Female Gambling: This is How Women Do It
It wasn’t until the beginning of the 1980’s that the gambling industry welcomed thousands of avid female players inspired by the feminist movement commotion. Gambling was no longer a male thing, it was taken on by enthusiastic housewives and relentless gals searching an outlet for their unrestrained energy and young spirit.

There’s always been a colossal and substantial difference between the way men and women approach things, and gambling is no exception. How women understand the concept of gambling largely differs from that men do. The prolonged male dominance in the industry over the latter half of the 20th century has left its significant impact on the way gambling has been formed. However, as soon as the female element emerged in the gambling culture, the enterprise couldn’t but employ some of the feminine peculiar features of thinking and playing. Despite first spotted as long as about 30 years ago, female gambling is still a novel phenomenon for the gaming enterprise. We hereafter dedicate this article to an in-depth overview of how women hit it big in gambling!
So, What Does Female Gambling Constitute?
Generally speaking, for most women, gambling is a special form of relaxation, and this is what separates them from male gamblers in the first place in terms of how both genders approach gambling and what goals they pursue. Letting your guard down in a steamy poker game on a “laid-back” Friday night or hitting the buttons of online slots while having a slumber party with your girl friends are the most common occurrences of female gambling activity. And, in many cases, women’s call for gambling is fueled by alcohol or other controlled substances, which encourages them to throw away large sums of money, indulging to the irresistible passion to try their luck. Unlike, men, women’s interest for gambling is also represented by a number of rather incidental questions like “If it possible to win if you’re sick?” or “Why is Dan Bilzerian famous?”
What Games do Most Women Prefer, Then?
They don’t tend to choose skill-based games, which is explained by the entertainment-driven goals women follow through on. Female players largely favor slot games, Bingo, Keno, and lottery, where they can savor the spirit of fun and idleness. According to the numerous studies on female gambling behavior, most women would rather opt for social gaming than hit the games requiring only one or two players. The scientists suggest that such an option range in gambling lies in women’s ingrained tendency towards socializing with their peers.
There is a number of reasons why women like specifically these games. First, slot games have the biggest payouts a casino can offer. Second, these games require no strategy, so women can rely on the shared experience. Third, slots are highly entertaining and focused on the player’s visual perception. And, lastly, the sessions of these games are quite short, which draws special attention of women always pressed in time.
Women’s Reaction to Gambling Losses
Following a study conducted by Australian Gambling Research Centre scholars, women are much more mentally resilient than men when it comes to suffering a gambling loss. Moreover, it’s been proven that male players exhibit more aggression and are more inclined towards displaying erratic behavior at casinos. As for women, they are more prone to experiencing sadness and frustration during or after a game. Among the particular women’s reactions to losing money when gambling there is crying, sad facial expressions, or body language suggesting grief or distress.
Problem Gambling in Women
The incidence of problem gambling among women depends on several major factors, which include age, character type, etc. But it was also proven by numerous psychological and sociological studies that one more immense factor that gambling addiction development in women is a lifestyle. Researchers have argued that many female players’ gambling hobby spirals out of control as a result of them getting bored with routine life. Another reason why women dive into an uncontrolled gaming circuit is loneliness. A lot of ladies tend to make up for their pathetic and sole time-spending by letting off their steam at some packed casino. Comparing women’s problem gambling to that of men’s, it’s important to mention that female players are more subject to developing this type of addiction. Several scientific reports state that women begin to gamble at an average age of 34, while the average number for men who commence gambling is 24. The factor underlying this scientific fact is simple to explain: with age, addiction gets far more difficult to overcome.
All in all, personality determines problem gambling in people more than gender. It all depends on the woman’s disposition, willpower, and outlook, each of them defining the way she treats things and gambling in particular.