Love & Relationships

Miraculous Reflection – Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge 15

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Day 15 of the Oprah & Deepak ‘Miraculous Relationships‘ 21 Day Meditation Challenge focused on the mirror of relationship i.e. the idea that all of our relationships are a reflection of ourselves. The centering thought for today was – “The world is my mirror”.

The world is my mirror - Oprah and Deepak meditation Challenge

Our Relationships are a Reflection of Ourselves

Today’s teachings explored the topic of the ‘Law of Attraction‘ discussed on Day 10, further. It is a universal fact that we attract what we are. We are attracted to people who have similar, or more enhanced, traits that we possess. Our mind enjoys their company because it subconsciously feels that being with them will help us cultivate those traits even more in our lives. Similarly, we are repelled by people who reflect back to us traits that that are difficult to face in our own selves.

We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” —The Talmud

This mirror that we now have the knowledge of, can help us see ourselves in a better light and expand our awareness. When we are able to see that everyone in the world is simply sharing our own consciousness, we will eventually drop the need to judge and will open to a greater level of understanding. With each encounter, repeat to yourself:

In you I see me, in me I see you.

With regular practice, it is possible to gradually embrace the existence of all those around us and share the love and light with them. Stay awakened to the fact that each one is acting according to their own mirrors and you will find it easier to feel compassionate in your heart and you will soon witness how the way you see the world begins to change.


Our Sanskrit mantra for the day was “Om Bhavam Namah” which means – I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities. The mantra helps in cultivating stillness, becoming aware of being a part of nature and being non-judgmental about others. It helps us achieve what we have set our minds to. With the goals for today focusing on the the reflections of the inner mirror and accepting all without judgement, I meditated on the mantra with these restful feelings and resolutions. Eventually, everything else fades and only the mantra and the rhythm of my breath remain, until Deepak signals the time to release the mantra.
