7 Essential Inventions by Women
If you’re a girl or woman who dreams of seeing your visionary solution, product or technology become a reality, then don’t for a moment think that you’re unwanted or unwelcome on the inventor landscape because of your gender. To inspire and motivate you, here are 7 essential inventions by women that have changed the world:
The Computer Algorithm

Back in 1843, Ada Lovelace was translating notes for her mathematics professor when she added some notes and greatly expanded the theoretical foundation. The result? The world’s first computer algorithm.
The Life Raft

It’s hard to imagine that before Maria Beasley invented the life raft in 1882, crew and passengers severely risked their lives every time they hit the water. In fact, Beasley’s life rafts were used on the Titanic and are credited with saving more than 700 lives.
The Fire Escape

In 1887, Anna Connelly invented something that remains absolutely critical to this day: the fire escape. What’s more, Connelly’s invention was a huge driving force that eventually led to fire escapes being mandatory in municipal building codes.
The Windshield Wiper

When it comes to amazing vehicle accessories, most people think of after-market additions like VenomRex VR-601 wheels, off-road suspension kits, and so on. But where would be without the good ol’ windshield wiper, which was invented by Mary Anderson in 1903?
Bullet-proof Fiber
The vision and hard work of Stephanie Kwolek led to the invention of bullet-proof fiber in 1966. This material would eventually become known as Kevlar, and be used in all kinds of applications from police vests to bridge cables, and even frying pans.
Caller ID and Call Waiting

Caller ID and call waiting are basic communication staples these days. But it wasn’t always that way (much to the horror and dismay of some younger readers!). It’s all thanks to the genius of Shirley Ann Jackson, whose groundbreaking research and development work in the 1970s not only led to caller ID and call waiting, but also to fiber optic cables and solar cells. Yes, all four of these history-changing inventions were envisioned and brought to life by one amazing woman!
Stem Cell Isolation

In 1991, Ann Tsukamoto invented a process to isolate stem cells found in bone marrow. This profound breakthrough has saved thousands of lives, and has greatly advanced medical research into various types of cancer and other diseases.
Honorable Mention: Monopoly
Before wrapping-up, let’s shine the spotlight on another invention that may not be in the same life-saving category as stem cell isolation, fire escapes or life rafts, but is nevertheless one that has changed the world: the board game Monopoly.

Invented by Elizabeth Magie in 1904 and originally called “The Landlord’s Game”, Monopoly was intended as a critique of excessive capitalism. The game was stolen by Charles Darrow, who sold it to Parker Brothers in 1935 (and regrettably, Darrow was not sent directly to jail without passing Go!). The good news is that Parker Brothers did eventually locate the game’s rightful creator and offer her some compensation. The bad news is that the amount was a paltry $500 — or about $9,000 in today’s dollars.