Daffodil & Tulips Flower Arrangement for Easter
Yellow and Blue – springtime pastels for Easter in a lovely flower arrangement!

Base: Ceramic glazed green pie dish
Plant Material Needed:
Larix (Larch) stems
Narcissus (Daffodils)
Yellow Tulips (streaked with red)
Blue Muscari armeniacum
Skimmia japonica rubens in bud
Reindeer Moss (Cladonia rangifera)
Other Material:
Green florist wire
Floral Foam
How to:
Cut and arrange, water-soaked floral foam (about 3 cm thick) on the dish.
Wind Larch stems, complete with cones, to form a circular nest-like construction, with some of the stems arching across the nest. Fix the stems into the nest-like circle using green wire.
Place the nest on the floral foam.
Cover the foam using Reindeer Moss.
Now, insert the flowers as shown through the Larch stems and fix them into the floral foam.
– by Chrissie Harten