Parenting & Family

5 Warning Signs That Your Kid May Be Using Drugs

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We know that raising a kid into today’s world is incredibly risky as there are numerous temptations out there that might corrupt any young mind. And as they grow older, it becomes more and more difficult to figure out if there’s something wrong with them.

5 Warning Signs That Your Kid May Be Using Drugs

By the time they become teenagers, they will try to distance themselves from you, their mood will change as well as their interests. How can you tell the difference between what’s normal and what should be a warning that your kid may be using drugs? Keep on reading to find out.

  1. Watch his/her behavior

According to what behavioral scientists had to say about the onset effect of drugs, it seems that one of the earliest warnings you could get in predicting possible drug use is a change in behavior and mannerism.

If you see that your child has suddenly changed his or her entourage or maybe you notice them trying to distance themselves from friends or family, then this might be a bad sign. Isolation or a noticeable decrease in communication are other signs thatyou must keep an eye on.

  1. Mood swings

As we previously said, as a kid grows older, he/she might experience mood changes that are completely natural. However, if you observe a development into irrational or dramatic behavior, take action. They might become violent and abusive, both physically and verbally, so keep this in mind as well.

If they threaten you with leaving the house and dropping out of school, then they might be using drugs. The opposite behavior is possible as well. So, look out for signs of depression or apathy.

  1. Personality changes

If your kid used to be an active go-getter and,all of a sudden, he or she begins to show signs of apathy or his or her productivity levels tumble to the ground, then this is a red flag.

A decrease in your kid’s grades and poor performance in class are other possible scenarios. It’s only natural that your child might be changing as the growth process takes place. However, you shouldn’t ignore these signs.

  1. What you can see

If we told you about the possible psychological signs, let us show you some physical evidence. Since drugs take a toll on one’s body, you should look out for:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Sudden weight changes
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Nosebleeds
  • Tremors
  • Drowsiness
  • Unexplained injuries, like bruises
  1. Obscure items

We don’t advise you to invade your kid’s privacy, but if you have reasons to be worried, then try to see if your kid might be in possession of things like smoke pipes, lighters, bongs, needles or vials. These are clear signs that he or she might be on drugs.

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