices from fruits and vegetables.