The Rise of the Surrogate Mother
Bringing a baby into the world and your family is a blessing which most people work towards making a reality. But many of us are waiting longer to start a family, as we strive to have a career and be in a stable position, before we decide to settle down.
The modern person wants it all: The security of a stable career, the safety of a long-term relationship, the nice house, the new car and then a child. It is fair to say that children are lower down the list of accomplishments nowadays, and people are getting older before they think about starting a family. Consequently, fertility problems are becoming more common and having a child can be far more difficult than ever imagined.
And there are other factors which have an affect too. Our modern lifestyle means sexually transmitted diseases are rife and those who contract them leave themselves at risk of becoming infertile as a result.
Medical conditions can also play a part in the difficulties in conceiving.
Medical experts and equipment specialists such as are collaborating to to find cures to infertility, but as of yet there is little that can be done which doesn’t cost the patient hundreds of thousands of pounds. Instead, people are turning to surrogate mothers to carry a child for them. This is the perfect solution, as it not only means a person can still become a parent, if they are unable to conceive naturally, the child will also be theirs genetically. It is becoming far more common to use a surrogate mother, than other methods such as IVF, adoption or sperm donors.

Celebrities too are using surrogates in a bid to become parents. Some female celebrities have had long publicised battles with infertility and have used surrogates to ensure they can realise their dream of becoming a mother.
Caprice is a model and businesswoman who waited until her late 30s before trying for a family. She was met with endless problems trying to conceive and turned to a surrogate to carry her child. Shortly after the surrogate became pregnant, Caprice fell pregnant naturally and the two children are a matter of weeks apart in age.
Another famous woman who turned to surrogacy was Nicole Kidman. For years she had suffered miscarriages and an inability to conceive and ended up adopting two children with her former husband Tom Cruise. But after marrying her second husband Keith Urban, Nicole fell pregnant naturally, but for her fourth child she opted to use a surrogate. The reasons behind this are unclear, whether it was she was having difficulty falling pregnant again or because she didn’t have time in her career for a pregnancy.
It is now far more acceptable to use a surrogate. People are far more open about battles to conceive nowadays, where in the past it was always a hushed topic of conversation with people feeling inadequate if they were unable to bear a child. Regardless of personal opinion of surrogacy, and the legal implications and emotions, which surround it, this route allows people to become parents and fulfil a life long dream even if they are unable to do so naturally.
This article was written by Amanda Walters, an experienced freelance writer and regular contributor to Huffington Post. Follow her here: @Amanda_W84
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