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Orange-Copper-Bronze Christmas Flower Arrangement

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Orange-Copper-Bronze Christmas Flower Arrangement
Orange-Copper-Bronze Christmas Flower Arrangement

This arrangement was one of three which I made for a demonstration to Broomsgrove & District Flower Arranging Society.

I have used a brown rectangular base, and two bronze/copper coloured rectangular containers, the taller one placed behind the longer one. These containers were lined with black plastic, as they were made of sisal on a metal framework, and were somewhat see-through.

I then stuffed each container with newspaper, and added floral foam, wrapped in black plastic, for the mechanics.

For the height, I have used some Phormium tenax purpureum, and some copper coloured ting-ting. Other foliage used is Rubus tricolour, Fatshedera lizei, Hedera helix ‘Erecta’, and Hedera colchica variegata. Flowers used were Rosa “Narinja”, Anigozanthos (Kangaroo Paw), and “Kermit” Chrysanthemums.

I have also used some copper coloured artificial leaves and grapes. To link the two containers, I have used some bronze ribbon, and placed some artificial bronze coloured apples at the base of the design.