Food & Entertaining

Broad Beans with Wakame Salad

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This salad uses the subtly sweet-flavored sea weed Wakame that is used in many Japanese recipes.

Broad Beans with Wakame Salad - Japanese RecipeIngredients

4 tablespoons chopped wakame

1 finely sliced small onion

1 tablespoon red chili rings

1 ½ cuts broad beans


For marinade

1 teaspoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon rice vinegar


4 tablespoons kelp stock

4 tablespoons rice vinegar

½ teaspoon salt

1 ½ teaspoon soy sauce


Cook broad beans in salted water for 2-3 minutes.

Soak onion in cold water for 10 minutes then drain.

Drain beans and remove skins.

Mix wakame, beans and onion in a shallow pan and add marinade ingredients.

Stir together and allow to sit for 1 hour then drain.

Mix dressing ingredients together and pour over salad and top with chilies.