How Women Use CBD to help with Stress
Stress is one of the most common issues that women experience at any age but it seems that the older women get, it gets worse and worse. From picking up the kids from soccer practice to coming home late at night and having to do laundry, we’ve all been there. People cope with stress differently and one natural solution that has helped is a product called CBD. CBD comes in all forms such as CBD hemp flower, CBD tincture, or CBD oils, get yours from All produce the same effects but you have the option of using whichever you feel most comfortable with. But what is it and does it really help?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol and it originates from the hemp plant. The hemp plant has been used for thousands of years but for different purposes. Hemp is used to make rope, shoes, certain textiles, and clothes. CBD is one of the chemical properties inside of hemp and when extracted, it can be used for medicinal purposes.
What is also contained inside the hemp plant is THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, and THC is one of main components in marijuana. Now, marijuana and CBD are two different products but they originate from the same plant. Even though they come from the same plant, they will give you two very different effects.
THC is what is inside marijuana that gives you the stereotypical “high” feeling that some people look for. You will not get it when you buy a CBD product. Even if you consume large quantities of CBD, it is very unlikely that you will feel that way. THC is the property inside marijuana that acts as a psychoactive effect and it can change your neurological thought process. This is why it is used for medicinal purposes and can help people with neurological disorders or physical pains.
Lastly, the main difference between CBD and THC is the level of THC in the product. According to the Farm Bill passed in 2018 by President Trump, it says that any regulated industrial hemp plant can be sold and used only if it contains less than 0.3% of THC.
With this bill, there is a clear distinction between what is considered marijuana and CBD. Marijuana is still illegal at a federal level but now that this bill has passed, the hemp plant is legal at a federal level but with certain restrictions. Regardless of the laws at a federal level, it should be advised to research and see what is allowed within your state or country.
CBD is one of the best ways to relieve stress without taking any pills or changing anything in your diet. With CBD, it just focuses on the affected area and doesn’t give you any psychoactive effects. The CBD hemp flower is primarily used to help people with physical and mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and any injuries they might have. CBD acts as a strong anti-inflammatory and as an anti-anxiety medical product allowing the person to finally feel relaxed.
CBD is currently being incorporated into cognitive therapies and certain medical treatments that help the person alleviate their stressors. The most common disorder CBD treats is social anxiety and anxiety disorders. This is a highly effective alternative for people who are struggling with this disorder who have tried almost everything but nothing seems to work. Anxiety is described as the body’s natural response to stress or the fear of what is to come.
The interaction that CBD does with your brain receptors is important in altering mood and current anxiety levels. It gives the ability for your body to naturally heal itself. Specifically, it has anxiolytic effects that decrease potential neuro-protective properties helping reduce the possibility of getting anxiety and stress. Along with anxiety, CBD helps with pain and hemp oil does wonders to people who can’t live with their troubles.
If you have problem sleeping, CBD can also help you! Sleep is essential to everyone’s health and having a bad night of sleep can affect your whole day. It has helped treat people who have anxiety-induced insomnia and lie awake at night over thinking. CBD helps interact with the naturally occurring melatonin in your brain for you to feel refreshed and ready to take on a new day.
Now that we know what CBD can be used to treat, what are the ways I can use CBD in my daily routine? There are multiple ways you can use CBD but the most common ways are smoking, eating (edibles), and using topical or vape oils.
By smoking CBD hemp flowers, it produces the same effects as you would when consuming any other CBD product. Although, the CBD flower benefits offer a quicker reaction and a faster feeling throughout your body. Because you have to inhale the CBD smoke, it goes through your lungs and circulates much quicker than any other CBD product.
Smoking CBD hemp flowers is what you would normally get when purchasing CBD and is handy if you need an anti-anxiety medication on the spot. If you don’t like smoking or that lifestyle is not for you, the other way you can take CBD is by eating it. Anything that contains a medicinal property inside food, whether it is CBD or marijuana, is considered to be an edible.
Edibles are an effective way to experience CBD without having to smoke but it takes longer to feel the effects compared to smoking. When you eat an edible, it goes through the digestive system and it takes longer for food to process that breathing. Once the CBD has been processed within our bodies, the effects come at once and you begin to feel more relaxed. It normally takes anything between 10-45 minutes to feel it depending on the quantity of CBD you have used.
Another way people use CBD is as an oil product. The topical CBD oils are used to rub on areas that feel sore or injured. Just like any other sports topical, the more massaging and rubbing you do, the more relaxed the area will feel and the muscles will begin to feel less tight. People also buy CBD oils to use in their vape pens. Vaping has become a trend in the past couple of years but it does have some serious health risks that leave almost all doctors concerned.
CBD vape oils are bought and used to refill vape pens. Since vaping is smoking, the effects are felt very quickly. Vaping is more convenient than buying CBD hemp flowers because you don’t need to have a piece (used for smoking) wherever you go. By having the vape, you just pull it out, smoke a puff or two, and go on with your day.
Some of the known side effects that CBD has are fatigue, changes in appetite, changes in weight, nausea, dizziness, and some irritability. These effects may occur because of the mixing with other medications or taking too large of a dosage. There are more side effects but these are primarily the ones that may occur more often. Just as a change in appetite is a side effect, this can also be used as a treatment for a person who is anorexic and needs help maintaining a steady diet. CBD has helped many people who are experiencing disorders in their life or just need to find an all natural way to relax. For everyone out there in need of relaxation, look no further than CBD.