The Billionaire’s Surrogate – Part 6
Previous – Chapters 41-50
After searching the whole first floor,
Andre,Gianna,the Butler and the two maids went to the second floor of the house.
Valora now got scared,
If they’re to find the boy,
All her plans will fail and the boys would expose her,
She was thinking of a good idea to make everyone stop looking for the boys but she got none.
Gianna and Andre were still relentlessly looking for their boys.
When they moved to the second floor,
She hurriedly went to the room in which shed locked the boys,
She peeped through the keyhole,
The boys were asleep on the floor of the room.
She touched her pocket to bring out her cellphone and it dawned to her that she hadn’t collected the phone from the boy when she locked them up.
Now I’m doomed.
She couldn’t call her boss and no one could help her out in this one.
Slowly and steadily,
An idea came to her,
She’s going to go with the flow and search the whole second floor but makes sure no one searches the room,
When everyone has gone away,
She’s going to come back and finish with the boys.
Perfect plan….
But what if the boys wakes up before she comes back,
It’ll be very difficult handling them when they’re awake……
Valora you’ve to think fast,
Think fast…..
I’m must going to get everyone out,
Then come back to get the boys.
After searching the whole second floor,
Gianna was going to search the room where Valora had locked up the boys,
But Valora stopped her immediately,
“Ma’am, I’ve searched the whole place but the boys are no where to be seen.” She said,
Blocking Gianna from going there in pretence of talking to her,.
“I’ve checked this whole place still no sign of the boys,
My gut’s telling me they might have wandered out.” She continued.
Gianna who was worried sick about her sons,turned to Andre,
“What if they’ve gone out again?” She asked him,
“We’ve looked for them here and they’re not here,
Let’s go outside and look for them.” She suggested,
Andre nodded and they all went downstairs and trailed outside to look for the boys.
While everyone was engrossed with the search faraway from the house,
Valora snuck back to the house and went to the second floor and opened the door.
Both boys were still asleep and from the looks on their face,
They were hungry.
She slowly carried Justin up,
The boy was a deep sleeper,so didn’t noticed the lady carry him chubby body from the cold tiled floor.
She slowly took the boy outside but couldn’t lock the room because her hands were glued to the boy’s chubby body.
Taking him downstairs, she carried him out through the back door and headed to the other side of the sea to possibly drown the boy there.
Meanwhile Reid who though was a light sleeper woke up when he noticed that Justin’s arm that was wrapped around him had been taken away,
He was so tired weak and hungry,so he couldn’t wake up.
But when he heard the faint sound of the door creak,he slowly and groggily opened his his sleepy eyes,
He saw a figure walking out of the room,then closing the door,
Reid couldn’t stand up from the cold floor because his body seemed to have stiffened from having lying on the bare floor for a long time now.
When he was sure the figure had left,
He gathered all the strength he could and slowly got up.
With his eyes cleared a bit,he looked around the room but he Justin wasn’t there,
Where’d he gone to?
And why did he leave without him?
He stood up from the floor he was sitting on and went to the door,
It was locked but when he pulled the knob,
It opened.
When did Valora open the door?
Maybe she’d taken Justin away and was coming for him.
With these thoughts, he ran to the first floor and straight to his parent’s room.
The door was open,so he dashed in.
The room was empty,
Daddy.” He called softly to avoid Valora hearing him but no answer.
Where’d they gone to?
Had they gone out without me and big brother?
He came out of the room and tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen but the Butler wasn’t there.
Where’s everyone?
Looking through the kitchen window,he saw Valora taking sleeping Justin out of the house.
Where’s she taking big brother to?
He wanted to follow her and stop her but he knew he wasn’t strong like his big brother.
Valora might outrun him if he tries to confront her,
So first,he’d to go look for their parents then have them confront Valora.
Reid ran as his frail legs could carry him,
The first place he ran to was the bushes but he saw no one there,
So he decided to check the seaside,
On getting there,he caught sight of the Butler from far but before he could run to him,
Something hit him from behind.
Not wanting to look back and therefore lose balance he began to run while someone who he believed was Valora chased him.
Running a few meters,
It seems like the seaside was still miles away from him and Valora was gaining on him.
He was tired and his heart beat were beginning to hyperventilation but he didn’t want to stop,
His life,his mommy’s and brother’s life were all in his hands now and he’d to save them no matter what.
“Mom……” He wanted to call again but his heart couldn’t let him,
He was running short of oxygen but still didn’t want to stop.
He’d to save big brother and mommy first.
Instead of calling out to his parents who were by the seaside calling out to him and his brother,
He decided to take the risk and run up to them.
When he was sure he was close enough,
He called to them,
Gianna who was worried and still searching heard the boy’s cry.
While Valora who was still chasing the kid,picked up a small rock and threw it at the boy.
Reid felt the impact of the rock on his back but that didn’t stop him,
When he saw his mommy running towards him,
He ran even faster to get to her before Valora get to him.
“Reid!” Gianna called seeing the boy running towards her,
She saw another figure running after the boy,
Was Reid being chased?
Where’s Justin?
She accelerated her speed and in no time,
The boy was in her arms,
Trying to catch his breathe.
“Andre!” She cried loudly to attract the other peoples attention.
“Mom……my……Jus…..tin…..Save…” Immediately he said that,she shushed him up,
“Reid don’t say any word please,
You’re going to be alright.” She continued to rub the boys palms while Andre and the rest surrounded them.
“Gianna what happened to Reid?
Where’s Justin?” Andre asked taking the boy from her grip,
“Jus..tin…Va…lo..ra…save..” He slurred his words as his eyes moved to the direction to the other side of the sea.
“Andre, he’s trying to tell us something.” Gianna cried,
“Andre,Justin isn’t here and he’s saying,” she looked at the boy’s lip that was moving incoherently,
“Valley?” She guessed,
She was trying yo guess his words through the movement of his lips,
He moved his lips again,
And this time she…
“Valora!” She said.
Then it dawned to them,
Valora wasn’t with them.
Andre stood up from beside the boy and looked around,
Valora isn’t there and so was Justin,
If his hunches are right,
Valora is with Justin.
And if that’s correct,
He’s going to kill her and feed her body to the fishes of the sea.
He won’t spare anyone that hurt his woman or his sons.
He raised his head up to the direction his son was looking at,
“Anna,you guys should take Reid I side and attend to his medical needs,
I’m going to get Justin.”
With anger that he hadn’t possessed before.
When he went to the seaside, he didn’t see Justin neither did he see Valora,
He moved around for sometime before he heard muffles by the bushy path.
Slowly he walked to the direction of the muffling sound.
Lo and behold,it was Justin,
The little boy was wet and cold,
His face had some blood stains on his cheeks and his hands,
Andre ran to the boy and scooped him up,
“Daddy.” The boy whispered in between sobs and muffles,
“Justin you’re alright.” He said,caressing the boy’s hair.
“Daddy,she pushed little brother and wanted to hurt mommy too.” The boy said.
Andre looked around but saw no sign of Valora,
“Where’s she?” He asked the boy,
He pointed to the water,
Andre didn’t know what to do and what to say to the boy,
“Don’t tell your mommy about this.” He said,
The boy who was sobbing quietly nodded,
“If she asks you,tell her that Valora escaped in a boat okay.” He said,
While the boy looked at the man with a surprised but scared expression.
He’d just killed the woman and his father’s telling him not to tell his mommy,
Asking him to lie to her that the bad person escape.
“Daddy I killed her..” He said,more like a confession.
He hugged the boy closer,
“No you didn’t son,
She tried to kill your mommy and brother,
So you defended yourself.” He said,
“She fell into the water cause I pushed her.” He said,
“She was going to push me in but I swayed away from her grip and pushed her instead.” He explained,
The thought of him being a killer at a young age scared him like hell,
His little brother’s going to be scared of him when he find out what he’d done.
His mommy’s going to hate him too.
“You aren’t a killer son,
You were just trying to protect yourself and your family.”
He assured the boy,
“And make sure your mommy don’t find about this.” He added,
The boy nodded and rested his head on his father’s shoulder as the man took him towards the Beach House.
When they got home,
Gianna had just finished giving Reid his medication and the boy was lying in her arms,
Though he wasn’t asleep.
“Big brother!” He called out immediately he saw his father enter the house with his older brother in his arms.
Justin who was resting in his father’s arms,
Raised his head the moment he heard Reid called,
Gianna looked up from her thought and saw Andre with Justin,
She stood up and went go take the boy from Andre,
“Big brother.” Reid called his brother,
The boy gave him a weak smile,
“I’m so sorry,
Mommy was so careless and she couldn’t look after your brother very well.” She said,
Hugging both son together.
“Mommy don’t be sad okay,
I and little brother are deeply sorry for making you very worried.” The boy apologized on his behalf and his younger brother’s.
“No son you don’t have to be,
Mommy’s sorry and from now,mommy won’t leave you and your brother alone.” She kissed both boy’s forehead.
Andre stood by the side and closely watch the boys and their mother go through their emotional stage.
But deep within, he was worried,
Who would have sent Valora to hurt Gianna and Reid?
Was it Jasmine?
Or one of those actresses that hate Gianna?
But they don’t know that she has a son,
So it’ll difficult to say they’re responsible for this.
That leaves him with Jasmine.
Would Jasmine stoop so low to hurt Reid too?
And how did she find out that they were in this newly purchased Beach House.
No one had know about this house,
He sure made it a top secret to everyone and his family too.
If the person who’d sent Valora knew about this Island,
Then the person sure do know a lot and is up to no good.
He can’t believe someone had planned to hurt Gianna and Reid.
Now he has to tread carefully with them.
He’d to do something to stop anyone targeting them to get him.
He can take anything but either one of the three getting hurt.
To be continued.
The next few days,Gianna never left the boys,
Even though Andre was warming up for affection from her,she diverted all her attentions to the boys,
And Andre didn’t like it one bit.
“Mommy you’re going to sleep with us tonight again please.” Reid said to her during dinner,
Andre frowned hearing the boy,
“No,she’s going to stay with me,
She has been staying with you guys since yesterday.” He seethed,
“Andre,I’ll have to stay with the boys tonight,
They need me more than you do.” She said,
Both boys leaped with excitement but Andre wasn’t happy.
Why choose the kids over him,
He’s their father and her man.
She should be prioritizing him before them..
“But daddy,mommy has been staying with you ever since we came here,
She’s only spent just yesternight with us,so we want her to spend tonight with us too.” Justin said from his dinner.
Normally, he isn’t the kind of kid that fight for his parents attention but for the past few days,
He has started being clingy to his mommy.
Most times,he fought with his younger brother unintentionally for who’s going to get more attention from her.
Andre looked at Gianna for her to say something but she didn’t,
“Mommy’s staying with us tonight or I won’t be able to sleep fine.” Reid said to none in particular,
“Yes mommy,if you don’t stay with us,
We won’t be able to sleep well.” Justin added too,
Gianna smiled at both boys,
“Don’t worry,mommy’s going to stay with you guys tonight okay.”
As soon as she said this,
Andre’s countenance changed.
Andre stood up immediately,
“I’m done here.” He said to them,
It was obvious he was angry.
“Andre…” Before Gianna could speak up,he left the dining room.
“Mommy what’s wrong with daddy?” Reid and Justin asked her simultaneously,
“Daddy’s just tired…..
” Is daddy jealous?” Reid asked smiling mischievously,
“Daddy’s jealous.
Daddy’s jealous.
Daddy’s jealous.” Both boys chimed in a rhythm while Gianna was confused,
Why’s he being this hard?
I just want to spend time with the kids, that’s all.
Not like I’m leaving him forever.
Now she lost her appetite,
“Mommy can you feed me these lobsters.” Justin spoke up,
“Yes,feed me and big brother some lobsters,
Daddy’s grownup and can take care of himself.” Reid spoke up.
Ever since he started being with his brother Justin,
He felt more relaxed with him and was willing to share his mommy’s love and attention with his brother,
Unlike before he was selfish and self centered and wanted her for himself alone.
Now he’s willing to share with his brother and has planned on taking him on in his personal life too.
“Okay.” She kept her cutleries and began to feed both boys,
Watching each wait in ecstasy as she fed the other.
Occasionally, Reid helped his brother peel of some lobsters and fed him while she fed them both.
After putting the boys to sleep, she lay on the bed in between both boys but sleep couldn’t come.
There were a lot of things in her mind.
Especially what happened the other day between the kids and Valora.
She was shaken by it but didn’t want both the boys and Andre to worry.
Who’d sent Valora to harm her and Reid?
Is it Jasmine?
Or is it someone else?
She was lost in thought, she didn’t notice Andre enter the room and climbed up to the bed.
He couldn’t get any closer to her cause both boys had their little arms wrapped around her and Justin had his legs too around hers.
What a sleeping demon?
Sleeps like his mommy.
He touched her shoulder slightly and she came back to her senses,
Andre.” She called shockingly,
“Don’t shout,the boys are asleep.” He whispered to her.
“Follow me.” He whispered to her,
Gianna shook her head,
He’s at it again,
Trying to make her leave the boys.
“Just come with me.” He said in a very hushed tone,
She shook her head,
Then covered herself and the boys but Andre pulled off the blanket,
“Come with me.” He said more adamantly this time,
Not wanting him to wake up the boys,
She slowly drew down from the bed and came down,
Carefully taking off the boy’s wrapped arms and legs around her.
Immediately she got off the bed,
Andre pulled her out of the room quickly but quietly.
“Andre what do you want now?” She asked him as he dragged her out of the room to the balcony.
“Andre,I’m suppose to be in bed but you just dragged me out here,
What do you want?” She asked defiantly,
But he didn’t say a word.
He made her seat on the Wicket’s seat while he sat down opposite her,
“Andre talk to me,
What happened?
What in the name of God do you want?” She asked,
“I want you.” He spoke in a very hush but masculine voice.
She frowned,
She knew he was going to get to this.
“Andre,you just called me out to tell me that?” She asked him frowning,
Andre stood up from the wicket seat,
“Yes.” He said proudly,
She sighed,
“Andre you’re so impossible.” She stood up to leave but he blocked her way.
“I haven’t given you the permission to leave.” He said,
Gianna didn’t try to plead with him,
Rather she became more adamant and stubborn.
“Andre,I need to go,
The boys might wake up soon and I won’t want them not to find me beside them.” She said,
Andre’s naughty smile diminished into a frown,
“The boys again?” He groaned in frustration.
Is he getting jealous of his sons?
She asked herself, seeing how he reacted to her using the boys as an excuse to get away from him.
“What do you mean by that Andre?” She asked him,
“What I mean is that,
Why does it have to be them?” He asked raising his voice now,
“Andre,they’re still kids and need me to always watch over them,
I mean they need us to watch over them.” She pointed to him and herself.
“Anna,they’re eight and capable of taking care of themselves,
At lease,I’ve seen Reid handle himself while you were away with me,
With Justin with him they should be able to….”
“Andre I can’t risk their lives with such assumptions.” She interrupted him,
“And what does that mean?” He asked her,
“It means that we did leave the boys to handle themselves the past days and in the process we almost lost them both,
It was because of our negligence that the boys almost got harmed by Valora.” She spoke out.
Andre frowned,
“What are you insinuating?” He asked her,
“Andre,I don’t mean for us not be be together but I would prefer being the kids always,
Cause I don’t know what I’ll do if what happened yesterday should repeat itself.” She explained,
“So I’m now the cause of what happened right?
Staying with me is now the cause of what happened?” Andre asked her haughtily.
“I never said that Andre…”
“But you meant that.” He said rather louder than others,
Gianna couldn’t say more,
It’s useless arguing with him.
“Andre,its late already,
I don’t think I want to argue with you now.
Just let me go back to the boys when you are ready to talk in a sane way,let me know.” Gianna was now annoyed at his attitude but Andre cared less.
“No we’re ending this tonight and you’ll have to choose the boys or me.” He said,
Now this is where it’s getting serious.
“Andre, I don’t want to do this.” Gianna warned tiredly but angrily,
He surged up to her and put his hands on her waist,
But Gianna slapped him off,
“Andre let me go.” She cried.
“Gianna you’re my woman and I own you,
You’re mine and mine alone….” She forcefully pushed him away from her,
“Andre you don’t own me!
I’m not your sex toy or puppet,so you don’t own me.” She said to him,
Feeling upset and angry at his words.
“And get this clear Andre,
I’m choosing my sons over you and I’ll choose them over and over again.” With these words,
She brushed past him and left the balcony.
She headed to the boy’s room,snuck back into the bed with tears in her eyes.
How dare him?
How dare him say he own me?
I’m not his property,
I’m human and I have feelings.
Why can’t he just understands that the kids should come first before any other thing.
She lay on the bed for over an hour,waiting for sleep to claim her as she laid on the bed between her son and warm tears dropped down her eyes,
But sleep wasn’t forthcoming.
She tossed and turn at intervals but sleep eluded her.
So she snuck out again,
But this time she snuck to his bar.
He must be asleep now cause I don’t want to see his disgusting face again.
This was her earnest prayer as she went downstairs.
Actually, she wanted to get some alcohol for herself.
Don’t get her wrong.
Yes she can’t handle her drink but now,she just wanted to drown in the anger that was surging in her.
She just wanted to get drunk,
Then climb back to bed and have a proper rest with her sons.
Slipping out if the bed,she snuck out of the room in the calmest and most quiet way ever.
She headed downstairs for the bar and luckily Andre wasn’t there.
Getting out a sit,
She pulled out a bottle of Bourbons and Martins.
Since she knew less about alcohol,she didn’t bother to know what drink she’d brought out.
She only took out a wineglass and helped herself to both.
She was just having her second glass when she began to feel tipsy.
But nevertheless, she wanted to get drunk.
All her life she’s never taken such path,
Taking alcohol without being forced but now Andre has pushed her to her limit.
She’s so angry now she doesn’t want to see his face again.
How dare him day he owns her?
He’s very stupid for thinking so,
She’s no one’s property.
She’s a human with feelings and emotions too,
Not a stuffed toy that can be shoved between two people.
She was very drunk by the time she finished half the bottle of both the Bourbon and the Martin.
Her legs couldn’t carry her as she tried to stand up,
So she sat on the floor beside the bar desk and waited for the drink to wear off.
Falling asleep on that same floor,
She didn’t notice the arms that pulled her up and took her upstairs.
To be continued.
Andre was restless after Gianna left him in the balcony,
He wasn’t only restless but both frustrated and angry at himself.
He shouldn’t have taken their argument as far as making her choose between him and the boys.
Normally, every mother would choose her kids to her husband,
And he isn’t even yet her husband so why act stupid and try make her choose.
Now she’s angry at him.
He wanted to follow her and apologize to her but he knows Gianna so well,
When she’s angry,she doesn’t think straight and he won’t want to disturb her again.
Sadly,he walked into his room and sat on the bed.
The bed that had held the both of them for days now,
But now she isn’t on the bed,
She’s with her son and probably shedding tears because he decided to make a fool out of himself and told her he owns her.
He owns her.
What a stupid phrase to use on her.
He shouldn’t have made that statement,
Now she’s going to hate him like she does when they’d met earlier.
What she said to him then very was correct,
He’s a selfish and a jealous bastard and might lose what he has to jealousy.
He’s beginning to lose her cause of his jealous nature.
But he can’t help it,
Seeing her with another person always annoys him.
Most times,he wants her to always be by him and no one else.
“Including your sons?” A voice asked him,
He turned,he saw no one except himself from the mirror.
His subconscious self.
“Do you get jealous too when she’s with your sons?” The voice asked him,
“Most times,
Like this evening,I got jealous when she was feeding the boys lobsters but didn’t bother calling me back to dinner when I left.” He said honestly.
“And now she told you she’ll choose the boys to you,
How do you feel?” The voice asked him again,
“I feel very angry,
How can she choose the boys to me when I’m their father and can make her have more babies if she desi……..”
“Then do you know what you’re?” The voice asked him and he stopped talking,
Andre only shook his head,
“You’re a selfish and self-centered prick.” The voice said to him and he frowned.
Is he really that bad?
He stood up from the bed and was determined to go to the boy’s room and apologize to her.
“I’m going to tell her I didn’t mean what I said earlier,
That I was just being irrational and selfish but I didn’t mean it…
“What about saying sorry?” The voice asked him again,
“Why don’t you say sorry too?” It asked him..
“Okay,I’m going to say sorry to her and tell her I don’t mean what I said and I was just being selfish and self-centered but now I’m very sorry.” He rehearsed.
Opening his door,he walked to the boy’s room and opened their door but surprising,
She wasn’t there.
He got inside and went to check the bathroom but she wasn’t there too.
Where’d she gone to?
He carefully closed the door behind him and went back to the balcony to see if she’s there,
But she wasn’t there too.
He searched the guest rooms on the first floor but she wasn’t there.
So decided to go downstairs,
She might have gone to the kitchen to get something.
While going to the kitchen,he past through the dining but she wasn’t there,
But while at the rear end of the dining,
He heard soft sleep breathe coming directly from the bar.
Slowly he walked towards the bar to check whether anyone was there.
He saw no one but he saw a glass of half finished drink,
And two bottles on the bar desk,
One Bourbon and one Martin.
Wait,who came here?
He pushed the chair and looked beside it,
There was Gianna lying peacefully on the floor.
Was she the one drinking?
Slowly he scooped her up and carried her in a bridal style upstairs to his room.
She was very drunk,so only made muffles sound as he lay her on the bed.
He carefully took out her nightie which reek from the pungent smell alcohol.
Leaving her with her white lacy panties.
She was putting on no bra.
Normal her,she doesn’t wear bra to bed.
He carefully pulled her hair up in a ponytail and carried to her the bathroom to wash her up.
While washing her naked body in the tub,
Andre couldn’t concentrate,
He’s was having a pretty bad hard on and wanted nothing more than making wild love to her.
To make her scream his name as he climaxed in her but she was asleep and drunk.
Washing her thighs,he figured out something,
She had been very sored.
They were some faint bruises between her legs and some faint bite marks on her neck and shoulder.
All these was the aftermath of their previous love making.
He’d an unmounted strength and insatiable hunger for her while she’s as fragile has a soft dough,
Whichever way you hold it,your hand still leaves an imprint on it.
He’d been so selfish and clouded by lust and pleasure he didn’t realize how sore she’s always after making love to her.
Now he realises why she could use the kids as excuse to stay away from him.
Whenever she’s with him,
He always end up making love to her and whenever he does,she always end up sore.
Making sure the smell of the alcohol is gone from her,
He scooped her naked body from the tub and carried her to the bed,
Bringing out a fresh and net nightie and a new panties for her.
He held her on as he got her cladded,
Then went in to have a shower since he was already wet from washing her.
When he came back to the room,she was fast asleep,
He couldn’t lay on the bed with her,
For the fear of making love to her again and leaving her sore.
So he covered her well with the duvet then went to the guest room to pass the night there.
Gianna woke up with a splitting headache,she slowly opened her heavy and groggy eyelids and looked around for the boys,
But surprisingly,they weren’t beside her…..
No wait,
She’s in Andre’s room.
How did she get here?
She began to think harder while her head was exploding.
She recalled going to the bar and getting some drinks for herself….
Then what happened?
She got drunk…….
She can’t remember what happened after that.
But being in Andre’s room gave her one clue.
Quickly, she opened the blanket and looked at her body,
She was putting on a new nightie,
She raised her nightie up,
And a new panties.
Andre’s such a shameless man.
She placed her hands between her thighs and touched both sides,
She wasn’t sore at all.
If Andre had slept with her,
She’ll be very sore but now she isn’t,
Which means he hadn’t slept with her.
She doesn’t even now how to feel about that,
Happy that he’d allowed her rest,
Sad because she misses him.
She’s happy now.
She slowly got up to go check on the boys but before she could,
The door opened and Andre walked in with a tray in his hands.
He came towards her and placed the tray on the side table.
“Good morning Anna.” He said to her as he placed the tray on the table,
He went to the window and pulled the curtains up,
Allowing the fresh sunlight to penetrate the room.
“Morning.” Gianna muttered,
Recalling their argument last night,she didn’t want to talk to him at all.
He came back and handed the tray to her,
“Here’s your breakfast.” He said to her,
She didn’t look at the content of the tray,
Rather her dark almond eyes were fixated on him.
He look like he didn’t have a good sleep,
He had eye bags under his eyes.
Even though his body says the opposite,
She knew him so well,
He didn’t have a good sleep.
“The boys have had their breakfast and they’ve showered too.” He said,
She was kinda surprised at his information
The Andre she knows has never bothered himself with what the kids does,
So why now?
“Anna have your breakfast.” He said to her seeing she hadn’t even opened the dishes.
“I’m not hungry.” She kept the tray back on the table and stood up from the bed.
“But Anna…..” She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
She’s still mad at me for last night.
He left the room.
When she came out of the room later,
The boys were in the living room but Andre wasn’t with them.
“Mommy!” Both boys shrieked with haziness as they saw her coming down.
She spread her arms wide to accommodate her two soldiers as they ran to hug her.
“How’re my champions doing this morning?” She asked,
Both boys giggled as they showed her the big walk clock hanging on the living room wall,
“Mommy it’s noon already.” They corrected,
Gianna was surprised,
She’d slept till noon.
“Mommy when I woke up I didn’t dee you beside me and little brother.” Justin complained,
“You left my and big brother and went to daddy.” Reid joined,
She knelt in front of the boys,
“No I didn’t leave my champions,
Mommy had to go change her cloth cause I spilled water on them.” She lied.
Justin must have bought it but Reid didn’t,
He might be asleep but he knew when their daddy came and took mommy out of the room,
She came back awhile later but she wasn’t happy.
He mightn’t have seen her face but with she lay last night he knew something was off,
She left again and didn’t come back.
When she left,he turned to her pillow but noticed something,
Her pillow was very wet.
He touched it again with the back of his palms to be sure and it was it.
Her pillow was wet with tears.
Why was mommy crying?
Did daddy hurt her?
His mind wasn’t at rest at all.
So after awhile,he stood up and decided to go check on her.
He found her in his daddy’s room sleeping but daddy wasn’t there.
It’s very rare to see mommy in a room alone without daddy.
Then his child-like mind came to the conclusion that both mommy and daddy are fighting.
“Okay mommy hope you slept well?” He asked,
She nodded but her eyes were scanning the living room.
Is she looking for daddy?
He asked himself.
“Mommy daddy had gone out to the other house.” He said to her,
Gianna looked at the boy with a slightly confused face.
“I know.” She replied,
No you don’t,
You’re daddy are fighting so he didn’t tell you he was leaving.
He replied her in his head.
“Okay,I’ll be in the kitchen.” She said to both boys and walked into the kitchen.
“Big brother,” Reid called Justin who was busy with the Lego’s he was building,
“What’s it Reid?” He asked not taking his eyes off the colorful Legos.
“Did you notice something’s off between mommy and daddy?” Reid asked,
Finally,Justin looked at him,
“Is it that mommy’s getting a bit fatter?” He asked randomly,
Reid slapped his arms playfully,
“Not that!” He said a bit louder.
“So what’s that?” Justin asked frowning,
His already built Lego had scattered.
“Mommy and daddy are fighting.” Reid blurted,
Justin covered his mouth with both palms,
“How do you know that?” He asked in surprise,
“You see yesternight while you were asleep,
Daddy came unto our room to call mommy,
After much persuasion from daddy,
Mommy went out with him,” He said,
Then peered across the living room to be sure no one was hearing him.
When he was sure they’re both alone and out of a third party’s earshot,
He continued.
“Mommy came back after sometime but she wasn’t happy,
Soon she left again and when I turned to take her pillow,
I noticed that her pillow was wet from tears.
Mommy had been crying since she came back.” Justin gasped,
“She didn’t come back again,so I went to daddy room to look for her,
She was lying on the bed sleeping but daddy wasn’t with her,
This brought me to the conclusion that they’re both fighting with each other.” He said to his brother.
“So what are we going to do now?” Justin asked his younger brother,
“We first have to find out the cause of their fight,then we’ll know what comes after that.” Reid suggested,
“Who’re we going to ask among the both of them?” Justin asked his brother,
“Mommy isn’t going to tell us and so is daddy,
They’ll tell us to mind our business and this isn’t children’s play.” Justin said,
“Then why don’t we get mommy to tell us unintentionally.? He said beaming with a mischievous smile,
“How?” Justin asked,
Whenever his brother’s smiling this way,
He just know he’s up to something not good.
“Let’s get mommy drunk,then have her tell us.” He whispered to his brother to avoid another ear,
“What?” Justin shouted,
“Keep it down.” He whispered loudly,
Why are you yelling?” Their mommy asked from the kitchen,
“It’s nothing mommy,
Little brother just told me a scary story.” He lied,
“Okay.” She said.
Justin turned to his brother,
“Isn’t that a bad idea?” He asked,
“No,in fact,
That the best idea so far.
We get her tipsy and she’ll tells us what their fight is all about.” Reid said proudly,
So when do we carry out the plan?”Justin asked,
“Well,I guess now is the best time since daddy isn’t here.” He went to the kitchen door and peeked through the side,
Their mommy was making Black Bean Garden Salad,
The Butler was standing beside her,watching how she’s preparing her salad.
“Big brother,you stay here and watch while I go get the drink.” Reid said to Justin,
He ran to the kitchen door and stood by the side while Reid ran to the bar to get a bottle of Dasani and Armarula.
Taking a little of this and this,
He pour the content of both drinks in a glass and carefully placed back the bottles into the shelves.
He went back to his brother,
“Now we just have to get a glass of milk and pour this inside.” He showed Justin the content of the glass.
The mixture was milkish in appearance and doesn’t even have any smell of alcohol in it.
“So what do we have to do now?” Justin asked,
We just have to get a glass of milk and get this inside, then give it to mommy to drink,that’s all.” Reid said to him.
“Stay here.” He gave his older brother the glass content,
Then walked innocently into the kitchen,
“Reid do you want anything?” His mommy asked as he saw the boy enter the kitchen,
“Mommy, I want to prepare milk shake for you.” He said,
Gianna smiled,
“Awwnn,thanks hun.” She kissed the boy’s cheek,
“What do you need young master?” The butler asked,
“I just need a glass of milk that’s all.” He said.
The butler went to the refrigerator and got him a milk carton and an empty glass.
“Here you go sir.” Reid took the glass and the milk carton then left the kitchen.
He went to the dining table with the stuffs while Justin towed along with the alcoholic mixture,
” Now let mix them.” Reid said,
He took the alcohol mixture and poured it into the milk glass,then added the milk to him till it was almost at the brim of the glass.
Taking the alcohol glass to the sink,he rinsed out the remaining content and went to keep it back in the racks.
Taking the milky content,
He waited till their mommy came out of the kitchen,then went to her with it,
“Mommy here’s your milkshake.” He handed the glass to her as she sat down with her plate of salad.
Gianna was about drinking the mixture when a voice boomed from the door,
“Wait.” The male voice boomed,
They all turned to see Andre at the door.
To be continued
Everyone turned to the door,
Andre was at the door.
“Wait.” He said as he walked towards the dining table,
Justin and Reid looked at each other in fear,
What if their dad had seen and heard their little trick?
Andre came to where the boys were and took the glass from Reid,
“I want want to have a taste of your milkshake,that’s all.” He drank the content of the glass till it was just a little past half.
The boys heaved a sigh of relief,
They though he overheard their plan,
“Mommy you can now have it.” Justin gave the remnants of the glass to his mommy but she refused,
“I don’t think I want it again.” She rejected the glass.
Is she still angry at me?
Andre asked himself.
“Mommy why don’t you want it anymore?” Reid asked sadly,
“Mommy doesn’t like our milkshake.” Justin added,
He and his brother feigned a sad face and turned to leave.
Gianna couldn’t bear see her sons angry at her,so she stopped them,
“Bring it,mommy’s going to drink it.”
Immediately she said that,
Both boys rushed back to her happily and handed the glass to her while Andre left them.
She drank every it of the content and gave back glass to the boys.
Your milkshake is somehow unique,
Haven’t tasted anything like this before.” She said,
“Well mommy we made it specially for you,sorry daddy had to take some of it.” Reid said,
“Mommy are you and daddy having a fight?” Justin asked her,
“It’s not a fight champ,
It’s just that mommy and daddy needs some time apart.” She said to the boys.
“But why?” Reid asked her,
“Are you guys going to separate?” Justin added,
“No no no,
“Mommy and daddy aren’t going to separate but we just need time to settle thing between us,
You know adult things and all that.” She told the boys,
But deep down it was a different case.
With the way things are turning out,
She isn’t sure she’ll want to stay with Andre anymore.
He’s possessive and so jealous,
He even gets jealous of her care and attention towards the kids.
She doesn’t want that type of life.
And he dares call her his property, like she’s a stuffed toy that can be owned,used and dumped.
No,that isn’t what she wants,
She want a life she’s sure of.
“Mommy if you and daddy separate,
What’ll happen to big brother and I?” Reid asked her,
She smiled weakly,
She has low alcohol level and the alcohol in drink had start to manifest.
“You guys will have to stay with mommy….” Her words were becoming slurrish,
“Big brother,mommy’s getting tipsy,let’s take her inside.” Reid whispered to Justin when he stated noticing the changes in their mommy.
With great effort,they held her up from the chair and walked slowly to the stairs.
“We’ll have to be careful going up the stairs to avoid mommy getting hurt.” Justin said,
Reid nodded and they carefully and meticulously led their mommy to to the first floor.
Getting to their room,
They opened the door and led her in,
“Before we start brother,let’s go check on daddy,
Remember,he drank some of the milk too,
It might have an effect on him too.” Reid said,
Justin nodded.
When they were sure she’s safe on the bed,
Justin ran to his father’s room to check on him,
But when he opened the door,
The man was sitting on how floor and his head looks like it was in a haze,
His eyes were bloodshot,
Is daddy drunk too?
The boy asked himself.
Not a word,
Not a word.
He ran back to their room to meet his brother,
“Reid!” He called,
Reid who was interrogating his mommy,
Raised his head up,
“What’s it?” He asked angrily when Justin interrupted him,
“Daddy’s drunk too.” He announced,
“What?” He said in disbelief,
“Yes,daddy’s drunk too.” He repeated scaredly,
“Wow,that’s a good headstart.” Reid stated clearly,
“What do you mean?” Justin asked Reid confused,
“Mommy’s drunk and daddy’s too,
Why don’t we just get the both of them alone in the room till the alcohol wears off.” Reid smiled mischievously,
This brother of mine is full of mischief.
Why is his head filled with naughty and mischievous deeds.
“Don’t you think its a bad idea….”
“Nah,it’s the best way to help them out,
Cause we both know that mommy and daddy love each but daddy most times behaves like a jerk and makes mommy angry,
Then they end up fighting.
If we help them like this,
Theirs and our relationship will be safe.” Reid explained to his brother.
“Okay.” Justin meekly agreed,
Together, they helped their mommy up and took her to their daddy room.
Leaving the both of them alone,they shut the door from outside.
Andre noticed the feminine presence beside him,
Just like his body started to heat up immediately her hands touch his face.
He subconsciously pulled her feeble body closer and drew a deep breath from her hair.
Lavender Fragrance.
He fumbled her cloth till his hands got to her breast and fondled the both breast.
“Anna I’m sorry.” He muttered,
He was aching to be in her,
He wanted to thrust don’t deep she would scream his name over and over again.
But his drunk self instinct didn’t tell him,she’s fragile and can’t handle his all.
Pulling her head up,he ravaged her lip and her mouth with his kiss.
Each kiss made him hungry for more,
Wanting to kiss her till there was nothing left in him.
While he kissed her,his hands trailed to her breast and he fondled the both breast ad he ravage her with kisses.
While he kissed her,
It took him only a few second to realize that,
He couldn’t live without this woman,
She’s his mate,
His partner,
His companion
And the mother of his sons and his children to come.
She was his partner not his property.
The two adults woke up later in the evening,
It was evident that they had a wild tutoring session together.
Gianna woke up first,
Seeing herself naked and red wasn’t what shed expected but that was what she got.
Red from love bites and sore to the core.
She turned to the other side of them bed and she was faced with Andre’s sleeping face.
She slowly stood up from the bed,
Headache and sore legs,
She walked to the bathroom to have a nice cold shower.
Letting the cold water beat her skin till she was numb and couldn’t come out again.
Andre entered into the bathroom, seeing her there,
He became tensed seeing the bites all over her body,
He got into the shower with her,
“Anna I’m sorry.” He said to her taking her hands and letting the water beat down to his body.
“I know I messed up pretty bad but I’m deeply and immensely sorry for everything.” He apologized to her.
“The kids from now on are our first priority and every other thing comes next,
Anna,I won’t give you any reason to complain anymore,
I’ll help you watch over the boys and any other child we’ll have in the future.” He said to her,
Gianna wasn’t a hard person,so it took her just a minutes to smile at him,
“Anna I’m very sorry.” He apologized,
She smiled and pulled him closer,
“From now on,I’m going to help you take care of the boys and we’ll bond with them perfectly well.” He said to her as a matter of fact.
“I forgive you Andre,
I forgive you.” She said to him as they hugged,
“Anna I love you,
I love you more than what word can explain,
You’re my everything.”
“I love you too Andre.”
With the water running down to their naked bodies enterwined to each other,
They made their peace,
All thanks to their sons.
After spending a few more days at their Beach House,
Andre,Gianna and the boys went back to the city.
Andre was reluctant to return but just had to,
The boys had school,
Gianna had a shoot to complete and Andre had work too,
“Andre can I ask for a favor?” She asked him the night before she’ll go back to Denver Tower,
“What’s it?” He asked her,
The both of them were sitting at the back of his Bentley and the car partition was put up,
So the driver couldn’t hear or see whatever was going on in the back.
“I want you to help me get Katy out of the filming show.” She said,
Are you scared of her?” He asked her teasingly,
She bluffed,
“No it’s not that,
It’s just that I don’t want to be seeing her face.” She said,
Actually,Andre had already had Katy banned not only from Denver Tower but also from other acting houses in the States.
He made sure all investment on her was drawn back and now she’s left penniless.
“So what do I get if she gets ban?” He asked,
Leaning close to her,
“What do you want me to give you?” She asked him playfully,
She already know what he’s going to ask for.
“I want a baby girl from you,
A baby girl like you.” He whispered to her licking her earlobes,
“Andre….” Hr stole kisses from her before she could finish saying what she wanted to say.
To be continued.
The next day Gianna went to the studio,
Everyone including Director Selden was so happy to see her come back,
Most especially her assistant Mary.
“Miss McKenna welcome back aboard,
We’ve all missed you while you weren’t in town.” The lady said,
“I came to the hospital to check on you a few days after you got admitted but the doctor said you’ve already been discharged,
Went on a special vacation?” She asked teasingly,
Gianna blushed,
“Yeah,took a week off to heal you know.”
Mary nodded,
“Haven’t seen Dean around,
How’s he?” Gianna asked Mary,
“Well,Superstar D is fine,
He came with me to the hospital the day I came and bet me,
You need to see the disappointment in his face when the doctor said you’ve been discharged.” Mary gossiped.
Gianna felt bad too,
She’d really wanted to see him though.
He’s a great friend and she wouldn’t want to lose friendship with him cause of a silly notion.
“It’s a pity though.
So fill me in,what happened since I left?” Gianna asked Mary,
Taking a seat in front of the assistant.
“Pretty much happened,
Katy’s ban and the newly signed end……..”
“Katy’s what?” She asked in confusion.
Andre had been so fast about it.
“Katy’s ban.
Weren’t you going through the social media while you were away?” Mary asked,
Andre had confiscated all gadgets while they were away,
So she couldn’t go on the internet.
“Not really..” She said,
“But what really happened?” She asked Mary who stared at her in disbelief.
“Well,since you don’t know what has been trending in the States for over a week now,I’ll glad to let you know.
A few hours after you were taken to the hospital that day,
A call was received from a higher ground and ordered Katy be banned from Denver Tower.” Mary explained to Gianna,
It’s no one else but Andre,
This is his doing.
And he made her agree to his condition to something he’d already done,
What a shameless man?
“So now,Katy has been banned from all the Production Houses in the States and all investment on her have been withdrawn.” May said to Gianna who was beginning to understand what Andre really did.
Meanwhile Reid called his manager too to fill him on what’d happened while he was away.
A lot had happened though,”
“Get me the most important information.” The boy said to the man,
The man was beating around the bush cause the most vital information he has is about the slapping scene at the shoot over a week ago.
He didn’t want to tell the boy cause he know what the boy’s capable of doing to that Katy woman.
But if he decide to hide it from the boy,
He’ll eventually find out and he might lose his job.
So he decided to tell him before he finds out from another source.
“It’s about what happened at Denver Tower studio over a week ago,”The man began,
” Okay,go on.” Reid said,
“Well I got information that an actress had bully a newbie by slapping her countless times pretending to forget her lines.” The man said,
“How’s that my…….” He wanted to wave it aside but something struck his memory,
Over a week ago,his mommy had been involved in an accident during shoot,
The accident that ended her in the hospital with a swollen cheek……..
Had his daddy lied to them about the accident?
Was it that his mommy got bullied by someone else?
“Who’s this actress?” He asked the man,
His child-like sweetness was long gone,
His expression was now cold and stoic and this was the side of the lad the man loath.
“Sir,I’m sorry to say this but your mommy was the newbie who got slapped by the actress,
Katy Lawrence.” The man said,
Immediately the boy became hyper,
How dare she?”
“Sir,you don’t need to bother,
She has been banned from the Denver Tower and other industries in the State and all investment on her had been withdrawn by the De Marco Groups.” The man assured,
But the lad wasn’t buying that.
Those punishment aren’t enough for a woman who raises her hands to slap his mommy,
Such person deserves something worst than ban
“Send all information concerning her to me tonight,
I’ll go have a full and complete revenge on her for hurting my mommy.” He said to the man and hung up.
Even though his daddy had banned the woman from filming again and has made her penniless,
He wasn’t satisfied at all.
She deserves something worst than being penniless and banned.
No,he wasn’t going to kill her but she’ll prefer being dead than having to go through what he has in store for her.
Gianna didn’t have any shoot that day,
So she just sat around and watch others do their shoot.
Since Katy’s ban,another actress was chosen to take her place,
It was Keith Williams,
One of the two Williams sisters.
She too doesn’t like Gianna but seeing what happened to Katy for trying to hurt her.
She could do nothing than condone her grudges in her heart and not involve herself in anything that’ll hurt Gianna.
Gianna also tried to talk to Dean twice but he ignored her each time she make a move to talk to him.
Though when he’d seen her walk into the studio,
He was happy that she’s back and even said ‘hi’
But didn’t let their conversation past whatever has to do with the play and other formalities.
“Like Dean’s still not talking yo Gianna?” She heard Fanny said as she passed them sisters,
Everyone was beginning to notice that Dean has been distancing himself from her lately and soon,
It’s going to be the rumor of the town.
She cared less about that,
Her main interest is to have Dean listen to her and let them settle their issues.
Reid went to his room to check whether Agent Lee had sent him what he wanted,
He was going through his computer when he felt someone behind him.
He turned immediately to see who it was,
But surprisingly, it was Justin.
“What ate you doing and who were you talking to?” Justin asked him,
He shut the computer and fully faced his brother.
“It’s nothing,I want to run through some of my school stuffs before going to….”
“I know you’re lying,
Tell me the truth.” Justin said to him.
Actually he’d heard his brother talking about revenging someone and that was why he followed him to his room.
“Okay I’ll tell you,
But make sure this is only between the two of us,
No third ear,not even mommy or daddy.” He warned,
Justin nodded,
“I promise I won’t tell anyone about it.” He said to his younger brother.
Reid stood up and went to lock the door so no one can enter uninvited or eavesdrop on their conversation.
Pulling his brother closer,he started showing the content of the computer to his older brother.
Katy was just coming back home from the pub,
Since she was banned from filming,
She does nothing than going to one pub to another,
Squandering the little she has left.
Her former manager Mr Shroff had tried to talk some sense into her but she’s refused to pay attention or heed to the man’s advice,
So he’d allowed her to do whatever she wants to do with her life.
When she was approaching her house,
She noticed a black Rolls Royce Phantom parked at the other side of the street,
She took no note to it though,
Cause the street was residential area and maybe it’s a visitor.
She was drunk,so she staggered to her gate and fumbled out her key from her pocket,
Before she could open the door,
She saw three hefty men around her,
“What do you want?” She asked them,
“Are you Miss Katy Lawrence?” One of the man asked her,
She stopped what she was doing and nodded,
“Yes,I’m Katy.”
Before she could finish,the me grabbed her and dragged her to their car.
“Let me go!
Who’re you guys,,leave me alone.
Who sent you,
I’ll pay double but please don’t hurt me please.”
She cried but the men wasn’t moved by her pleas.
They dragged her to the Rolls Royce and immediately two little boys in black came out from the car and stood in front of her.
“Boss here’s the woman.” One of the men said to the boys,
Seeing the boys,she became amused and angry,
She looked up to see the stupid kids that had scared her like this,
“Hey little boys,
Don’t you have respect for your elders?
How dare you play such tricks on me?” She queried rudely and tried to stand up but the men pushed her back.
“Aargh!” She cried when her butt hit the rocks on the floor,
“How dare you hit our mommy?” Reid asked her with an evil glint in his eyes,
“How dare you lay those filthy hands on your on our mommy?” Justin joined,
“Who’s your mommy,
I haven’t touched anyone at all.” She said, trying to recall who their mommy is.
Reid walked to her and pulled her hair up roughly,
“You dare lie to my face,
Didn’t you slap a newbie fourteen times last week?”He asked her,
A newbie.
A newbie.
Are this kids Gianna’s kids?
Gianna have two kids.
” But I already apologised to her and even got banned from filming so what else does she want?
Has she sent you guys to hurt me?”Katy asked in disrespect,
“Well she didn’t send us but we came to make a deal with you.”
Reid turned to his Agent,
“Get me my phone.” The man went back to the car and brought out his phone.
Reid took the phone and showed it to Katy,
“You only have two options,
Have me release this video to the press and get yourself jailed or have me give you back the fourteen slaps you gave my mommy.”
Katy looked at the video in disbelief,
It was the video on her disfiguring Camille’s face with her nail clipper on the Gala night and also the aftermath of Camille’s face after that incident.
“How did this child get this video?” She asked herself,
She didn’t want to go to jail,so when she reason things,
She agreed to the boy slapping her.
“Choose one fast,
Time isn’t on our side.” Justin said to her,
“Okay,I’ll take the slap as long as you don’t release that video to the media.” She pleaded,
The boys smiled,
“Okay,I promise we won’t. Reid said,
“Now turn your cheeks to get your slap back.”
Katy turned to have the boy slap her but he didn’t,
Rather one of the men with him came to slap her,
“And mind you Miss, if you make him stop,
We’ll have to start all over again.” He warned Katy.
What did I get myself into please?
She asked herself.
The first slap landed in her ear,
The effect of the slap made her brain fuzzy,
Her ears began to ring.
Then another slap,
She staggered to the floor.
Her cheeks we’re stinging and the side of her eyes in burning.
“Remember no stopping till we’re done.” Reid said.
The slap continued till the tenth one,
Katy couldn’t bear it anymore,
“Please I’m sorry..”
Another slap shut her up,
“Don’t worry Missy, it’s just only three slaps more to go.” Justin mocked.
Another slap,
And Another.
The last slap got Katy unconscious on the floor,
After the slap,no one dared touch her again.
Reid and Justin got into the car and they were driven away.
Katy woke up in the hospital,
Her eyes felt like it was tripled it size and it was sore while her cheek stings,
She couldn’t even move her face cause of the effect of the slap.
“Miss is there any family member you’ll want to call?” The nurse beside her asked her,
“Nnnnooo.” She manage to say,
“Well sorry Miss, you had a miscarriage.” The nurse said,
It struck her,
She was pregnant and Gianna sent those people to slap her and now they’ve killed her baby.
A baby she doesn’t want but now its going to be her ticket to a better life.
“I want to call someone.” She said to the nurse,
“Okay.” The nurse went out to get the phone.
When she came back Katy called Don Juan her financial backer.
The man had been out of the States to a while and had no knowledge of her banning.
After narrating her ordeal to the man,he hung up telling he’s on his way to the hospital.
Don Juan is a married man around his early sixties.
His wife bore him no son and a man of his status and position needed an heir to his heirloom,
Katy knew the man’s utmost need,so when he came to the hospital a few minutes later,
She lied to him that she was carrying his son but Gianna sent some people to hurt her and now his son is dead.
“What!” The man was angry,
“Who’s this Gianna?” He asked angrily,
“She’s the newbie in Denver and has been tormenting my life,never knew she could be this vicious,
Now I’ve lost our baby,our son.” She faked tears and began to cry.
Don Juan sat beside her and began to console her,
“Don’t worry sugar pie, well make another son and I promise you Gianna’s going to pay dearly for ever hurting you and killing our son.” He consoled her,
“I want to leave the States,I want us to go somewhere else so I can heal properly.” She said to the man,
He nodded immediately,
“Don’t worry,I’ll take you somewhere far from here,then as for that bitch Gianna,
She’s going to pay dearly for hurting you,
I’m going to make her suffer.”
The man swore to her.
To be continued.
Gianna’s next shoot was with Dean,
Even though the latter wasn’t talking to her,
He couldn’t avoid her during set.
On their shoot today,
Gianna ( Emily) was going to be pleading with Dean (Emilio) under the rain.
Everyone anticipated for the act cause it was the most emotional scene in the movie.
Mary had prepared hot ginger tea for Gianna and stored it in a thermo flask.
Cause Gianna would be under the rain for about an hour plus confessing her love to Dean.
Since the scene was going to be shot outside the hospital,
Director Selden decided to rent a small hotel for the shoot,
He paid for the whole second floor as his actors resting room,
Since they were going to be acting till late night.
The night before the shoot,
Andre had to take Justin home,
Though the boys weren’t happy about that but he’d to.
His grandfather won’t allow it for the boy to be staying outside the main house.
And secondly,
His grandfather had called him earlier and has asked him to come home.
Andre had been so surprised to see a missed call from the man,
So he decided to call back.
The old man was making a fuss about him leaving home for weeks and not bothering to call his pregnant wife (Jasmine)
Andre snorted,
Nevertheless, he still had to obey the old man.
“Anna I would have to take Justin home tonight.” He announced to them during dinner,
Immediately both boys frowned.
“But why?” Reid asked with a long face,
Gianna wasn’t happy too.
Just a week and some few days,
She could see the change in Reid.
He became more lively and jovial,
Not fighting his older brother and disliking his father like before.
But now,the boy’s about to go home,
She’s feeling bad,
Like he’s going away from her and Reid forever.
“Why does big brother have to go?” Reid asked Andre putting in a sad look,
That got Gianna amused and sad too.
“Cause grandfather had called for big brother’s presence.
Big brother hadn’t been home for awhile now,
So it’s obvious grandfather wanted to see him so bad,
So I’ll be taking him to grandfather.” Andre said trying to coerce the boy.
“But can’t his grandfather look for someone else to miss?” Reid pouted,
He wants to spend more time with his brother.
But don’t worry,
Older brother will come back soon.” He ruffled the boy’s hair.
Justin wasn’t happy too he was going to be leading his mommy and younger brother.
Who’s going to teach my mathematical sums?
Who’s going to play with me?
Who’s going to read me bedtime stories while I want to sleep?
He doesn’t want to go back to that house where he’s all with himself and alone.
No mommy and neither is there a little brother,
No one for him to play and crack jokes with.
No one to play tricks on and do mischief with.
No one to tell him bedtime stories and brother to cuddle while he sleeps.
Slowly, tears were sliding down his eyes,
He wiped his tears quickly before anyone notices it.
Why can’t mommy and little brother come stay with us?
Our house’s big enough to contain them and I’ll share my room with big brother,
I won’t be naughty and I’ll get all my sums right,
Please let them come stay with us.” Justin spoke up,
Both Andre and Gianna turned to the boy,
“I would have love to have mommy and little brother come live with us kids,
But the situation at hand doesn’t permit that.
For the time being,
It’s better if mommy and little brother stay away from us and we come to visit them.” Andre said to both boys.
“But why?” Justin asked him sadly.
Reid needed not to ask,
He already knew why.
His father’s family’s filled with tigers,
Waiting for an innocent victim like his mommy to prey on.
Selfish and self centered people who fight themselves for wealth and power.
They can kill themselves for all he care but his mommy isn’t going to step foot there.
And not especially when that Jasmine of a woman’s still there.
“I’ll explain all that later but for now,
We’ve to leave soon.” He said,
Both boys nodded.
After dinner,
Justin helped Reid do the dishes while Gianna went in to have a shower,
Andre was busy with work in the patio.
When the boys finished,
Andre and Justin went back home.
“Where have you been?” His grandfather asked immediately they stepped foot into the house.
The old man was with Jasmine.
“How dare you leave you pregnant wife at home?
No call,no text,just nothing.” The man was furious.
Andre turned to Justin,
“Go to your room son.” He said,
Immediately the boy let go of his hand and headed upstairs.
The man stood up from where he was sitting,
A tight slap ran across Andres face.
Even Jasmine was shocked,
Cause ever since he got to know this family,
The old man has never raised his hand on Andre.
He drew out some papers from the chair hr was sitting and threw it at Andre,
“You’ve an illegitimate son outside uh?”
The old man was in rage,
Andre bent and picked one if the papers.
It was a photo of Reid standing with Gianna outside his kindergarten school.
How did this man get this?
He asked himself.
Jasmine too was surprised,
How did the old man get hold to this?
What if he finds out the true identity of Gianna?
She was beginning to get scared.
If the old man’s to figure out her secret,
He’s going to kill her without any second thought.
I think now’s the time to act,
Why not help uncle Aleksandr to get what he want than stay and hope for a future with this people?
Here and there,she made up her mind,
She was going to help the other man.
” Grandfather,he’s no illegitimate son of mine.” Andre retorted back,
“He’s my flesh and my blood,
Justin’s younger brother.” He completed,
“Then bring him into the family,
Why hide him with that slutty woman?
No De Marco’s blood is permitted to stay outside………”
“But you allow you illegitimate sons to leave outside the house.” Andre interrupted him.
The old man was fuming,
“Don’t test my patience son,
Bring that boy home,
That’s the last I’ll say in this case.” He said,
Whenever he uses this last statement,
It means he’s about doing something drastic if he’s not obeyed.
“So where have you been with my great grandson?
For over a week now,
No call,no text,no nothing but you have a pregnant wife here at hone.” The man asked,
“I went on a vacation and grandfather,
I’ve told you timelessly,
That bastard she’s carrying isn’t my seed.” Andre said,
Jasmine frowned from the seat.
“Don’t you dare boy,
Don’t you dare test my patience.” The man yelled,
“Grandfather, I can’t accept what’s not mine,
I didn’t sire that seed and I would never sire any offspring from her.” He glared at Jasmine hatefully.
“But you can sire an offspring with a slut outside?” The old man asked him,
“Gianna’s not a slut,
Rather your sweet devil of a granddaughter is.” Andre wanted to let his mouth loose and tell the old man what Jasmine had been doing and what’s she’s been up to lately but he knew it would be a perfect waste of time,
The old man would believe Jasmine’s words to his.
“Jasmine’s the rightful Mistress of this family and no one can change that fact,
Not even you Andre and not especially that slut you keep around.” The old man said,
“Then I’ve told you I can’t marry a deceitful and spiteful person like her.
If you so much want her to be the Mistress,
Why not marry her and make her your fourth wife just like you wanted to do her so called mother?”
Immediately Andre said this,
The old man became hyper,
“You unfilial son,
How dare you speak to me like that?” He was in rage and was going to hit Andre with his supporting stick but Jasmine held him on.
“Grandpa, you don’t have to do this.
Since Andre has refused to accept my pregnancy and me,
It’s of no use I stay here……” The man turned to her in anger,
“Never! You’re the rightful Mistress and no one van change that.
Andre! You’re going to have to marry Jasmine,
Or you watch me hand over the Staff of Authority to someone else.” The old man threatened,
Andre face twitched,
His grandfather had promised that the Staff of Authority to him since he was twelve,
Though rightfully it’s his already but since the old man promised him the staff,
His confidence level rose astronomically.
But seeing the man threaten him with it,
He was not scared at all,
He’d prepared a long time ago for situation like this one.
For years he’d worked for him grandfather,
He’d created an Empire for the family but secretly he’d created a Conglomerate for himself.
So even if one day his grandfather would fail him,
He wouldn’t be left stranded and penniless.
He’d purchased estates and private properties too.
So the old man making him head or not,
He’ll still be living off fine.
“No problem,you can keep it to yourself.” He replied the old man,
He’d expected the boy to be scared and behave accordingly but no,
He’s being more stubborn.
He didn’t mean to threaten the boy,
Cause deep down he knows non of his other sons can take care if the business with dedication and sincerity like Andre has done.
If Andres to leave De Marco’s Group,
It will fall before it gets a saving hand.
“No Andre,don’t say that.” The old man spoke in a reasoning tone now,
“My son,
Your grandfather has just some few years more to live,
That’s if it’s even up to years.
My last wish is to see you married to Jasmine.
Can’t you fulfil my wish?
Announce to the press and media that you’ll be getting married to Jasmine and you give the date and I promise to fulfill my own deal and had over the Staff of Authority to you.
If you marry Jasmine as the family’s Mistress,
You’re free to bring in any other woman after that but Jasmine must be the Family’s Mistress,
And her position is undeniable.” The old man pleaded with Andre.
Andre smiled,
This what we call,
Using what you have to get what you want.
His grandfather knows that he can’t hand the Staff yo any other family member cause each of them them have selfish desires to convert the family money to their personal use.
None of his uncles could be trusted,
And he know they’re also against him.
Waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring him down.
Now his grandfather knows sure as not to joke around with him.
“Yes,I’ll marry Jasmine grandfather,
As per you wishes,” He announced,
Jasmine and the old man was shocked.
“I’ll marry her and no other woman can take her place as the Mistress of the family.” He said to them.
To be continued.
Andre agreeing to marry Jasmine’s something she couldn’t believe,
He’d said it with all seriousness like he mean it.
And the Andre she knows is not the kind of person that goes back on his word.
Jasmine was shocked,
Why’d he decided to marry her all of a sudden?
The man’s so difficult to decipher,
One minute he’s swearing to the heavens he won’t marry her and the other minute he’s agreeing to marry her like he never hated her.
Or is he trying something else,
Does he still have a plan up his sleeve I don’t know of.
She was still lost in thought,
When her cell phone rang,
It was Uncle Aleksandr,
“Good evening Uncle.” She greeted the man first to avoid him acting like a psycho again.
“Jasmine have you started feeding my father that poison I gave you?” The man asked her,
“No I haven’t started.” She said meekly but like always,
The psycho man went ballistic again,
How dare you defile my order?
D you want to end up like your lover Aaron did?” He threatened,
Jasmine could say no word till the man’s done yelling.
“You want me to end that miserable lie of a life you lead uh?”He asked her.
” Uncle’s not it,
I just don’t think I’ll help you anymore,
Andre has decided to marry me and hell be announcing our wedding date on grandpas birthday.
I don’t think I want to hurt grandfather. “She said to the man,
” You foolish woman,
Andre decided to say hell marry you and you believe him just like that,
Don’t toy know he has a plan up his sleeve and is going to use it against you?” The man asked,
“No Uncle,
Andre’s sincere and doesn’t go back on his word.
He has promised grandfather he is going to announce our wedding to the media.” She said with full assurance.
“In your dreams,
You still underestimate this nephew of mine.
He’s capable of anything,
Even killing his grandfather to make sure doesn’t get married to you.
Or tricking you to something you don’t know.” The man said,
He needed Jasmine to be on his side so he can achieve his goal faster and quicker.
Jasmine thought about what the man said,
It might be true,
Since Andre was able to deceive her and everyone into believing she was infertile for almost eight years,
There nothing he isn’t capable of doing.
Andre is no one to be underestimated or to be messed with.
“Okay uncle,
I’ll start feeding grandfather the poison but what about you handling Gianna and Reid for me?” She asked the man,
“Well,the first attempt on them failed and they murdered the killer but to be sure,
The next attempt is going to be a success and soon,
You won’t have to complain of them anymore.” The man assured her.
Jasmine nodded,
Now she’s set on ruining this family.
The next morning,
Jasmine prepared the old man’s medical herbs and laced it with the poison.
She was sure that none of the maids were in the kitchen with her when she laced the herbs with the poison then took it to the old man.
The old man was sitting beside his window,
Like he does always,
Watching through it to the garden.
The garden looks so unkempt and haggard.
In fact,it couldn’t be called one cause now it looks like dried bush.
Almost like a deserted garden.
It should be cause it hadn’t been touched or visited for more than two decades.
Katerina had been a lover of flowers,
So when Colin adopted her,
He parcelled out this particular piece for her to grow flowers,
And so many types of flowers.
And very early every morning,she goes down there while he stays up here from his window and watch her takes care of her flowers.
Bringing him fresh flowers every morning had been among her daily routine.
That was all before she left him.
So for the past two decades and half,
He’d come to this window every morning to watch the flowers.
Twice he’d fired many servants for entering the garden to trimmed the flowers and cut down the bushed and thorns around it.
No one,
Not even Jasmine had been permitted to enter that garden.
When Jasmine came in,he was so engrossed in watching his daughter’s garden he didn’t notice her come inside.
“Grandfather.” She called him,
The man turned to her,
“You’re thinking of mom again?” She asked,
The same way shed done for years now.
The man nodded,
“She was suppose to get me flowers this morning but she isn’t here yet.” The man said sadly.
Jasmine understood,
Most times the old man time travel to his past,
Thinking Katerina’s still alive and with him.
“Grandpa she’ll be here soon,
Now take your herbs cause she won’t be happy to see you not taking your medicines.” Jasmine said.
The doctors had told them that the old man hadn’t fully recovered from losing Katerina,
So whenever he talks like he sees her,
They should force him to accept the fact that she’s dead.
They should allow him play in his fantasy till he’s normal again.
“No,I won’t take them,
I have been taking them for years but still my situation is still just the way it is.” He complained.
“You shouldn’t say that grandfather,
It’s working and you know it is.” She said to him,
She gave the herbal concoction to the man,
“Grandpa,you just have drink it.” She said to the man as he raised the bowl to his nostrils.
“It’s smells bad Jasmine.” The old man said in a childish way,
Jasmine smiled but within her,
She’s in turmoil.
A great part of her want to throw away this poisoned herb,
But a smaller part of her want to allow the man drink it.
She has to kill him to cover her dirty secret.
She watched the man finished the herbal concoction in the bowl and she took the bowl from him.
“Stay here and rest,
I’ll go get you breakfast.” She stood up and took the bowl with her.
Instead of going to the kitchen to start preparation of the man’s breakfast,
She went to her room and called the other man,
“Hello Uncle.” She said immediately the man accepted the call,
“Have you done it?” He asked her,
“Yeah,I just laced the first dose in his herbal concoction,
What else should I do?” She asked,
“Nothing,just continue feeding him like I instructed and slowly his health will deteriorate.” He said.
Jasmine nodded to herself as she hung up.
“I’m sorry grandfather, you’re a good man and I’m so sorry I’ll have to repay all your kind gesture to me in such a cruel way.”
“Miss Gianna,here’s your ginger tea,make sure you have it right after the shoot.” Mary said as she handed the thermo flask to Gianna as they walked down to her room in the hotel
“Thanks Mary,don’t know what I could have done without you.” Gianna took the flask from Mary while the latter opened the door with their card key,
They got inside the room,
“Remember I got out some new clothes for you,so once you finish the shoot,
Come up here and change,
Then drink the ginger tea,
It’ll help to prevent cold from getting to you.” Mary advised.
It was seven when the shoot started,
Director Selden and the crews got a water sprinkler at the roof of the hotel making it look like it was raining.
Emilio just came out of the hospital holding an umbrella,
He was leaving his sister Emily behind.
Right inside this hospital she has confessed her feelings for him.
He had the same feelings too,
He loves her but why can’t she understand that they can’t be together.
They’re siblings and sibling aren’t suppose to be having this sought of feelings for each other.
“Emilio!” Emily called from the entrance,
Emilio wanted to continue moving but his sister’s cries that blend with the sound of raindrops stopped him.
She ran to him but didn’t touch him,
“Are you going to leave me here?” She asked,
“Emily stop this…”
“Stop what?
Stop what?
I know you love me and you know you do,
Why try to kill the feelings you have by getting married to someone you don’t love?” She said to him,
She walked closer to him,
“Brother you promised me you were never going to leave me,
You said nothing was going to ever separate us,
Why are you now pushing me away now?” Emily was in tears,
“Those were promises we made as kids….”
“But you meant them,you meant every word of it.” She interrupted him.
“Why protect me all those years just to break my heart?
Why did you defend me and made me believe you love me?
” Because I love you too.” He yelled,
Emily was surprised but not shocked.
She knew he love her but never knew he was going to ever tell her.
“Yes Emily,I love you,
I loved you ever since you were a little baby and mom always let you stay with me.
Then I thought it was because I wanted to be a good and protective big brother but later on as we grew up and were in high school,
I figured it was more than that,
I figured out my feelings for you weren’t protecting you or being a good brother,
I wanted more but for the fact you were my sister,
My little sister,
I needed to keep the distance.
I’d to bury the feelings I have and act like its nothing but
Emily,I love you.” Before he could finish his words,
She wrapped her drenched body against his and kissed him.
As Emilio was longing for that kiss,
Both in play and in reality,so he took the initiative and kissed her like his life depended on it.
The kiss was to last for five minutes but Dean made it last for one extra minute.
When they broke off the kiss,
Everyone was clapping.
“Cut!” Director Selden yelled from behind the scene,
What an excellent show.
After the shoot,
Gianna was drenched from head to toe.”Go upstairs and change immediately,
Make sure you have you ginger tea too.”Mary told her as she handed her a big whilst towel so she can dry her hair with.
She was going to the elevator when she met Dean trying to get in too,
“Dean,can I talk to you for a minute?” She said to him,
He turned to her and nodded,
He was already in the elevator while she was standing by the door.
Immediately the elevator jolted down,
Dean accidentally pulled Gianna to himself to save her from being squish by the elevator door.
The door close immediately and the light went out.
Dean pressed the control panels but none was working.
“What happened?” Gianna asked recovering from the impact of being by the man,
“The elevator is having a mechanical fault.” Dean said.
To be continued.
“Someone help!” Dean shouted as he kicked the elevator door with his foot,
“Someone help us!” He shouted again but still there was nothing.
He turned to Gianna,
She was wet from standing in the rain during the shoot and soon she might catch a cold too.
“Dean,do you have your phone with you?” She asked him weakly,
Dean dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out his cellphone,
“Let’s try and get to Manager Sullivan.” Gianna suggested,
Dean tried the man’s cellphone e but no network…
“There’s no signal here at all.” He said frustrated,
He raised the phone up and was swaying it around for it to catch a signal but still it wasn’t.
“The network signal here’s too bad,
We can’t get to call anyone.” He continued.
“Haven’t anyone notice that the elevator isn’t functioning well?” She asked,
“Don’t think so,
This is small hotel,
So people don’t use the elevator or else they going to the third floor.” Dean replied.
After staying for some more minutes with no help from outside,
Gianna took Dean’s phone,
“Let’s play some music,
It’ll help kill the boredom.”
Dean didn’t argue with her,
He gave her his phone while she wrapped the towel Mary had given her earlier around herself as she scrolled through the phone for music.
She found some of Dean’s Soundtrack and decided to play from them.
“Those songs are lame Gigi.” He sat as he crutched beside her,
“I like them Dean,
I want to listen to them.” She said like a persistent child.
Dean allowed her play the song while he sat beside her and listen to the lyrics of the song,
Which he’d actually sang because of her.
It was past midnight and Gianna isn’t back home and that made Reid worried sick.
Where could mommy be?
He asked himself as he lay around in the large living room waiting for her.
As as far as he knew,
Her shoot needed by ten pm but now it’s almost one am but she isn’t yet back.
He tried calling her phone several times but all his calls were being diverted to voicemail.
Is mommy with daddy?
He asked himself after ruling out some possible places she could be in.
Mommy had told him not to call Denver Tower for anything as long as she’s still there and he understood.
If they were to know that she has a son and isn’t yet married,
Its going to be a scandal for her name.
So he hadn’t ever tried calling them on anything pertaining to her.
He brought out his contact book and searched his mommy’s assistant’s cellphone number,
“Miss Mary…”
He dialled the number from the book and called the woman.
“Hello is this Mary Adams?” He asked,
The lady from the other end spoke up,
“Yes,who’s this and how may I help you?” She asked the caller,
The voice to her was a kid’s voice,
So she began to wonder what kid would be up by this time and why would a kid be calling her.
“My name’s Reid and I want to ask you about someone,” The boy said,
“Reid how old are you?” She asked the boy,
He didn’t even allow her finish her question,
“That has nothing to do with what I want to ask you.” The boy barked angrily,
Mary was a very patient person especially with kids and judging from the boy’s voice,
He seemed around eight or nine.
So she took no offence to him raising his voice at her.
“Are you guys done with the shooting?” Reid asked her,
“Yes but why do you ask?” She replied him and asked him,
Wondering what concern a boy his age to their shooting.
“Well I called to ask cause my mommy isn’t back yet and its already late.” The boy complained.
What a thoughtful child?
But wait.
Who’s his mother?
“Reid boy,
Who’s your mommy if I may ask?” She asked the child,
My mommy’s Gianna McKenna.” He replied,
Mary gasped,
Miss Gianna has a son.
She couldn’t let go of the shock that held her,
“Miss,” The boy called again,
“Yeah,I’m here.
Well actually, I’ve been looking for her for over two hours now.
I’d asked her to go have a bath and get into a new clothes since she was wet but its been long now and I haven’t seen her.” Mary complained too,
“Where did you guys do your shooting?”He asked the woman,
“I’ll send the address to you now.” She said to the boy then hung up immediately.
Mary had been looking for Gianna for over two hours like she told the boy,
She’d gone up to see whether Gianna was done bathing but when she got there,
The room was still locked from the outside,
So she went downstairs and got the spare key.
She was thinking that she was done already and had locked the door but when she opened the door,
Everything was still the way she’d left them.
Her clothes,
The flask of ginger tea,
In fact the room looks like it hadn’t been visited recently.
Immediately she rushed back downstairs to search for Gianna but still she didn’t see her.
After searching for awhile and was asking,
No one claim to have seen her.
Then she decided to look for Dean too,
Maybe he’s with her.
But still she didn’t find Dean too.
She went to Dean assistant,
“Please where’s Superstar D?” Mary asked the lady,
“How should I know where he’s?” The other woman retorted rudely,
“Okay can I get his number?
It’s very urgent.” She pleaded but the other woman sighed and walked away.
Mary didn’t know what to do,
So she went to Director Selden.
At first she was scared to go to the man,
Since she began to work for Gianna,
She’s the only person among the set that ever talked to her nicely,
The rest acted like she never existed and she kept it that way,
She didn’t cross their part and they didn’t even notice her.
“Director Sir,” She called the director who was busy arranging the set for the next shoot.
“Director Sir,” she called again and the man turned to her,
The man turned to her,
Seeing her,his stoic face melted,
“You called me?” He asked her,
She nodded and he smiled.
“What do you want?”
“Sir,please can Superstar D cell’s number?” She asked the number.
The man recognising her as Gianna’s assistant and very loyal to Gianna,
He brought out his cellphone,opened it and brought out the number,
“Here it is.” He said giving the phone to her.
Mary took the phone from the man nervously,
Immediately she dialled the number to her cellphone,
“Thanks a lot Sir.” She thanked the man and left immediately.
When she called Dean,
Her call was going through.
She called again,
This time her call was sent to voicemail.
“Is Dean with Gianna?” She asked herself as she tried to call the man again.
But her call wasn’t going through.
When Reid came,the receptionist was asleep on her desk,
He sighed,
“Such incompetency?”
He walked past her and went to the hotel hallway to check whether he would see any other person.
He did saw no one,so he decided to call Mary.
“Hello Miss,I’m at the hotel,where are you?” He asked the woman as he went back to the receptionist desk to wait for the woman.
Before he got to the desk,the woman had already come there,
She was talking to the receptionist when Reid got there.
“Good morning ma.” Reid greeted the women.
When Mary saw the boy, she was in awe,
The boy’s so cute and looking from his demeanor and the way he acted,
He’s a very smart child.
The child reminds her of someone she barely know,
His facial features strikes a resemblance to someone.
“Are you Reid?” She asked the boy,
He nodded coquettishly and then turned to the receptionist.
“Have you informed the cops?” The boy asked both women,
Mary shook her head and the boy sighed,
“I think I’ve to do everything myself.” He muttered then brought out his cellphone from his pants pocket.
He dialled the emergency number and it began to vibrate.
“Hello,City District Police speaking,who’s one the line?” A male voice asked,
Reid cleared his throat before he replied,
“I’m Reid and I want to lay a complaint for a missing person he said to the man.
“Reid, how old are you?” The man asked her,
The boy sighed to the amazement of the women with him,
“Is that relevant?
Well I’m eight and I want to file a missing report for my mommy.” He told the man,
“Reid when last did you see your mommy?” The man asked him.
“She left early this afternoon and had gone for her shoot.
After the shoot which ended around ten pm and since then an isn’t back home.” He explained to the man.
“Reid, you’ll have to wait for the next twenty hours before your report can be filed now all you have to do is to call your mommy or wait for her to come home.
She might be busy with something or might have gone…….
Before the man could finish,Reid hung the call,
” Stupid people.” He sighed and turned to the women.
“What did they say?” Mary asked,
Seeing the boy’s facial expression she knew it didn’t go well.
“Let me call someone else.” He said to them.
Since he doesn’t have his father’s personal number,so he decided to call his work number and as expected,
His secretary picked the call,
“Hello,who’s on the line?” The lady asked,
“I want to speak to your boss.” The boy said to the woman,
“And who’re you?” She asked,
“Tell Mr De Marco that Reid’s calling.” He said.
Immediately the woman hung up and called back again.
“Hello Reid,
What happened?” Andre’s voice asked,
“Daddy mommy’s missing.” The boy said,
These three words got Andre jolting from where he was.
“What?” He asked,
The boy repeated the words.
Andre hung up immediately telling the boy he’s on his way to the hospital.
Not up to thirty minutes later,
The man appeared at the hotel.
“Reid!” He called the boy seeing him stand with two other women.
The boy and the women turned to the aristocratic man that just walked into the hotel.
“President De Marco.” Mary muttered,
Is he the boy’s father?
She asked herself in great shock seeing the man.
To be continued.
Staying inside the elevator with a wet body made Gianna get cold.
“Gianna are you alright?” Dean asked when he noticed her discomforts,
“It’s very cold.” She said hoarsely as she pointed to the cubicle opening by the top of the elevator.
It was almost windy outside and the breeze coming from there’s much,
Since she’s wet,
It was making her get cold.
Dean tried to get up there to pull the planes down but it was much taller than him and there was nothing he could climb on.
After trying to get to the cubicle opening, hr couldn’t,
So he crutched beside Gianna and Behan to wipe her wet hair with the towel.
After that he pulled out the jacket he was wearing and put it on her,
“Give me the phone.” He said to her,
Gianna picked the phone from beside her and gave it to him,
“Here you go.” He took the phone and dialled Director Selden’s phone number but it wasn’t going through.
There was still no network coverage,
He swayed the phone up as he called,
Still no avail.
Texted a few times but none was going through.
“Gianna we need to get you outta here before your cold get worst.” He said as he went to the elevator door and kicked it hard a few times,
“Someone help!” He shouted but no reply.
Unknown to them,the elevator had landed in the underground basement were literarily,
People don’t go there much at night and not especially by this time.
Dean kicked the door countless times as he yelled with his voice began to croak but still,
No one came go help them.
“President De Marco is the boy’s father.” Mary said to herself,
Reid ran to the man while the receptionist looked at the man who just walked in.
He looks like a god,
In fact he’s a demigod.
He look like an aristocratic lord and has the same demeanor like the young boy.
In fact both look like they’ve been casted from the same mould.
It’s so obvious they have the same blood running through their veins.
“Good morning sir.” She greeted the man but Andre didn’t reply her,
“Where’s she?” He asked the woman with a very authoritative and aristocratic voice.
Mary who was beside them was so dumbstruck she couldn’t utter any word.
“Daddy we tried calling the cops but they weren’t helping at all,
Telling us to wait for the next twenty four hours before we can file a report.” Reid complained to the man,
He took out his cellphone and dialled the City District Police.
“Hello who’s there?” He asked the receiver immediately he picked up.
“This is Andre De Marco and I’m calling to file a case of a missing person.” He said,
“President De Marco,such a pleas……..”
“Get yourself here now.” He ordered the man and hung up.
Immediately the cops began to work on the case.
Andre turned to Mary,
“When did you see her last?”
“When she was done shooting,
That was just a few minutes past ten.” The lady replied.
Are you sure she didn’t got stuck in the elevator?” Reid asked no one in particular,
Andre frowned,then turned to the receptionist,
“I need to see the security footage here.” It was more like an order than a request and she dared not refusing him.
Immediately, she stood up from the sit and slowly led them to the security surveillance room.
When they got to the room,
None of the workers were there,
“Where have they gone to?” The woman asked herself seeing the disappointment on the man’s face.
Andre looked around the room,there was no one in there,
Incompetent Workers.
“Daddy can I go check it my self?” Reid asked for permission,
Andre need not forget his son is a computer genius and can fish out whatever they want to.
“Yes son,since the workers here are all lousy and incompetent.” He said to the boy,
Immediately Reid walked to the desktop shoeing all the camera site.
Slowly he scroll down the lineup of camera’s site as he searched for the one mounted in elevator…
“Found it!” He said as he clicked on the first one,
It was empty,
The second one too.
But when he clicked on the third and last one,
The rest disappeared and it came large on the desktop monitor,
Two people were inside the elevator……
“I found mommy.” The boy said loudly,
Everyone excluding the receptionist rushed to beside him as they watched the monitor.
Gianna was laying on Deans arms as the latter was rubbing her palm with great intensity.
It was visible she was cold due the how she was shivering and sneezing occasionally.
“They’ve been stuck there for hours now.” Mary muttered,
“Reid go place a call yo the emergency,
You were are your mechanical engineers,
Call them right now,
In fact lead me to the control room.” Andre said impatiently.
The receptionist who was now ashamed of herself led the way to the control room while Mary tagged along.
The control room was almost empty,
All the workers were by the other side of the room playing cards and they didn’t notice the intruders that just entered.
Andre walked towards them and flipped the table in anger,
Pouring both their cards and their drinks on the floor,
“How dare you?!” They asked on impulse but seeing who was standing in front of them,
They all kept their cool,
“President De Marco.” They all called simultaneously,
Fear was visible in their faces.
“You punks are here while my woman is stuck in your goddamned elevator.” He yelled at them,
Each of them ran to the control centre and that was when they realised that one of the elevator had a mechanical fault.
They hadn’t noticed it since.
“Incompetent bastards!”
“If you idiots don’t get her out of them under the next five minutes,
I’ll sue you all to court,I swear.” He threatened.
Immediately the men ran to the elevator door and began to bang it.
“Gianna hold on,
Someone’s coming to save you and they’ll get you to the hospital.” He said to her,
Gianna’s hands were almost half closed and she was almost getting short of breath.
“Gianna hold on please,
Don’t close your eyes.” He pleaded with her.
While the men tried to open the door and get them out,
Gianna was loosing consciousness and Dean was trying every possible means to keep her awake,
While Andre stood by the desktop and watched every scene inside the elevator,
Dean pecking Gianna’s forehead,
Him rubbing her palms to keep it warm and also cuddling her wet body to his,
All this rose the jealousy level of the man he wanted to pull out the door and take his woman away from Dean.
Since the elevator had gone down,
The men had to get a crane to pull it up before they could open the door.
So they brought the crane to the underground basement then place it under the elevator.
It took five men and a machine power to pull up the elevator and when they did.
The same five men as ordered by Andre,forcefully pulled the door apart,
Andre rushed in immediately and grabbed the already unconscious Gianna from Dean,
Not looking back,he took Reid’s hand and they turned to leave.
As soon as they got outside,
They were paparazzi and press were everywhere.
It happened that while the men were busy trying to bring Gianna and Dean out of the elevator,
The silly receptionist had gone ahead to call her boyfriend who was among the media and he too had call some of his colleagues too.
When Andre saw them he frowned,
Held on to Gianna and Reid tighter then sway his way through the crowd that kept shoving their microphone into his face.
“President De Marco,who’s this woman to you?”
“Is she your mistress?
“President De Marco,I thought you’ve been engaged to Jasmine?”
“She’s a second woman.”
“How’s she related to you?”
“What’s the relationship between you too?”
The questions were getting too much for Gianna’s ear,her brows furrowed.
Andre seeing this became angry,
He turned to the press with a very cold face.
“If anyone dares follow me an inch again,
I’ll make that person regret it.” He swore to them.
He turned and began to walked towards the car,
But one reporter walked up to him fearlessly,
“Air why aren’t you replying us?
Is it that your relationship with her is very illicit?” The man who turned out to be the receptionist’s boyfriend asked Andre.
With all anger and vexation,
He handed Gianna to the bodyguard and turned to the man in pure hatred,
Andre slapped the camera from the man’s hand,
Then he punched the man,
Punched him till he bled and his face was bloody,
“That’s the answer to your question.” Leaving the man pained and bloodied,
He walked into his car and they zoomed off to the hospital, leaving the press in shock.
While at the hospital,
The doctors at the De Marco’s Private Hospital tried everything possible to revive Gianna and fortunately for them,
She woke up after a few hours.
“President, she’s awake now.” One of the doctors told Andre who was waiting at the doctor’s office with Reid.
Immediately the man gave them the news,
Both Reid and Andre got up and followed the man to the ward were Gianna was being treated.
“Mommy!” Reid called immediately he saw her awake,
“Reid be careful she’s still not strong.” Andre warned the boy as he ran to hug her.
Gianna sat up and spread her arms to hug the boy,
“Reid.” She called the boy as she hugged him.
“Mommy.” The boy called her,
“Thank God you’re safe mommy,
Thank goodness.” The kid said to her,
Andre just stood by and watched both of them,
Especially the boy,
He appreciated the courage and boldness the little boy portrayed tonight to save his mommy.
He was so bold and did his very best to make sure his mommy was found and safe.
If not for the boy,he won’t have known what was happening to his woman.
Both mother and son turned to him,
“Andre.” Gianna called him,
“I’m sorry for making you guys worried.” She apologized to him.
Andre walked towards her and the boy and sat beside them,
“Why ate you always getting in trouble and being careless?” He asked her,
“I’m sorry….”
“No Gianna you’re not,
You’re always doing this,
Always getting into one trouble or the other,
Why? He asked angrily.
He wasn’t angry that she got into trouble but rather he was angry and jealous that she’d to be with Dean in the elevator.
Seeing how Dean had held her and even pecked her forehead several times,
He felt very angry and jealous.
To be continued.
Making sure she’s fine and safe and the boy was with her,
Andre left the hospital.
He wasn’t happy when he left and both mother and son knew it.
“Daddy what’s wrong with you and why did you yell at mommy earlier?” Reid asked the man as they both left the room for the nurse to transfer Gianna to the VIP ward.
“Reid you won’t understand,
But I’d to do what I did to save your mommy.” He replied the boy with a very sad tone.
Reid was confused at his father’s words.
“What do you mean daddy?” The kid asked confused.
Andre would have love to share his problem with his son,
But he couldn’t.
No matter the fact that the boy behaves more maturely and has a very high IQ,
It doesn’t mean he should be burdened with adult problem from his age.
“Daddy mean well for you,mommy and your older brother.” He said to the boy.
“Daddy are you leaving mommy and me?” Reid asked the man,
He suspect the man was saying all these words cause he wants to leave them.
“No son,” Andre crutched to the boys level,
“I’m not leaving you guys,
I just want to thread carefully.” He assured the boy.
All his life,
Reid had never felt so scared and insecure like he does now.
Hearing his father say all those words,
He felt like he was leaving them forever and he definitely hates that feelings.
“Daddy can you bring older brother when you get back here.” He asked,
The man nodded and hugged the boy.
“I’ll bring big brother here when I come later.” He said to her.
Andre left but didn’t go home,
He went to His Mother’s Recovery Home and spend almost half the morning.
He went to the office later that morning but didn’t stay long and couldn’t even concentrate on what they were doing.
Images of Dean pecking Gianna’s for head continued playing in his brain and his anger and jealousy rose by the seconds.
How dare he kiss her?
Why couldn’t he look for something else to do than kiss her.
He was so angry that he vented his anger on the poor employees.
That night,
Andre came with Justin to the hospital.
The little boy had been so happy to be able to see his younger brother and his mommy.
“Mommy!” Justin shrieked with excitement as Andre opened the door to the VIP ward.
He ran towards Gianna who was lying on the bed.
“Justin,how’re you?” Gianna asked the boy,
Who she was now hugging.
“Mommy,how’re you doing now?” He asked her,
Gianna nodded.
“Mommy’s safe and fine as long as she has both you and Reid with her.” She said to him,
“What about daddy?
Isn’t he among your superhero?” Justin asked her.
She looked at Andre,
He took his gaze away from her.
Is he still angry at me?
She asked herself seeing the way he was acting towards her.
“Justin and Reid,
Can you give me and daddy some privacy?” She asked the boy’s who were busy with themselves.
Both boys turned to their parents
“Okay.” The replied together.
Justin took Reid’s hands and led him towards the door.
“Let’s go get ourselves some dinner.” He said to his little brother.
Reid agreed immediately,
Seeing his brother was actually trying to give some privacy to mommy and daddy.
“Mommy should we get you anything?” He asked his mother,
Gianna shook her head.
She’d ate the hospital dinner,
Reid had refused the dinner saying it was meant for sick people.
The boy insisted on eating whenever his brother comes to the hospital.
Gianna had argued with him but the boy had adamantly refused dinner waiting for Justin to come first.
Both boys left the room,leaving the two adults to themselves.
“Andre are you still mad at me?” She asked him soberly,
He didn’t reply but still didn’t take his eyes away from her,
“Andre I said I’m sorry about that,
It was something I couldn’t control,
I was cold and Dean…….”
I’m tired of hearing his name over and over again.” Andre was frustrated.
“Dean did this,
Dean did that,
Superstar D is the best…….
I’m tired of having to hear his name over and over again.” He yelled.
His words made Gianna more surprised.
“But Andre….”
She wanted to explain to him that Dean had pulled her into the elevator just to save her from getting hurt by the elevator’s door.
But with this angry state he’s in,
He won’t listen to her,
But nevertheless,
She still have to make herself clear with him,
“Andre stop being this way,
Dean pulled me into the elevator to save me from getting hurt.” She explained.
She knows he has insecurities but why can’t he just believe her and understand that she can never cheat on him with any other man.
Dean’s a great friend and a colleague and she sees nothing farther than that with him.
“Andre you’re getting the picture wrong,
I was cold and he did what he just had to do.”
Like her words meant a lot to him,
He pulled closer and wrapped his arms around her,
“Anna I’m so sorry I have to be this way,
It’s just that I can’t control my insecurities.
I felt so jealous seeing him pecking your forehead earlier and cuddling you to keep you warm.
Deep down,I was hoping if the both of us stuck in there instead of the both of you guys.” He said to her.
She couldn’t fight with him,
She understands perfectly well,
Andre has insecurities about everyone especially when it comes to her and she wasn’t going to misuse his trust for one.
Having her to himself is the best feelings he’s ever got and he was sure to make the feeling last.
But seeing her in another man’s arm,
He was beginning to doubt what he shares with her.
Meanwhile both Reid and Justin toed outside the street,
They were both looking for a good restaurant to eat in before going back to the hospital to meet their parents.
“Little brother,is like there’s no good restaurant around here?” Justin asked his brother,
“There’s one by the other end if the street,
We just have to take a few walks.” He said to his older brother.
They took a few walks down the road and stopped in front of a restaurant.
” this’d the place I was stalking to you.
Both boys got into and the well furnished and elegant restaurant.
“Where’s the waiter?” Reid called immediately,
Two waiters ran to the table the boys had settled down.
“What can we offer you?” The waitress asked the boys.
Both boys placed their orders and not long enough,
Their orders were served.
After dinner both boys paid their bills and left to the surprise of the people in the restaurant.
How could such little kids carry so much money with them?
“Brother what should we do now?” Justin asked Reid as they left the restaurant,
“Let’s go back to the hospital.” He said,
Justin shook his head,
It’s too early to go back to the hospital
And let’s give mommy and daddy more time to themselves.” Justin said to the other boy.
“So what do you want us to do now?” Reid asked him,
“Let’s go to the movies or something,
I heard Fast and Furious premieres would be release today,
Let’s go see it.” Justin said,
Reid actually didn’t want to go,
He isn’t a movies lover but for the fact his brother wanted to go,
Its no harm going with him.
So instead of going back to the hospital,
Both boys changed direction and headed for the Cinema which wasn’t far from the restaurant.
Justin bought their tickets,
And even got popcorn for his brother.
When both boys went inside,the movie was bout to start,
So they trailed their way to the second roll and sat beside each other.
While the movie was going on,
Justin couldn’t concentrate.
His attention was all focused on the man in front of him.
The man looks dangerous but that’s not what bothered the boy.
He noticed that the man was harassing the girl beside him,
Often he saw the girl try to shout but the man would pinch her,
She wouldn’t talk again but it was visible from her expression that she was scared and very terrified.
“Let me go please.” This girl pleaded,
The man who looks older but very dangerous brought out a knife from his pocket,
“If you make any sound,I’m going to kill you.” He threatened.
He put his hands under her skirt and began to caress her thighs while the poor girl cried silently.
They were people beside them and they noticed what was going on but seeing the man with a knife,
They didn’t want to get involved in the mess in case of the man hurting anybody.
“Brother….look t what that man’s doing?” Justin told Reid pointing to the man in front of him,
Before Reid could say any word he stood up and left their row.
“Your legs are so soft,
Wonder how your breasts would be?” The man said to the crying girl…..
“Hey Uncle,get your hands off her.” A voice said to them man,
The girl was relieved that someone had come to save her but seeing a little boy of eight,nine she felt disappointed.
The man,seeing the little boy order him,
He became amused at himself.
“Get little boy go back to your daddy and stop disturbing me and my girlfriend.” He said smiling to the girl revealing his braced teeth.
“Uncle stop being shameless and let her go.” Justin warned again,
He went towards them and pulled the girl from the mans grip and this infuriated the man,
“Hey!” He stood up to hit the boy but swiftly,
Justin pushed him back to the seat.
The man was surprised at such energy and strength the boy possessed,
“Little boy,I’m warning you don’t teat my patience…..”
A slap followed from the boy.
“I love to see you fight me.” Justin said mockingly.
In anger the man stood up to fight him but the people around forcefully push him back.
“Hey Sir, do you want to hit the boy?” They asked him angrily,
“Someone call the security.” Justin ordered.
The mam seeing everyone was against him,
He carefully slipped out his knife to stab the boy who just ruined his deal but unknown to him,
Reid had seen him slip out the knife,
So as he tried to get up from the seat,
Reid came from behind and hit him with the coke can.
“Justin he’s with a knife!” Reid shouted to his brother.
Justin rushed forward to the man and kicked his gorse,
“That’s for trying to rape her,”
He flew on the man’s stomach and punched his face,
“That’s my autograph.” He said as he got down from the mans body seeing the security men coming towards them.
“Sir this man was harassing this young girl.” Justin complaint,
Seeing the girl’s crying face,
The security men need not ask another question,
They pulled the man out of the cinema and left with him.
Reid came out from the seat too and went to Justin,
“Did he hurt you?” He asked filled with concern,
“Nah he didn’t,
No one can hurt me as long as you’re with me.” He said and took his brothers hand.
“I’m done watching this,
Let’s head back to the hospital.” Reid nodded and they both left the cinema.
When they left this cinema,
Both boy decided to ganything mall to get a new shirt for Justin,
“I don’t think that’s necessary,
Mommy and daddy won’t notice the rip.” Justin said to Reid,
“Big brother,
Seeing that rip on your shirt mommy will surely ask what happened and see the bruise on your forehead too.” He pointed to the red mark of scratch on the boy’s forehead.
“Okay okay,
Let’s go and get some new clothes.” Justin said in defeat as they navigated their way into the mall but unknown to them,
A man was tailing along them.
To be continued