5 Things to Amaze Your Guests at Your Next Garden Party
As the spring approaches many people are making plans that involve their gardens. Maybe this year’s project could be a new patio or building a greenhouse. Maybe a vegetable garden is on the cards. Yes, people the world over share gardening as a common interest, as plants grow the same way wherever you live. We relish the chance to constrain and control nature on our own little plot of land. Of course, nature wins eventually, but while we walk this earth we love to make our gardens part of our home.
Sometimes, however, we get the opportunity to show off our gardens for a special occasion. You may intend to use your garden to host a wedding reception or hold a christening. Whatever the event, this is the chance you have been waiting for. Get it right, and you will earn respect from your peers and be the subject of conversation and praise. Get it wrong and, oh dear, you will be a source of ridicule for the rest of your life.
It’s a good job you are reading this article as you are going to discover 5 awesome ways guaranteed to ensure you get your garden party right. Thank me later.
Guests should never be kept waiting for a drink. With a fully stocked, illuminated, free bar, the party is half way to success. The design of your bar will need to be well considered. It is best if the bar is a permanent feature of the garden; then it can be big and bold. It should be large enough so that four people can sit on stools and still leave room to serve someone else. If you are going to the trouble of building a bar, make it big!
Swimming Pool
Pool parties always go down well, especially for the children. There is no longer any need to excavate a hole in your garden for a pool since new, modern alternatives have become available. There are some beautifully designed free standing pools that come with wooden casings and ladders for access. Maybe, if the pool is to be removed after the party, one of the pools that hold its shape by inflating the rim and filling with water would suffice. These pools have almost reached the status of disposable; they are so cheap.
Fire can set a romantic mood for the party. Firewood is available from Premier Firewood Company and hundreds of other companies online that can be found with an internet search.

Placing several chimineas in the garden instead of one central fire pit will encourage people to move around.
Dance Floor
There is always dancing at parties and, when everyone has left the pool and got themselves a drink, let the music play. The dance floor need only be a patio area that is lit with coloured lights. A hard surface is probably better than decking, where ladies heels may get stuck between the boards.
What more could anyone ask than for a jacuzzi to relax in after a hard night’s partying. A huge jacuzzi that will fit many people is sure to impress. Warm, bubbling water, romantically lit is considered the height of luxury these days.
There you have the ingredients for a perfect garden party. Alcohol, water, fire, and music. We are a primitive lot aren’t we? Rest assured that everyone is going to remember your bash for many years to come. Now you can relax and pass the baton to the next host. A job, I am sure you will agree, well done.