The Dot Com Women forums have moved to a new address! Join the ‘EVE’olution at Google Plus!

The Dot Com Women Message Boards were a place to make new friends, share ideas, help each other and contribute to the evolution of all women online. We bring back the community on a new forum – Google Plus. G+ is a great platform to share your ideas and your very own ‘Dot Com Women’ community awaits you there.
To Sign Up:
1. You will need a Google account. If you have Gmail, YouTube or any other Google services account, you can use it to join Google Plus.
2. Visit us at Dot Com Women G+ Community and click on ‘Join Community’.
3. That’s it! Start posting your thoughts, ideas and resources and make new friends.
We are also on Facebook
If you’d rather interact with us on Facebook, you can find us there too! We would love to hear your comments and ideas on new and old articles on our website that we keep sharing.