
The Billionaire’s Surrogate – Part 7

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Previous – Chapter 51-60



The Billionaire's Surrogate - Part 7 - Online Novel



As both boys walked into the mall, they headed to the clothes section and began to select a shit similar to what Justin was wearing,
It was hard because Justin’s clothes wear all bought abroad and was almost customized clothes.
“This one looks similar to the one you’re wearing?” Reid pointed to a checked shirt,
“Nah, mine’s stripe and not checked.” Justin said still looking for another shirt.

“We can manage it,
It’s just a strip and check difference,
And no one will notice it.” Reid said,
Justin came back to the shirt Reid had chosen for him.
He took the shirt from the hanger and they headed to the cashier’s desk to pay for it.
“Here Miss,
Check this for me.” Justin said to the cashier,
A younger woman with very heavy makeup.

“Okay boy,but where are your parent?” She asked the boy.
Justin didn’t mind her question,
He just handed the shirt to the woman and she did a run check on shirt.
“One fifty dollar.” She said to the boy,
Justin brought out his wallet and fished out a couple of twenty dollar bills and handed it to the woman.
The woman was surprised when she took a sneak peek at the boys wallet and saw the dollar bills stacked neatly in his Gucci Wallet.

He must be the son of a very wealthy man,
But what’s he doing here alone and by this time of the evening?
I thought rich men have their kids locked up inside the house,
How come this one’s out here patrolling like a normal kid?
Did he run away from home?
She asked herself not able to take her eyes off the handsome and cute boy in front of her desk.
The boy had a very cold demeanor but he’s still cute.

When the cashier handed the shirt to Justin,
He turned to Reid but surprisingly,
His brother wasn’t behind him.
“Reid.” He called,
He looked around but still didn’t see his brother.
“Miss,” He called the woman’s attention.
“Yes boy.” The woman replied,

“Did you happen to see my brother?” He asked,
The lady frowned,
She hadn’t seen any other child with him.
“Your brother?
Didn’t see any other child with you when you came here.” She said to the boy.
Justin was confused,
He’d been talking to Reid till they came to the cashier’s desk and that was when his attention drifted from his younger brother.
“But…..” He walked away from the desk and retraced his part to the place they’d gotten the clothes from but he didn’t see Reid.
There he became scared.

Meanwhile Reid’s mouth was covered, so he couldn’t shout as the man carried him out of the mall.
When he looked closely,he noticed something about the man that has abducted him.
The man has the same tattoo as the man that was at the cinema.
A dragon tattoo at his arms and some sort of a logo under it.

He’d seen the tattoo when he had hit him with the his coke plastic.
Does the man think I’m Justin and wants to get revenge for what happened?
He was scared,
What if this man hurts him badly or worse even kill him.
“I’m going to show you I’m not so done to be messed with.” The man said,
“I’m going to put you in your place and next time you wouldn’t dare interfere in other people’s business.” He heard the man said as he carried him into a dark alley.

The alley was foggy and smells a lot,
It smelt like a sewage dump house and it’s fog was green and very choky.
The stink from the alley made Reid want to puke.
How can someone be able to pass through this place?
He asked himself as the man carried him farther into the alley.
Seeing the man going farther and farther into the alley,
He began to squirm,
“You better stay still boy or else,you won’t like how I’ll treat you.” The man threatened.

As they got to a certain point in this alley,
The man pushed him to the floor,
The boys frail body landed on the hard floor with a great thud.
Reid winced in pain
“Hey be careful,
I’m just a kid.” He yelled at the man,
“You’re a kid uh….” The man said and before Reid could know what was happening,
A tight slap landed across his cheek.
“Ouch!” He cried,
“You shouldn’t have done what you did earlier,
Imaging playing a hero and taking that girl from me,
Now you’ll have to suffer and pay for the humiliation I passed through all because of your stupidity.”The man retorted,
Reid wanted to tell the man that he’d not pulled the stunt earlier but the man fist rammed his face again.

He staggered back again,
“I thought you were playing a hero,
Why are you being scared now?” He asked the boy in a mocking tone.
The man raised his hands to hit the boy but another arm pulled him from behind,
The force of the arm made the man staggered.
“You don’t dare lay those filthy hands on yours on my brother again or you have me to deal with.” Justin’s voice thundered.
Reid turned to the silhouette figure of his brother,
He hadn’t seen the face but from the voice,
He recognized it as Justin’s and immediately,
The fear in him dashed away.

Reid ran from the man’s front and went to his brother’s side.
“Big brother,
This man was bullying me.” He complained to Justin.
The older boy moved towards the man in a great force and the man didn’t see that coming.
He landed a blow on the man’s forehead and the man with all his strength fell on the floor.
Seeing he man on this floor,
Justin went between his legs and jumped on his groins,
“Aargh!” The man cried in pain,
“How dare you lay your filthy hands on my brother?
Now you’re going to fill the pain of being bullied.” He spat on the mans face.

“Reid.” He called his younger brother,
“How many times did he hit you?” Just asked the boy,
Reid smiled,
He always love such invitations.
“Big brother,
He slapped me ehm….” Reid scratched his temple,

I’ll add some more to the slap.
He thought to himself
Instead of twice,
“He slapped me four times.” He said to Justin,who nodded immediately,
“Come brother,
Come and return the slaps he gave to you.”
Immediately, Reid rushed to beside the man,
After rubbing his two palms,
He brought his palms closer to the man’s cheeks,

“Don’t you da….”
Reid retracted his palms and landed his palms on the man’s cheeks.
“Ouch!” He cried,
The man’s cheeks were strong like they were made from steel and it really hurt his frail hands.
Justin left the man and went to the wailing Reid,
“What’s that?”He asked a taking the boy’s palms,
“It hurts brother,
It really hurt.” He complained wincing as his palms turned red.
“You’re too weak Reid,
You might be intelligent and smart, but I’m indeed the stronger twin and you’re the weaker one.” Justin said to Reid, who frowned at the revelation of things.
“In life you’ve gat to be strong or even if you can’t be physically strong,
You should have a strong backing so to protect yourself when things like this comes your way.” Justin advised Reid.

I’m not weak,
I might not be able to fight off bullies on my own but I know I’m not weak.
He thought to himself.
Seeing the man still groaning and his hands on his groins.
Both boys walked away from the scene,
“You’ll pay for this you watch,
Is like you punks don’t know where I belong to?” He yelled after the boys turned,
This word caught Justin and Reid’s attention and they turned back to the man,
“And where do you belong to?” Both asked simultaneously,
The man gave of an evil smile,
“I’m among the RED DRAGON.” He said proudly,
Showing off dragon tattoo proudly even while he was in pain,
“You see this?” H pointed to the logo under the dragon tattoo,
“It’s means,
My master’s going to hunt you both and I’ll have my full revenge on you.” He threatened.
Feeling disgusted at the man’s word,
Justin came back and kicked him on the groins again.
“Also tell your master I did that.” He spat then walks to Reid,
Took the boy’s hands and together they walked out of the smelly and foggy alley.

They went back to the mall to get a change of clothes,
“I think you should do something about that puffed red cheeks of yours before mommy or daddy finds out that you’ve been hurt.” Justin said to Reid as they both changed into a similar shirt.
With the help of another lady present at the mall,
Reid got some powder and foundations that were appropriate for him and matched his color.
The woman applied the makeover to the bruised part of his face to cover the slap mark.
When she finished,
Reid looked at himself in the mirror,
“With this mommy will never notice anything.” He said,
“And daddy too.” Justin added.
Justin paid their bills and also appreciated the lady who’d helped Reid with the makeover with some cash and both boys left the mall and headed to the hospital.

Reid couldn’t stop thinking of what Justin had told him while they fought the big bully.
‘You have to be strong or have a strong backing.’
The words continued to play in his head even after he lay beside his mommy while Justin lay beside Andre as they all slept on the big size hospital bed.
It was the VIP ward Andre had made specially for Gianna,
So the bed was enough to accommodate them all and still have space for extra.
He slowly got out of the bed to avoid waking up his mommy or any other person,
He went to his backpack and got out his cellphone and placed a call to his manager,
Mr Lee.
“Hello Mr Lee.” He greeted the man as his sleepy voice yawned through the phone,
“Place a call to,
Tell him I’m willing to accept his offer to join Hurricane Group.” He informed the man,
“What?” The manager asked with great shock.
He’d never expected the boy to want to even think about the offer.

He’s a kid and even though he’s controlling an empire and has many deals to his name,
It doesn’t mean an eight year old should be toying and being in the midst of men.
Men that had illegalities and crimes to their name,
Men that hold the power rein of world’s economy,
Men that’d had their hands soaked in blood.
He’s never going to allow this little boy stray into the den of lions.

“Director McKenna,
I don’t think I can do that.” The man said,bluntly refusing to convey such message.
“And why do you think you’ve the right to refuse my message?
Make sure this message gets to the Chief’s table and secondly,
I want you to gather information on the group called RED DRAGON,
THE DEVIL’S BLOOD.” He said and hung up.
Since he isn’t physically strong,
He’ll have to use a strong backing to protect himself and that strong backing should be

The next evening,
The doctors signed and approved of Gianna’s discharge from the hospital.
Andre drove her and the kids home.
“Welcome home mommy.” Both boys beamed with joy seeing her home.
“Thanks champions.” She kissed both boys before being wheeled to her room by Andre on a wheelchair,
One she practically hates.
Andre had insisted she use a wheelchair to move around and he even called for Justin’s personal maids to come over at Gianna’s,
So they can help around the house.
“Andre I don’t need any helper to do my chores for me.” She said stubbornly,
But Andre was adamant on bringing in the maids and before they got home,
The two women were already at the house and had prepared dinner already.
“Mommy they’ve prepared dinner already,” Reid cried seeing the women dish out dinner for them.
Reid prepares dinner and it was no doubt he felt that these women came to take his place.
“Reid my son,daddy had yo bring them in to help you and mommy.” She consoled the boy,

While Andre and Justin dug into their meal just at the sight of the food.
“And know that daddy did all this to help relieve you of the house chores.” She added,
The boy couldn’t complain no more,
He just had to listen to his mommy and allow the women do the chores.

Andre was still eating when his phone began to ring,
He checked the caller,
It was an unknown number.
Andre took up the phone and accepted the call,
“Hello.” He said in a cold voice thinking its one of the numerous people that calls him unwantedly.
“Hello.” He said again but the person didn’t reply.
He wanted to hang up but the caller said some words that got him yelling,
Everyone turned to him.

To be continued.








Everyone in the dining room turned to Andre,
Seeing everyone looked at him,
He became self conscious.
He wouldn’t want them to worry,
So he stood up,
“Excuse me.” He stood up and left the dining table.

Mr Lee was very worried with what Reid has asked him to do.
Join Hurricane Group,
Hell no!
He wasn’t going to let the kid go astray,
He couldn’t let him venture into something he’s going to regret for the rest of his life.
Hurricane Group is not a group to be toyed with.
Its a no child zone and the only reason they’ve been inviting the kid into the midst was because of his prodigious knowledge.
The kid’s a genius but that doesn’t mean he should be led astray.

To be in the midst of men whose conscience has been sold to the under world,
They smuggle drugs,
Trafficking human,
Kill and kidnap,
In fact they’re the highest level of illegalities one can ever think of.
Seeing the boy isn’t going to listen to him,
He decided to call President De Marco.
As the boy’s father,
He believed Reid was going to pay attention to his father more than to him.

“Yes Sir what you heard is true,
Reid had ordered that I tell the Chief and CEO of Hurricane Group that he’ll be joining them.” The man said,
Andre was surprised at what the man was telling him.
“What have you done so far?” He asked them man,
Who he barely knows but appreciate the fact that the man had called him first in such an auspicious time.

I wanted to tell you of the boy’s plan before conferring the message to the CEO.
Don’t conference the message to them,
I’ll talk to Reid about this.” Andre said to the man,
“But…Sir if you talk to Sir Reid about this,
Hell terminate my job.” The man said scaredly.
He doesn’t want to lose his job.

I won’t let him fire you and even if he does,I’ll employ you as my HRM.”Andre assured the man,
” But nevertheless, thanks for the information. “He said to the man and hung up.

He walked back to the dining table,
” What was that?”Gianna asked referring to the way he’d yelled while taking the call.
Andre looked at Reid,
“It’s nothing dear.” He lied,
The didn’t won’t to talk to Reid about what the man had told him in front of everyone,
This was something he would talk him about in private.
“You sure?” She asked him again,
Andre nodded but still he couldn’t continue his dinner.
Lost all his appetite already.

That night when he was that Gianna was asleep,
He tiptoed to the boy’s room.
Justin was asleep but Reid wasn’t,
The boy was still on his computer and didn’t notice the mans presence.
“Reid.” Andre called as soft and most quiet as he could,so as not to wake the other boy.
Reid turned immediately and was shocked to see the man in their room.
“Daddy.” He replied the man,
Andre signalled the boy to follow him.
Obediently, Reid stood up from the desk and followed him outside the room,
Closing the door carefully to avoid it creaking so loudly.

Andre took the boy to the safest corner of the house,
The Patio.
He was sure no one,not even the maid would come there,
So he took Reid there.
He pulled out a chair and featured the boy to sit down,
Not saying a word,
Reid sat down and faced the man.

“Reid what have you been up to?” Andre asked the boy,
Reid was surprised at the question,
He hadn’t up to anything he hadn’t been up to all his life,
But that doesn’t account to anything.
“I don’t understand you daddy.” He said confused,
“What did you ask you manager to do?” He asked,
Reid was surprised,
Mr Lee told his daddy about what he’d asked him to do.
Silly man.

“Do you mind me rephrase my question for you?” Andre asked when the boy didn’t say anything after a while.
“No daddy.” Reid muttered,
“So why did you ask him to do it?
Why do you want to join them?” Andre asked impatiently,
Can’t believe his younger son is trying to go astray right under his nose.
“Daddy I’m sorry.” The boy apologized,
Andre knelt in front of him,
“That isn’t the reply I want,
Why did you ask the man to tell them you were going to join them?” He asked again.

Reid couldn’t tell the man that he’s made the request just because he wanted yo have a stronger backing.
He didn’t want to be seen as the weaker twin like Justin had told him,
He wanted to have power,so people would dread messing with him.
“Can’t you talk anymore?
Or do you want your mommy to make you talk?” Andre asked,

He wasn’t really going to call her but he’d said that to scare the boy and make him talk faster.
He needed to know what’d pushed the boy to making such dangerous decision.
After this,hell have to talk to Mr Lee,
The man need to update him and keep him on tab on what this son of his has been up to and will be up to.
“No….don’t call mommy.” Reid pleaded,
“Then tell me why you did that?” Andre asked,
“I just wanted them to protect me,
That’s all.
I felt that if they were behind me,
I won’t have to be weak,
They’ll make me strong.” Reid explained.

Andre was shocked,
Who’d given him the notion that he needs to be under their cover to be strong.
He needed those heartless men to protect him.
He wasn’t going to allow his son go and seek protection from those vile men.
He’s going to protect his sons and his woman,
He’s going to protect his family.

“Reid you don’t have to go to them,
I’ll protect you,your brother and your mommy.
You can always turn to me and I’m always……”
“Daddy you don’t know everything,” The boy said to him,
Andre was kinda surprised at the boy’s words.
What doesn’t he know?
“Reid,do you mind explaining to daddy what you mean?” He asked the boy,

Reid nodded,
There are so many thing that are happening right under your nose but you get too busy to take note of them.
For example,
Do you know both your uncles are back and are trying to make Jasmine help them to get your staff of authority?” He asked,
Andre was no surprise at all,
He knew that already and that was why he’s trying to push Gianna away so his uncles won’t hurt her trying to get to him,
But how did the boy knew of this?
He asked himself.

Just like the boy knew his heart,
He moved closer to him,
“Daddy,I’ve someone tailing on Jasmine and knew of her recent deeds,
They’ve killed Aaron your former assistant and now they’re aiming at great grandfather.
I only wanted to join Hurricane Group cause I figured out that if you love mommy,
You’ll want to stay away from her while they try to attack you,so they won’t target on her or me and big brother.
But checking it another way round,
They’ll still hurt her even though you leave her,
Cause by now,they might have figured out that Mommy’s the lost daughter of the family and they’ll want to kill her to slim your chance of being the head of the family.” Reid explained.

Even Andre became shocked at the boys intelligence.
He’d thought about this but really hadn’t taking it to consideration but having come from his eight year old son,
He felt he to put it under consideration.
He’d to protect the woman and the boys at all cost.
He hugged the boy,
“You did it to protect your mommy right?” He asked,
Reid nodded.
“I just wanted mommy to be safe under my protection while the feud will be going on,
Don’t want anyone to hurt her.” He said in his father’s embrace.
“You don’t have to join them son,
I’ll protect you and your mommy,
That a promise I make to you as your father and as your mommy’s lover.
I’ll protect you,her and your brother Justin,no matter what it takes me and as for those bad guys,
I’m going to make them pay.
Just give daddy time and bet me you,
Everything will be fine under six months.
Give me just six months to set everything right and I promise I’ll do just that.
Everything will be alright before you know it.” Andre assured the boy,
Reid nodded.

“But promise me son, you’re not going to join them.” He said to the boy,
“Promise daddy you’ll never ever think of joining Hurricane Group.” He said again,
The boy nodded,
“I won’t ever think of joining them again.” He said and they pinkies swear,
“Promise?” Andre asked smiling,
“Promise.” Reid replied him grinning…
They disengaged from each other,
“Now you go back to bed before anyone especially your mommy notices you’re not in bed.” He said to the boy,
Reid gave him two goodnight pecks on both cheeks and ran to towards his room.

Seeing the boy left,
Andre fumbled out a cigar from his pocket,
He brought out a lighter and lit the stuff,
Inhaling the narcotic content of the cigar.
Unknown to him,
Someone had hid behind the patio glass and had overheard most of the father and son’s conversation before he stumbled out quietly and left the place making sure he wasn’t seen by anyone.

To be continued






Seeing his brother leave,
Justin came out of his hiding place and walked slowly and very quietly to avoid his father from seeing….
“Stop there boy.” Andre voice made the boy halt his movement.
The boy turned to the direction of the man puffing his cigar,
“Daddy…I….was….” Andre gestured the little boy to come forward and he did,
“I know you’ve been there all along son,
Now tell me why aren’t you in bed?” He asked the boy.

“I couldn’t sleep after you took little brother away from the room,
So I decided to follow you guys,to know what you and little brother where up to.” Justin said in his child-like innocence,
“And you heard everything right?” He asked the boy,
Justin shook his head but when Andre glare became intense,
He nodded,
“Yeah,I did hear not of what you told little brother,
But daddy is it true that mommy Jasmine’s out to hurt mommy and little brother?” The boy asked,
Andre scooped him up,
“Yeah and that’s why I’m being careful with mommy,
So they won’t be able to hurt her.
For the time being,
I need to act like I want to get married to Jasmine so they won’t hurt your mommy.” Andre told the boy.

So far he has learn something about both his sons,
If you try to hide something from them,
They’ll always find out in their own way and would want to handle things their way.
He doesn’t want them to be getting into trouble always,
That why from now on he’s going to be telling the boys whatever they need to know from him.

“Daddy has agreed to marry Jasmine,so he can get the staff of authority and be the head of the family,
Once he does that it’ll be very easy to defeat the bad people that are after him and mommy.” Andre assured the boy,
Justin nodded.
He trust his father and knows that he won’t ever do anything to hurt his mommy or his brother.

“Son you and your brother don’t have to worry about anything,
Daddy will protect you guys and mommy,
He’s going to protect you all.” Andre assured the boy as he took him to his room.
“Now you go to sleep,
Don’t worry anymore son,
Daddy will handle everything.” Andre whispered to the boy as he open the door,
Reid was already asleep on the bed,
So he carefully lay Justin on the bed beside his brother.
He went to Reid and kissed his forehead,
“Good night son.”
After kissing Reid,he went back to Justin and did the same.
Quietly, he opened the door and left closing his slowly and very quietly behind him to avoid the creaking sound.

Since Green Apple Movie was on its last production process and that was not the shooting rather but after set production.
Gianna was well and still goes there to help around.
“Gigi, can I have a word with you?” She was in her changing room when she heard Dean’s voice said from the door.
She turned to the door,
Seeing him talking to her again she smiled.
After the elevator incident,
Dean seemed to draw farther from her.

Do come in.” She said to him,
Dean stood for awhile before he walked into the room.
Gianna stopped what she was doing and turned to him,
“Hi Dean…..”
“Miss Gianna,I’m done with….” Mary barbed in immediately but seeing both the superstars,
She halted,
“I’ll come back later.” Mary said and turned to leave,
“Mary just give us some minutes please.” Dean said to her and immediately Mary left the room,closing the door behind her.

“Gianna uhm,
I need to have a word to you.” Dean repeated,
Gianna though nervous,
She just nodded.
“Okay,what’s it?” She asked Dean.
He moved closer and tucked the hair that was on her forehead back to her ear,
I’m sorry for being hard on you over the past few weeks.” He apologized to her,
Gianna nodded casually,
“Its nothing Dean,it was just a little misunderstanding.” She said to him.
“Gianna,who’s Andre to you?” Dean asked, her,
His demeanor was sad.

“Dean,I’m going to be very honest here,
The relationship between myself and Andre is a very complicated one,
I know everyone must have gotten wind of the fact that I have a son and I’m not going to deny it,
I have a son.” She said to Dean,
He wasn’t surprised at all.
He’d heard the news after the elevator incidence and that’s the main reason he wanted to talk to her.

“Is he his son?” Dean asked her,
Gianna kept her head down then nodded,
“You were the surrogate the De Marco family took years ago?” He asked her,
Gianna nodded.
That was sure the worst decision she ever took her while life but it also best thing that has ever happened to her though…
“So that’s why you couldn’t leave him,
You were afraid he might take the boy from you?”
Everything made sense to Dean now but……..
She took the boy,
Then the son Andre had always paraded as his son was……..

“You’d a twin for him?”
He wanted to be sure he’s getting every right,
“Yeah,I had two sons then but I took the second son because he was almost stillborn.” She explained,
Dean pulled closer,
“Gigi,I want to be together with you,
I’ll help you fight for your sons and…..”
“No Dean,you can’t do that.
The boys are Andre’s and me leaving him is leaving my sons with him,
I can’t take such risk.” She said nervously shifting away from him.

Meanwhile,Fanny Williams has seen Dean entered into Gianna’s changing room and after awhile,she was Mary come out of the room.
Since it was no secret that Gianna has a special place in President De Marco’s heart.
She wanted to do something that’ll make the man hate Gianna and maybe fancy her.

Her instinct told her that Dean and Gianna might be having a secret affair and she’ll be cheating in Andre,
So she got the man’s work number and placed a call to the assistant.
“Hello dear,
De Marco Empire.
How may I help you?” The secretary said immediately she took the call,
“Miss Fanny Williams speaking from Denver Tower,
I want to speak to your boss,Mr De Marco.” Fanny said flimsily,
“Tell him its about Miss Gianna McKenna.” She added,
Immediately the secretary hung up.

“Dean,I’m so sorry it had to be this way,
I see you as a great friend and I sure don’t want to lose the relationship I share with you but please understand that I don’t love you.” She said to him,
All my life,I’ve never loved or taking interest to any woman except you,
Please just give me a chance.
What do you want?
I’ll give you all,
I’ll accept your son as mine but ease don’t do this to me.” He pleaded her.

Gianna was super nervous,
She hadn’t expect Dean to start harboring feelings for her even with what has been happening and how Andre had been picking fight with him over her.
Shed expected him to back off but no,
Deans sure as stubborn as Andre.
No one is willing to let go for the other.

Before she could fathom what’s happening,
Dean forcefully pulled her closer and crashed his lip to hers.
Immediately the door opened and Andre furious face barged into the room.

To be continued..






Andre’s appearance shocked Gianna so much,
In defense, she pushed Dean away from herself and stood up immediately.
With the fire in his eyes,
It was no secret Dean might end up in the hospital.
“How dare you?” Andre roared as he rushed over and punched Dean hard in the stomach,
He pulled him to the floor and threw countless punches at him,
Making the other man bleed from his nose.

“How dare you touch her?” He roared as he continue to fist fight the other man,
Dean did everything possible but he was no match for Andre.
Andre pulled him up and rammed Dean to the wall,
Gianna rushed to him,
“Andre please,please stop.” She pleaded with him in tears but Andre was so clouded with hatred for the man,
He wanted nothing than to kill him.

“Alexandre De Marco, stop wasting your precious time,
Gianna will never love you.” Dean said hatefully,
Andre got more angered at his words,
He got him up and rammed him to the wall.
Gianna couldn’t stop both men,
Seeing them not listening to her,
She ran out to look for someone else to one help separate them men before their kill each other.

“Mary!” She called out hysterically as she ran down the stairs,
“Director Selden!” She shouted,
But it was just like everyone had left.
“Oh my God, this isn’t happening,
Mary!” She called louder,
From the rear view of the glass,she saw a manly figure walk out of the Director’s Office.
In a haste she ran inside without knocking.

“Gianna!” The man called,
He was running up from briefs on the movie when she barged into his office without knocking.
“Sir..Andre….Dean…” She was hyperventilation, so couldn’t get her words out right but the man with a great sixth sense understood what she wanted to say and immediately he stood up and followed her to her changing room.

When they got to the room,
Andre was feeding Dean some intense punches and the latter was fighting back,
Director Selden ran to both men to separate them but in anger,Andre forcefully pushed him away.
The man relentlessly moved towards them again,
This time he forcefully dragged out Dean while Gianna ran to Andre to console him,
“Andre please don’t do this,
Don’t hit him again.” She knelt beside him while he was still holding Dean’s collar.
Andre tried to get her hands out from his clothes,
“Gianna let go immediately.” He thundered but she adamantly held on,

“Andre please,I’ll do whatever you want but please let go of Dean.” She pleaded him,
Seeing she wasn’t letting go,
Andre pushed her away from beside him and Gianna who has very little strength fell and hit her back on the metal table while her head hit the table stand.
Andre and Dean in their fist fight didn’t notice Gianna pass out.
They continued fist fighting and throwing punches at each other.
It was Director Selden who’d stood up from where Andre pushed him to that had seen Gianna and noticed that the lady was slowly drifting out of consciousness.
“Gianna!” He yelled,
With the last strength he possess after being pushed twice by Andre,
He rushed to her and scooped her up from the floor only to see the blood on her back head and on the floor.

“Alexandre!” He yelled in shocked,
In shock he didn’t bother put Andre’s title to his name,
“Gianna has been hurt.” He said,
Hearing what had happened both men let go of each other and ran to the man.
It was just like a protective instinct,
Immediately the man told them,
Both men seemed to have come to their senses and let go of each other.
Andre,on seeing Gianna in the pool of her own blood,
He took her from the man and rushed outside the room.
He’d a few bruises on his body but they don’t seem to bother him,
Gianna is what matters most.

Andre rushed Gianna to the nearest hospital and immediately,
Every doctor in the hospital had their attention to her..
He ordered everything kept on hold till Gianna’s alright and his words were authority,
No one did bother disobey him,
Cause disobeying him seems like incurring a never ending wrath.

After spending a good quality time trying to revive Gianna,
The doctors came out of the OT,
“Mr De Marco,I’m sorry but she’d lost a lot blood and we’ll urgently need a blood transfusion to save her.” The doctor said to the furious man,
Andre bandaged the table so hard,
“Then go get the blood,
Make sure nothing happens to her or else I’ll kill everyone of you here.” He threatened them.

The doctors couldn’t get Gianna a matching blood type cause she was O negative,
This blood type was a Universal Donor,
It can give to all but accept from only its kind.
And the worst part was that they’ve run short of that particular blood type.
“Mr De Marco,
There’s a bit of a problem,
We’ve ran short of that particular blood type and now we need to ask if there’s any relative or close relations that can…..” Andre glared at the man in anger.

The kids?
They’re her kids and is sure to have same blood type as her.
He didn’t want the kids to know about this…..
If he brings anyone of them here,he’ll have to explain to them what had happened to their mother and that’s one thing he doesn’t have the courage to do.
What’s he going to do?
Watching her from the glass view of the door,
Andre was very mad at himself.
He caused this,
If he hadn’t been too angry and mad,Gianna won’t be in the situation she’s right now.

Andre was lost in thought,he didn’t know when Director Selden and Dean came to the hospital too,
The director had come to get himself and Dean treated but on getting there,
Dean overheard the doctor’s conversation with Andre.
She needs blood and her blood type’s rare….
Watching the way Andre glared at the doctor,
He didn’t want to interfere..
No,since he loves Gianna,this was the only way to get close to her.
If he donates his blood,
Gianna will forever be indebted to him…

When the doctor left Andre,
Dean left the director and slowly walked to the doctor,
You said her blood type’s rare right and you guys are in short of it?” He asked the man,
The doctor nodded,
“Okay,I want to donate blood for her,
As long as she’s okay,
I want you to give her my blood.” He told the doctor,
“Oh Sir,
I’ll go in…..”
The man wanted to leave but Dean pulled him back,
“You don’t need to inform him.” He said,
He was referring to Andre.

“She’s someone very close to me and I just want to see that she’s safe.” Dean said to the man,
“Mr De Marco shouldn’t know that I donated the blood.” Dean said to the doctor,
“Okay sir but we need to check your blood type to see if it matches hers,
If it doesn’t,we have to look for another close relation.” The doctor said to him,
Dean nodded and he followed the doctor to his laboratory.

After running a few check on him,
He was tested positive.
“It’s Dean Wilson.” He said to the doctor,
The man gasped,
“Superstar D.” He exclaimed,
Dean nodded.
He signal to the man not to worry,
“Okay Sir,
Your blood type matches her and now we can continue with the transfusion.” The doctor said to him.

He knew his blood type was rare but was surprised it matched hers..
As a young boy,
He’d been involved in an accident,
Though he doesn’t recall how he got involved in that accident cause there are some part of his childhood he’d no memory of.
But it was known to him that it took ages before his blood type was found.
Like his mom had told him then,
It was a miracle and that a young girl was brought to the hospital too that day,
She’d bruises all over her body and when asked,
The people who’d brought her said she was found by the riverside lying unconsciously by the river bank.

Since his blood type was rare and couldn’t be found in anyone around….
Not even his mom,
The doctor decided they test for the girl’s,
And fortunately for them,
His and the girl’s blood type matched.
He didn’t see the girl but was very indebted to her.
And for the few days he regain consciousness and his mommy told him what had happened and about the young girl who’d saved him.
He’d asked about the girl to repay her kindness,but it was rather too late,
The doctors said she ran away from the hospital a few days after she regained consciousness.

But now hearing that his blood matched Gigi’s,
He felt a very cosmic connection to her and the first thing that popped his mind was that girl from years ago.
Was Gianna that girl?
Was she the girl that saved his life years ago?
Was she the young girl that saved him from dying when he was a kid and had no memories from his past?
There’s absolutely one way to find out???

To be continued.






Dean did ask the doctor to do the transfusion secretly without Andres knowledge while he went back home untreated,trying to get information about Gianna.
The bodyguards were all surprised to see him home especially with scratched and marks all over him and in no time the news got to his older brother Dane Wilson that someone had hurt Dean.

“What!” Dane was so furious when he heard the news,
Even for the fact that Dean was his illegitimate brother,
Born out of his fathers promiscuous affair,
He still dote on his brother and cared a lot for him.
Even though the later kept distancing away from him.
“Call my younger brother for me.” He ordered the guard,
Immediately the man hurriedly left and went to Dean’s Chambers to get him.

Ever since their parents death,
Dane had been the one handling the family affairs while Dean did all he could to distant himself from the family.
The Wilson runs the underworld,
They were wealthy though but has very string holding in the underworld business and that made people dread them.
Dane is the Don of the RED DRAGON:DEVIL’S BLOOD.
He as the older son kept the family Empire moving while Dean kept his distance.
Seeing his brother wasn’t tough and likely won’t head on the business,
He sent the boy abroad while he just entered his teenage years.
Dean was made to live in the Wilson’s Mansion after his mother had died alongside their father.

The Grand Master would want to see you.” The bodyguard said to Dean as he tried to leave the house and go back to the hospital.
He knew already that the guards might have told his older brother that someone had hurt him and the man would want to know who’d dared hurt him.

“Tell him that I’ll be there soon.” He said,
Actually, he wants planning o going to meet his brother,
He did only tell the guard so the man would allow him leave,
But the man was smarter,
Dean had played this same trick on him several times and every time he got scolded by the grand master,
Now,he isn’t taking chances.
“Sir,I’ll appreciate it if you follow me to him please.” He said politely.

Dean didn’t blame him,
The man must have gone through a hell lot of scolding to act this way.
He reluctantly followed the man,
“Okay let’s go.” Slowly he went ahead while the man tolled behind.
When they got to his brother’s chamber,
The guard stood outside while he went inside to meet his brother.

“Older brother,
Good day.” Dean greeted,
Dane was five years older than Dean,
So he’d to respect him.
“Dean,what happened to you?
Who’d dared hurt you?” Dane asked angrily seeing the marks on his brother porcelain body.
Purple marks of hard punching and slap,
A disfigured nose bridge and most of all a swollen lip.
“Brother,is gotten into an accident while on….”
“You don’t tell me that,
I’m not a kid.” He said angrily.
Trying not to tell him is incurring trouble for Denver Tower,
So its better been told than for him to go create a scene later.

“I got into a fight and it was my fault.” He said honestly,
“Your fault?
Even if it was your fault,
It doesn’t warrant the bastard to hit you like a criminal.
Who’s that bastard?
Doesn’t he know that you’re a Wilson and no Wilson is subpar to such treatment from anyone.” He said to Dean.
Like I though,he’s still going to overreact.
Dean thought to himself.

He hadn’t planned to talk to his brother about Gianna but with his brother trying to make him talk about a subject he doesn’t want to talk about,
He decided to talk to his brother about Gianna and the incident that took place years ago.
“Brother,I’m sorry but all this was my fault.” He said to end the particular topic,
He brought out a photo of Gianna and showed him to the enraged brother,
“Do you know this lady?” He asked the man,
Dane squint his eyes as he peered in to the phone to see the embodiment of beauty that was shown by the phone’s screen.

“No but she’s a real beauty,
What about her?” He asked,
Seeing the woman photo,
Certain urges he’d never had for year surge up from him.
He’d been with so many woman and had slept with countless of them but none had had any effect on him just like the woman he’d just seeing on the photo.
She has this pure innocence visible to all eyes and such innocence is what draw men to women.

Dena noticed his brother awkward behavior after seeing the woman’s photo,
“What’s wrong brother?” He asked him,
Dane shook his head,
So what’s it about her?” He repeated his question careful enough to hide the desires he was building I side him.
“Brother do you happen to know the girl that’d donated blood for me as a child?” He asked Dane.
Dane had known that his brother had been involved in a accident and had heard of the mysterious girl that’d donated blood for him while he was unconscious.
Dean had lost the memories of what had happened before then,so he recollects nothing from before that time.
“Nah,just a young girl that after the donation,she wasn’t found again.” He said casually.

But was surprised on why Dean is taking an interest to that incident.
Is this woman related to that young girl.
He hadn’t seen the girl,so he doesn’t even know what she looks like.
“Cause today,
I’d to donate blood to this woman,” He pointed to Gianna’s photo,
“And surprisingly her blood type matches mine.
I just recalled what mother had told me about that girl,
That her blood type matched mine that was very rare.
I began to guess she might be the girl from years ago.” He said,
There was a certain assurance he’d but somehow that assurance scared him but he could not tell why.

“Brother why don’t you help me run a background check on her while I rush back to the hospital to check on her.” He said to his older brother,
“And her name?” Dane asked,
“Gianna McKenna.” Dean replied,dashing out of the room before his older brother could ask more questions.

On getting to the hospital, he saw Andre in Gianna’s ward,
She was still unconscious and Andre seemed to be in deep pain.
For once, he felt moved.
Seeing how the almighty President De Marco shed tears for the woman,lying unconsciously on the bed.
He felt nothing but sympathy for the man.
He walked to the nurse that just came out of the room,
“How’s she now?” He asked the nurse,
“Well Sir,an anonymous person had donated blood for her and the doctor said she’s alright but he isn’t sure about the child growing inside her.” The nurse replied innocently,
But the words were simple on Dean,
Gianna’s pregnant.

“Miss can you rephrase what you just said?” He asked the woman dumbly,
“Sir,I said that she’s safe but the doctors haven’t co firmed for the child…..”
Dean was shocked,
Gianna’s pregnant.
For who?
He asked himself.
Immediately his eyes roamed to the glass opening and it locked on Andre’s.
He couldn’t wait to be told to leave or even create a scene with Andre again.
He only turned and left the hospital premises.

Immediately Dean left,
Dane got to work immediately,
He’d promised his brother he was going to help him run a check on the woman and that what he’s going to do.
“Jandro!” He called loudly,
The guard who was at the door came I side immediately,
“Yes boss.” The man replied bowing his head slightly to show respect to Dane.
“I want information about Gianna…
Gianna McKenzie
He almost took out his cellphone to call Dean when immediately he got the name,
” Gianna McKenna.” He said in exasperation,
“Yes Gianna McKenna.” He told the man,
Immediately the man left.

When Jandro came back after a few hours later,
He’d all the information one could get on someone.
He’d everything concerning her from her bank numbers to her address and her hobbies,they were all written in the book.
“,Sir here you go.” Jandro handed the books to Dane.
He slowly opened the first page.
It showed Gianna as a kid,
Her profile was boldly written under the photo.
Her name,
Her date of birth,
Coincidentally it was the same with Dean’s..

This made Dane confused.
He went further to see what’s inside the paper.
As a child,Gianna had been involved in an accident that had killed her mother and her brother……
He checked the date of the accident,
Dean had been involved in an accident that same day.
It was the day,his fathers mistress had called and had informed them that her son Dean had been involved in an accident.

Since Dean was born to Tessa,
He hadn’t been brought to see his father cause everyone saw him as the illegitimate son.
But on that day,his father couldn’t hold back,
His son who was barely eight years old has been involved in a car accident.
He left whatever he was doing and rushed to the hospital Tessa had told him about.
On getting there,he saw the boy in the ICU,
The doctors said he’d lost a lot of blood and needs a very quick blood transfusion.

Not long after another girl was admitted to the hospital.
She was found by some people by the river bank and she was badly bruised.
Since none of the blood available had matched Dean’s,
Tessa was very concerned for her son,
She ordered that whoever blood matched Dean would be rewarded awesomely.
But unfortunately for her,none matched his blood type.
She met the doctor and pleaded him to have the other girl run the blood test.
After much pleading and some cash,
The doctor agreed to it.
And in no time,
A test was carried on the girl and her blood matched Dean’s.
With a twinkle of an eye,
A secret donation was carried out and Dean was saved,
But before the next morning the girl was confirmed missing and no one got any idea on where she’d gone to.

When Dane rechecked everything from the date to the time of the accident,
He’d a feeling Dean was related to the accident.
It was recorded three people were in the car before it accident,
Her brother and her mother.
But after the accident,
Only one body was retrieved and it was clear it was an adult corpse and confirmed to be Katerina after some few dental autopsy ran on it.
But the body of her children never got retrieved until a few years later when one was found in an orphanage.
The female twin was found in the orphanage by the De Marco’s and now she’s now the Mistress of the family.
But none heard about the second twin,
The boy twin?
Or is there any chance that Dean was the boy twin?
Another confusion.
If Gianna was the girl from years ago,
Then who’s Jasmine.

After going straight through all the papers,
Dane found out something while comparing Dean’s childhood photos and Gianna’s.
The resemblance was so clear and it was so obvious looking at the photos that Gianna’s long lost twin was Dean,
Dean his proposed younger brother.
With this revelation, Dane felt helpless.
All his life he’d led a gang and has found nothing that surpass his knowledge but now he has found one and that’s FATE.
FATE is something he finally believe has more say than him.
Dean was falling for Gianna and went ahead to fighting Andre for her when she was his sister.
His sister he got separated from after their mother’s death.
Dean was a De Marco and not a Wilson like everyone had seen him to be,
An illegitimate Wilson.
The worst of it all was that he doesn’t even know about all this since he didn’t recall anything that had happened to him before waking up in the hospital bed.
And now someone else,
An imposter is busy posing as Gianna in the De Marco’s household while their trueborn where still outside.

“I bet I have to pay a visit to Alexandre De Marco and tell him of this little secret I just unfolded.” Dane said to himself as he carefully wrapped the papers and kept them into his file bag.
Time to get thing straightened up.

To be continued.






Dane immediately placed a call to Dean after what he just found out about Gianna but Dean was taking his calls,
He called several more times but his younger brother was still not taking the call and he got extremely worried.

What if Dean decide to do something stupid?
Dean doesn’t know the truth about himself and Gianna,
If he’s to act stupid,he might end up ruining everything.
As an older brother,he wouldn’t want him to get into trouble,so he took it upon himself to set everything right before it get worst.

Meanwhile,Dean was so angry at Andre,
How could he get her pregnant?
The only woman I’ve ever loved.
All his life,he hadn’t had any special affection towards any woman like like had for Gianna.
He’d always kept women at far distance, maybe because of how he grow up.
He isn’t the type of man that would want to hurt a woman’s feeling,
Knowing that they’re all fragile and are easily broken,he made sure he never had any special feelings for none but Gianna broke that rule.

She showed him what a true woman is,
She doesn’t wait for a man to defend her,
She defend her poor pride and dignifies herself with her little.
She’s fragile and very pure unlike the women he’d come in contact with.
She doesn’t fake her life or pretends to be pure.
She’s the real deal and in all,
She’s was endowed with beauty unforseen.

But now,
This woman with this trait has been stolen from under his nose by Alexandre De Marco.
He’d forcefully stolen the woman because of a contract she’d signed years ago when she was young and blooming and wasn’t thinking clearly.
“Get me another bottle of Dasani.” He ordered the bar lady.
Immediately she went to the shelve and brought out the fifth bottle of Dasani for him.

Dean snapped the bottle from her hand and in fear,she backed away from him.
“Get lost!” He yelled at her,
The lady scurried back to the desk and watched him drown in the drink.
In the whole bar,
With different people and different men,all with noble status,
Her pure hazel eyes was fixated on the man,
Watching him drink and mumble a lady’s name,
She felt pity for the man.
She has never been in love with any man before or before anyone but seeing this man in love,
She,all of a sudden felt a wave of jealously gushed through her.
Would any man ever love her like this man does his woman?
Would anyone get drunk and sad just because she rejected him?
“Louisa!” A voice shouted her name making her jumped out of her fantasy,
“Yes Sir.” She replied immediately,
Knowing who the voice belong to.
Her boss.
The pot bellied older man who for some reason believes the while world revolves around him.
She walked away from the desk and walked to him.
“You called me Sir.” She answered the man,
“You should stay on night shift today,
Grace called to say,she can’t make it early.” He informed but she knew it wasn’t a plea,
It’s an order and she just have to obey than losing her job,
Her only means of survival.

Andre was worried for Gianna,
The doctor had told him earlier that she was safe but her child isn’t.
When she’d hit her back on the metal table,
It had affected her badly,making the underdeveloped fetus to have a microstructural defect and since it hasn’t been fully formed it’ll take special grace to save the fetus.
Andre had been so mad at himself for this outcome.

He couldn’t control himself and his jealousy that was so uncalled for,
And now their baby’s in great danger because of him.
If he hadn’t pushed her away,
If he’d listened to her when she had told him to calm down,
All this wouldn’t have happened.
He sat beside her and consciously told himself that everything will be alright.

“Sir,there’s a call for you.” The doctor said to him,
Immediately he looked up from Gianna’s pale and unconscious face.
“Who’s that?” He asked the man coldly,
“It’s from the Wilson’s Consortium.” He said,
Andre was thinking it was Dean,so his first reaction was to reject the call.
Seems like the doctor knew his thoughts,
“It’s from Master Dane Wilson.” He informed,
Andre took the phone from him and signalled the doctor to watch over Gianna while he took the call and left the room.

“Hello Alexandre De Marco speaking.” He said in his business like tone.
“President De Marco.” Dane voice boomed from the one in a polite way.
Even as a drug Lord, he knew his bound when it comes to the De Marco’s family.
Each family has it’s higher grounds but the De Marco were far above them in legal and illegalities, so he’d to show his respect to the man even though he was a bit older than the man.

“It’s Dane Wilson…”
“I know who is it speaking,
Now get to the real point.” Andre coldly said to the man.
Dane was taken aback by the man’s rudeness but for the fact he was doing this for Dean,
He’d to swallow Andre’s rude behavior.
“President De Marco, it’s very important we see later,” Andre frowned,
On what ground should the man make such request.

“And why…..”
“You just have to agree Mr Andre cause this is about your fiancé Gianna and my brother Dean.” Dane blurted, hoping that the man would reconsider when he calls Gianna and fortunately for him,the man did.
“What’s it about them?” Andre asked obnoxiously,
“That’s something we’ll have to sit down and talk about amicably.” He said to him.
Okay,where do we meet?” Andre asked the man.
“Let’s meet at Lá Valona tonight.” Dane said to Andre,
“No,I can’t make it at night,why don’t we meet up this evening by six pm?” He said.

He’d refused leaving at night cause he’d to watch over Gianna tonight and there was no chance he was going to leave her with the security guards.
“Okay,sounds better.” Dane said and immediately he hung up.

It was already four pm,
Justin just came home from his tutorial class and was heading upstairs to his room when he overhead some whispering from the study room.
At first he thought it was maybe one of the maids but when it became obvious it was the any of the maids.
He slowly tiptoed to the door and opened it,
“Uncle Aleksandr, I’ve been feeding him the poison but all this while nothing has been working,
There has been no changes or any sign of a deteriorating health,
Rather the old man seem to be getting healthier every passing day.” Jasmine was complaining to someone.

Was mommy Jasmine trying to hurt great grandfather?
The boy asked himself.
“And Andre has promised his grandfather that he was going to announced to the press and the media’s that he going to marry me.
The announcement would be made on grandfather’s birthday.” She told the man,
Never underestimate Alexandre De Marco.
That boy’s a true De Marco blood and its very hard to decipher the real intention of a De Marco,
For Andre to say something as unreal as that,he has something fishy up his sleeve.” The man said to her.

“Even if he agrees to the marriage or not,
The most important thing is that Gianna and
her son are gotten rid and you get the staff of authority of the family,
Then everything will go back to how you want it to be.” She said to the man.

Justin gasped,
Not only that she was poisoning great grandfather, she was still plotting to kill mommy and little brother too,
I’ll have to tell daddy about it and tell little brother about mommy Jasmine’s evil attempt.
He tiptoed away from the door and quietly shut it to avoid Jasmine from knowing that someone had eavesdropped on her conversation.
He went upstairs and fished out his phone to call his father and tell him of what he’d found out.

Andre received a call from Justin a little minutes past four,
“Daddy.” The boy called him in exasperation,
“Justin what’s it?” Andre asked the boy,
He noticed something was off with the boy,
The boy has never called him sounding this way.
“Daddy,I overheard mommy Jasmine telling someone to get rid of mommy and little brother for her.” The boy blurted.
Andre knew it was going to get to this and that was why he’d everything laid out and even had backup plan to ensure both his sons and Gianna’s safety and deal with the situation.
“Justin,you don’t have to worry about it okay,
Thanks for calling daddy and telling him this,
What you have to do is that you stay careful and don’t let anyone know that you’ve knowledge of her dirty secret okay.” He told the boy,
Kissed the phone and hung up.

That evening,
Andre couldn’t leave Gianna alone in the hospital when she’s still unconscious,so he decided to call Reid and tell him of the situation at hand.
“Wait! What?” The boy yelled through the phone,
“Reid can you come to the hospital after McDonald,you should help me watch over your mommy while I go finish up something.” He pleaded,
The boy couldn’t wait to be asked,
“I’m on my way now.” He said,
Andre felt at ease,
He could prefer having his eight year old son watch his woman than having a set of useless guards watch over her.
After some few minutes,the boy came into the hospital with his manager Mr Lee.
“Good day President De Marco.” Agent Lee greeted the man,
Andre nodded to the greeting,
“Daddy what happened to mommy?” The boy scolded his father,seeing his mommy lying unconsciously on the bed.
“You promised me you were going to protect her and made sure nothing bad happens to her,
But no,
For the past few weeks,
Mommy has been hospitalised several times all because of you and your carelessness.” He scolded the man to the amazement of the manager,
“If you can’t take care of my mommy for me,
Kindly tell me and I have the capability and capacity to do it myself.” He said to the man I. anger.

His anger was justified,
Andre thought.
He hadn’t been careful like he’d promised.
Gianna had had to suffer a lot because of his selfishness and now its their unborn baby that was suffering,
All because of his self centeredness and astute jealousy.
He turned to the boy apologetically,
I’m going to set all this right,
I’m sorry and over realized my mistake and I’m sure to make everything right soon.”

Reid was so angered at the man,he didn’t bother reply the man as he left.
None else can tale care of his mommy than him and now,he’s going to step into action and do his job as his Mommy’s little protector.
Since his father had failed him and his mommy,
Time for him to take the rein and full responsibility for his Mommy’s wellbeing,
He never needed a a father anyways.

To be continued








Jasmine,who never knew that Justin had overhead her conversation with the man,
She got dressed and headed to Lá Valona to meet the man.
He’d asked her to come there to meet him.
After making sure the old man had had his dinner,
Like always,laced with the poison,
She headed out telling the old man she’d some charity event to attend.

Dane and Andre were meeting up at the same restaurant.
Coincidentally,when Jasmine entered the restaurant,
Andre and Dane was already at the VIP lounge,
So he didn’t see her.

“So why did you call me here?” Andre asked the other man,
Dane took a sip of the strong Whiskey and cleared his throat,
“It’s about your woman Gianna.” He said,
“What is it about her?” Andre seethed,
He wasn’t the type of person that beats around the bush,
So he doesn’t expect Dane Wilson to be so,
He just wanted the man to get straight to the point.
“Do you know the relationship between Gianna your woman and Dean,my younger brother?” He asked politely but Andre frowned.

Stupid question.
Wasn’t it obvious to him that his brothers bent on taking his woman from him?
Or is he waiting for him to say it.
“I don’t know and I don’t care to know,
Just tell that schmuck you call your younger brother to stay away from my woman…”
“President Alexandre,you need to calm down and listen to what I gat to tell you.” Dane said,
He took another sip from the whiskey shot and kept the stout glass on the table.

“Years ago,when Dean was barely eight years old,
He got involved in a car accident.
As everyone knows,Dean is the illegitimate son of my father,his promiscuous fling with my mom’s manager Mrs Tessa.
The accident was more of like a mystery to me cause Dean was badly injured and had lost a great amount of blood,
But nothing had happened to Mrs Tessa,
I wondered what sort of relationship both mother and son shared that she wasn’t with him before the accident.”
Andres eyebrow twitched too,
Showing he too has gotten concerned about such accident.

“You don’t need to rack your brain Andre..” He casually called.
Andre didn’t take note of the title the man had strapped from his name while calling him.
“There was no blood that matched Dean’s at that time,
Not even mine,
Or father’s
Or even his mom,Mrs Tessa.
It was surprisingly shocking that Dean’s blood type was very rare.
Fortunately, a young girl was admitted into the Hospital that same day,
The people who’d brought her said,she was found unconsciously by the river side and had no clue on what’d happened to her.

Mr Tessa,secretly asked the doctor to run a test on the young girl to check if her blood would match Dean’s.
The doctor had refused but after much please from the woman whose only interest was to save her dying son,
The doctor reluctantly agreed and the test was carried out.
The girl’s blood type fortunately matched with Deans and a transfusion was done with only the knowledge of the doctor and Mrs Tessa and a few other staff who signed an oath not to let the news get out of their cycle.

The next day,
The girl disappeared from the hospital without any trace.
Soon after she’d ran away,Dean woke up from his unconscious state.
Mrs Tessa told the boy everything that had happened cause unprecedented by the doctors,
Dean lost memories of what had happened to him before that time.
Mrs Tessa tried to remind him or pull strings from his memory but it was just like those part of his life had been wiped out from his brain.

I was at peace with everything since but not till when I found out about the lady you and my brother had fought numerous times because of her.
Her name’s Gianna McKenna,
The adopted daughter of Tony and Carol McKenna,
Your surrogate from few years ago and your true fiancé.” He said expecting Andre to be surprised or show a surprised gesture at the revelation but the man was as hard as he was.
“She isn’t only Tony’s daughter or your surrogate or even the real daughter of your aunt Katerina but she’s Dean’s younger sister.” He blurted

Andre wanted to frown and showed disapproval to the claim but he couldn’t,
He’d to wait for the man to finish whatever reason he’d to say such words
“Yes Andre,
Gianna’s Dean twin.” The man repeated,

No this can’t be…..
“Why would you say such words Dane?
This aren’t words to be toyed with.” Andre warned
“I’m not joking around Andre.” The man said to him,
“I did a check on the woman like I’d promised my brother Dean but according to what I found out about her,
It gave me some new revelation to the accident that happened years ago,
And checking Gianna’s childhood photos which was shown here,” He brought out the files he’d gotten from his men earlier.
He handed the files to Andre who reluctantly took it and cautiously went through it.

The files show almost everything concerning Gianna,
From her early life at the orphanage to the present,
Her current deeds and work.
Andre opened a particular chapter and all he could see there were photos of Gianna both when she was a little frail kid to her current photos.
“And here’s the photos of Dean after that accident.” He brought out a few more photos of Dean and handed them to Andre.
“Now do the comparison yourself.”

Andre couldn’t argue the fact that was in front of him.
Both Gianna and Dean had a very thick resemblance as children,
It’s useless arguing with the man.
Dean had been Gianna’s twin brother all along,
No wonder it was hard to make him leave her,
Even all the fight and mess I created for him
Indeed blood is thicker than water.

“Does Dean know about this?” Andre asked Dane,
The man shook his head,
Now his demeanor is more calmer than when he first came.
“No,he doesn’t know about this and so does Gianna.
I’ve been calling Dean for ages to tell him about it but he isn’t taking my calls or even returning the calls since noon.” Dane said worriedly,
“Wonder how he’s going to react to this?” Dane asked himself.

Being an illegitimate son had really hurt Dean a lot,
Seeing people call him the son out of wedlock,
He’d felt very depressed as he never got the amount of fatherly love he’d really wanted.
At some point,he became the depressed fellow and that was after his mother finally passed away with their father.
Dane took it upon himself to see that his brother was fine,
He was almost and adult then while Dean was just twelve,
With the family’s rein all on him,
He sent his brother Dean abroad while he handled the family’s business in the States.

When Dean had come back almost a decade later and had insisted on continuing in the movie industry,
He hadn’t objected him.
Rather he helped him
He paved his way and got him into the industry.
Immediately he got in,the boy proved his prowess by being a good actor,a model and a singer.
In fact he’s at the top of his career but alone inside,
Dane knew that his younger brother Dean is still the depressed and unhappy kid he had always been.

Meanwhile Dean got so drunk he couldn’t leave the bar,
Louisa was ending her evening shift when she noticed that the man hadn’t left the bar since noon.
He’d being drinking himself to stupor,
Snapping at anyone who get too close to him or even bother try to help him get up..
“Who should I call to help me take this man home?” She asked herself as she pitifully looked at the man.

He was handsome and very much well built with nice porcelain clean skin.
This man’s face strikes to some handsome celebrity.
Slowly she got up from where she was and cautiously move to the man.
He wasn’t drinking anymore but it was obvious he’d s great deal of alcohol in his system.

“Sir please,where are you from?” She pitifully asked the drunk man,
He muttered some words and lay his head back on the table.
It was almost time got her to go,
Her shift is over.
And she wouldn’t want t to leave him here for Victoria or her boss to come,
Cause if they do,
One,she’ll be in trouble for allowing him stay there since noon and
Secondly,they’ll make sure to extort whatever money he had on him in the course of paying for his drinks.

She slowly held the man up,even though he’d far more weight than herself.
She supported him with her arms and gently she made him walked till they were both outside the bar.
She hailed a cab,
Cause she gat no car of her own.
She hailed a cab and helped him into the cab,
“Where to Miss?” The cab driver asked her.
She looked at the drunk man,

She has no idea who he’s and where he’d come from.
She took out his cellphone which had fell out of his pocket while she helped him outside,
‘Seven missed calls.’
She couldn’t call the person cause his phone was in a lock code.
“I’ll be right back Sir.” She said as she rushed back inside the bar to get her stuffs.

Immediately her colleague came to take over,
She waved a goodnight and dashed out if the bar,
She got into the cab and asked the driver to drive take them ho her house.

With this shocking revelation about Dean and Gianna,
Andre felt more at ease,
At least he won’t have to fight Dean cause of Gianna again.
And Dane had warned him to about Jasmine,
He knew that all along.

Jasmine was working for both his uncles and he knows what they wanted,
His uncles want nothing but the Staff of Authority while Jasmine wants money and power.
His grandfather’s birthday is just a few weeks from now and he would have to announce to the whole world that he’s going to marry Jasmine and even choose a date for their wedding.

He smiled to himself.
Wedding with Jasmine,
Very preposterous.
He placed a call to his head servant,
Immediately the man saw the call,
He accepted it with no further delay,
“Good day Sir.” The man greeted Andre,
“Is my grandfather awake?” He asked the man,
“Yes Sir, he’s awake now.”
“Give him the phone.” Andre ordered and immediately the man handed the phone to the old man.

“Alexandre..” He called in his weak voice,
“Grandfather,how’re you doing now?” Andre asked,
“I’m doing good son,”
“How’s she?” The man asked,
Andre smiled,
“She’s fine,
The doctor said we’ll have to wait till the pregnancy is well developed to be able to notify any process.” Andre replied the man.
“Don’t worry son,she’s going to be alright.” The man assured him.
Andre smiled,

Since he’d told his grandfather the truth about Jasmine a few days ago and even showed the man proof that Jasmine’s not who he thinks he is,
The old man had changed a lot.
At first the man was sad cause he thought he’d lost every thing that’s pertaining him to his Katerina but when Andre told him about Gianna,
His joy elevated.

Andre showed him some photos of Gianna and even with the man’s poor sight,
He was able to figure out that both women were related.
Gianna was more of like the younger and introvert version of Katerina cause if both women were to be adorn alike,
No one can tell the difference between both.

The old man was eager to act on Jasmine immediately for lying to him and deceiving him for almost two decades but Andre had stopped him.
He’d pleaded with the old man to let her be for the time being.
To allow her live in her lie like nothing had changed then to strike when it’s unexpected.
The old man had agreed to what Andre had said as long as he’s going to act fast and bring the impostor to justice before thing get worst.

I need to tell you something else.” Andre said to the old man,
“What’s it?”
“Its about aunt Katerina’s other child.” Andre informed,
Everyone believed that the other twin had died but with the new finding,
It’s better to let the old man know,
Cause he deserve to know.
“The one that….”
“No grandfather,he didn’t die.
He’s alive and is all grown up now.” He informed,
“Where’s he?” The old man was agitated,
“Where’s my Katerina’s son?” He was eager to have his grandchildren back to himself.

“Grandfather,he’s safe and sound and soon would be coming home to you,
Now we’ve to thread carefully and you’ve to act like you know…..”
The door opened immediately and Jasmine entered the old man’s room,
The instant he saw her,
The phone slipped from his grip and fell down.





Jasmine,who never knew that Justin had overhead her conversation with the man,
She got dressed and headed to Lá Valona to meet the man.
He’d asked her to come there to meet him.
After making sure the old man had had his dinner,
Like always,laced with the poison,
She headed out telling the old man she’d some charity event to attend.

Dane and Andre were meeting up at the same restaurant.
Coincidentally,when Jasmine entered the restaurant,
Andre and Dane was already at the VIP lounge,
So he didn’t see her.

“So why did you call me here?” Andre asked the other man,
Dane took a sip of the strong Whiskey and cleared his throat,
“It’s about your woman Gianna.” He said,
“What is it about her?” Andre seethed,
He wasn’t the type of person that beats around the bush,
So he doesn’t expect Dane Wilson to be so,
He just wanted the man to get straight to the point.
“Do you know the relationship between Gianna your woman and Dean,my younger brother?” He asked politely but Andre frowned.

Stupid question.
Wasn’t it obvious to him that his brothers bent on taking his woman from him?
Or is he waiting for him to say it.
“I don’t know and I don’t care to know,
Just tell that schmuck you call your younger brother to stay away from my woman…”
“President Alexandre,you need to calm down and listen to what I gat to tell you.” Dane said,
He took another sip from the whiskey shot and kept the stout glass on the table.

“Years ago,when Dean was barely eight years old,
He got involved in a car accident.
As everyone knows,Dean is the illegitimate son of my father,his promiscuous fling with my mom’s manager Mrs Tessa.
The accident was more of like a mystery to me cause Dean was badly injured and had lost a great amount of blood,
But nothing had happened to Mrs Tessa,
I wondered what sort of relationship both mother and son shared that she wasn’t with him before the accident.”
Andres eyebrow twitched too,
Showing he too has gotten concerned about such accident.

“You don’t need to rack your brain Andre..” He casually called.
Andre didn’t take note of the title the man had strapped from his name while calling him.
“There was no blood that matched Dean’s at that time,
Not even mine,
Or father’s
Or even his mom,Mrs Tessa.
It was surprisingly shocking that Dean’s blood type was very rare.
Fortunately, a young girl was admitted into the Hospital that same day,
The people who’d brought her said,she was found unconsciously by the river side and had no clue on what’d happened to her.

Mr Tessa,secretly asked the doctor to run a test on the young girl to check if her blood would match Dean’s.
The doctor had refused but after much please from the woman whose only interest was to save her dying son,
The doctor reluctantly agreed and the test was carried out.
The girl’s blood type fortunately matched with Deans and a transfusion was done with only the knowledge of the doctor and Mrs Tessa and a few other staff who signed an oath not to let the news get out of their cycle.

The next day,
The girl disappeared from the hospital without any trace.
Soon after she’d ran away,Dean woke up from his unconscious state.
Mrs Tessa told the boy everything that had happened cause unprecedented by the doctors,
Dean lost memories of what had happened to him before that time.
Mrs Tessa tried to remind him or pull strings from his memory but it was just like those part of his life had been wiped out from his brain.

I was at peace with everything since but not till when I found out about the lady you and my brother had fought numerous times because of her.
Her name’s Gianna McKenna,
The adopted daughter of Tony and Carol McKenna,
Your surrogate from few years ago and your true fiancé.” He said expecting Andre to be surprised or show a surprised gesture at the revelation but the man was as hard as he was.
“She isn’t only Tony’s daughter or your surrogate or even the real daughter of your aunt Katerina but she’s Dean’s younger sister.” He blurted

Andre wanted to frown and showed disapproval to the claim but he couldn’t,
He’d to wait for the man to finish whatever reason he’d to say such words
“Yes Andre,
Gianna’s Dean twin.” The man repeated,

No this can’t be…..
“Why would you say such words Dane?
This aren’t words to be toyed with.” Andre warned
“I’m not joking around Andre.” The man said to him,
“I did a check on the woman like I’d promised my brother Dean but according to what I found out about her,
It gave me some new revelation to the accident that happened years ago,
And checking Gianna’s childhood photos which was shown here,” He brought out the files he’d gotten from his men earlier.
He handed the files to Andre who reluctantly took it and cautiously went through it.

The files show almost everything concerning Gianna,
From her early life at the orphanage to the present,
Her current deeds and work.
Andre opened a particular chapter and all he could see there were photos of Gianna both when she was a little frail kid to her current photos.
“And here’s the photos of Dean after that accident.” He brought out a few more photos of Dean and handed them to Andre.
“Now do the comparison yourself.”

Andre couldn’t argue the fact that was in front of him.
Both Gianna and Dean had a very thick resemblance as children,
It’s useless arguing with the man.
Dean had been Gianna’s twin brother all along,
No wonder it was hard to make him leave her,
Even all the fight and mess I created for him
Indeed blood is thicker than water.

“Does Dean know about this?” Andre asked Dane,
The man shook his head,
Now his demeanor is more calmer than when he first came.
“No,he doesn’t know about this and so does Gianna.
I’ve been calling Dean for ages to tell him about it but he isn’t taking my calls or even returning the calls since noon.” Dane said worriedly,
“Wonder how he’s going to react to this?” Dane asked himself.

Being an illegitimate son had really hurt Dean a lot,
Seeing people call him the son out of wedlock,
He’d felt very depressed as he never got the amount of fatherly love he’d really wanted.
At some point,he became the depressed fellow and that was after his mother finally passed away with their father.
Dane took it upon himself to see that his brother was fine,
He was almost and adult then while Dean was just twelve,
With the family’s rein all on him,
He sent his brother Dean abroad while he handled the family’s business in the States.

When Dean had come back almost a decade later and had insisted on continuing in the movie industry,
He hadn’t objected him.
Rather he helped him
He paved his way and got him into the industry.
Immediately he got in,the boy proved his prowess by being a good actor,a model and a singer.
In fact he’s at the top of his career but alone inside,
Dane knew that his younger brother Dean is still the depressed and unhappy kid he had always been.

Meanwhile Dean got so drunk he couldn’t leave the bar,
Louisa was ending her evening shift when she noticed that the man hadn’t left the bar since noon.
He’d being drinking himself to stupor,
Snapping at anyone who get too close to him or even bother try to help him get up..
“Who should I call to help me take this man home?” She asked herself as she pitifully looked at the man.

He was handsome and very much well built with nice porcelain clean skin.
This man’s face strikes to some handsome celebrity.
Slowly she got up from where she was and cautiously move to the man.
He wasn’t drinking anymore but it was obvious he’d s great deal of alcohol in his system.

“Sir please,where are you from?” She pitifully asked the drunk man,
He muttered some words and lay his head back on the table.
It was almost time got her to go,
Her shift is over.
And she wouldn’t want t to leave him here for Victoria or her boss to come,
Cause if they do,
One,she’ll be in trouble for allowing him stay there since noon and
Secondly,they’ll make sure to extort whatever money he had on him in the course of paying for his drinks.

She slowly held the man up,even though he’d far more weight than herself.
She supported him with her arms and gently she made him walked till they were both outside the bar.
She hailed a cab,
Cause she gat no car of her own.
She hailed a cab and helped him into the cab,
“Where to Miss?” The cab driver asked her.
She looked at the drunk man,

She has no idea who he’s and where he’d come from.
She took out his cellphone which had fell out of his pocket while she helped him outside,
‘Seven missed calls.’
She couldn’t call the person cause his phone was in a lock code.
“I’ll be right back Sir.” She said as she rushed back inside the bar to get her stuffs.

Immediately her colleague came to take over,
She waved a goodnight and dashed out if the bar,
She got into the cab and asked the driver to drive take them ho her house.

With this shocking revelation about Dean and Gianna,
Andre felt more at ease,
At least he won’t have to fight Dean cause of Gianna again.
And Dane had warned him to about Jasmine,
He knew that all along.

Jasmine was working for both his uncles and he knows what they wanted,
His uncles want nothing but the Staff of Authority while Jasmine wants money and power.
His grandfather’s birthday is just a few weeks from now and he would have to announce to the whole world that he’s going to marry Jasmine and even choose a date for their wedding.

He smiled to himself.
Wedding with Jasmine,
Very preposterous.
He placed a call to his head servant,
Immediately the man saw the call,
He accepted it with no further delay,
“Good day Sir.” The man greeted Andre,
“Is my grandfather awake?” He asked the man,
“Yes Sir, he’s awake now.”
“Give him the phone.” Andre ordered and immediately the man handed the phone to the old man.

“Alexandre..” He called in his weak voice,
“Grandfather,how’re you doing now?” Andre asked,
“I’m doing good son,”
“How’s she?” The man asked,
Andre smiled,
“She’s fine,
The doctor said we’ll have to wait till the pregnancy is well developed to be able to notify any process.” Andre replied the man.
“Don’t worry son,she’s going to be alright.” The man assured him.
Andre smiled,

Since he’d told his grandfather the truth about Jasmine a few days ago and even showed the man proof that Jasmine’s not who he thinks he is,
The old man had changed a lot.
At first the man was sad cause he thought he’d lost every thing that’s pertaining him to his Katerina but when Andre told him about Gianna,
His joy elevated.

Andre showed him some photos of Gianna and even with the man’s poor sight,
He was able to figure out that both women were related.
Gianna was more of like the younger and introvert version of Katerina cause if both women were to be adorn alike,
No one can tell the difference between both.

The old man was eager to act on Jasmine immediately for lying to him and deceiving him for almost two decades but Andre had stopped him.
He’d pleaded with the old man to let her be for the time being.
To allow her live in her lie like nothing had changed then to strike when it’s unexpected.
The old man had agreed to what Andre had said as long as he’s going to act fast and bring the impostor to justice before thing get worst.

I need to tell you something else.” Andre said to the old man,
“What’s it?”
“Its about aunt Katerina’s other child.” Andre informed,
Everyone believed that the other twin had died but with the new finding,
It’s better to let the old man know,
Cause he deserve to know.
“The one that….”
“No grandfather,he didn’t die.
He’s alive and is all grown up now.” He informed,
“Where’s he?” The old man was agitated,
“Where’s my Katerina’s son?” He was eager to have his grandchildren back to himself.

“Grandfather,he’s safe and sound and soon would be coming home to you,
Now we’ve to thread carefully and you’ve to act like you know…..”
The door opened immediately and Jasmine entered the old man’s room,
The instant he saw her,
The phone slipped from his grip and fell down.

To be continued.






The old man carefully picked up the phone,
“Andre! You unfilial son!
You dare not disobey my order,
Leave that slut and come back home now.
Do you know you have a pregnant woman to take care of?
Come home this instant.” He yelled through the phone,

With one thought,
Andre understood that an intruder had entered the man’s room,
Then he hung up.
“Grandfather.” Jasmine rushed to the old man,
“Grandfather, you shouldn’t be yelling like that,
It’s really affecting you health.” She said massaging his back.
“You shouldn’t yell like that or get hyper because of what Andre does.
You’ve to be concerned about your health.” She continued.

The old man wanted to push her violently but he held his cool.
Andre had told him to be careful with the woman.
She’s as cunning and has deceitful as a serpent,so he’d to be careful and pretend like he knows nothing.
“Okay I’ll.
Andre has been brainwashed by that woman.
See how he’d left you and went to her like the whole world revolves around her.
He needs to be….
” Grandpa,don’t worry your poor health.
Everything will be fine soon and that woman would be out of Andres life for good.”she assured the man.

The old man frowned,
“Do you have any plan against her?” His tone almost sold him away,
But he changed his facial expression and gave out a wry smile.
Jasmine shook her head,
“I don’t have any vile intention against her,
Just that,
Even if Andre spend time with her always,
He can never bring her into this house as his wife.
I’m his official bride and grandpa have promised that no one can take my place in this family.” She said coercively,
The man nodded,
“No one can take the place of the true daughter of my Katerina.
I’ll fight whoever it is to my last blood to make sure that my Katerina’s daughter get what she deserves.” He assured her.
Jasmine was so blind and deaf not to get the real meaning to the words.

Dean some up with a splitting head,
Slowly he opened his heavy eyelid and looked around the unfamiliar room he found himself in.
The bed was way smaller than his and had a pink bedsheets spread on it.
Mere looking,one could tell it’s a feminine room,
Pink walls and pictures of some few artistes,
Both male and female,
But one thing was that the room was neatly arranged.
He slowly got up and racked his brain,trying to recall how he got to this room,
But nothing.

He only recalled going to the bar and getting himself some drink and……
………He couldn’t remember a thing after that.
He looked at the mini mouse table lamp and then his eyes trailed to the table,
His Carney,
His wallet and his phone,
All were carefully laid together on the table.
At least I haven’t been robbed.
He took his wallet and opened it,
His credit cards,checkbook and some dollar bolls he’d left inside,
All are still intact.

Dean heaved a sigh of relief and stood up from the bed,
It creaked.
Who sleeps in such noisy bed?
He asked himself.
Immediately the door opened and a young unfamiliar girl walked into the room.
Her eyes were fixated at him as she walked towards him with the tray of food in her hand.
Dean froze at spot,
Who’s this girl?
What have I gotten myself into?

He didn’t take his eyes off hers even after she kept the tray on her side table and turned to him.
“Good morning Sir.” She greeted politely,
Dean couldn’t reply her,so he only nodded.
“Sir please manage this,” She pointed to the tray,
“It’ll help with the hangover,
Then take this pills too.” She pointed to the bottle of pills that was on the table.
Then she turned to leave,
“Wait.” Dean’s voice whispered,
She heard him and stopped walking.
“Please how did I get here?
If anything had happened between us last night,
It was so unintentional and I’m very sorry.
I’ll pay you your money and as well we for…..”
The lady’s frowned made him stop talking.

Why’s she frowning?
Is she holding unto this one night….
“Sir with all due respect,
I don’t need your money and nothing happened between us.
You were very drunk last night and I couldn’t get you back home,so I brought you to mine to at least allow you spend this night here.” She explained to him with a very disappointing look on her face.
Dean regretted his words immediately,
“Oh,I’m very sorry for my silly thoughts.” He apologized,
She nodded,
“Finish your breakfast and have those pills,its really going to help.” He said to him and left the room before he got the chance to say thanks.

As he ate,
Dean couldn’t get the disappointed look on the girl’s face as she had left the room earlier.
She look very young,
Maybe twenty one or two or she might be twenty three though,
But she has the innocence of a kid.
And that accentuated her petite body and her beautiful face.
Her name?
He hadn’t taken her name.
He’d been so engrossed his his stupid thought he hadn’t thanked her for bringing him to her house and even taking her name.
What a mess?

After eating,he rushed outside the room to talk to her but surprisingly he met an empty house.
“Hello!” He called,
“Pretty lady.” He called countless times but no reply.
Did she just leave me alone in her….
His eyes trailed around the poorly furnished living room and landed on the glad centre table.

He picked up the paper and opened it,
‘When you’re done eating,
Leave the dishes on the sink and make sure you close my door for me.
P.S: Your car is still at the bar,
So you can go get it when you’re done resting.’

He looked at the pics of paper she’d kept for him but his eyes fixated on her name.
What a nice name for such a nice carefree lady like her,
“Louisa.” He repeated again,
Then folded the paper and dipped it into his pocket.
He went back to the room and got out the tray,
Then navigated his way to her kitchenette.
A small subpar kitchen that consist of only a gascooker,a kettle,three small pots,some mugs and some few plates,
In fact it was a mini version of what an ordinary kitchen look like.
He took the dishes and kept it on the sink,
“Where’s the dishwasher?” He asked himself as he swayed hi head left and right in search of a gas cooker,
But it struck her,
She doesn’t have one.
So he grudgingly washed the dishes and place them back on the racks.
He went back to the room,
Took his wallets and photo e with his car key,them he left the house,
Closing the door behind him.

Gianna groggily opened her eyes,
Reid was asleep beside her,
“Reid.” She called weakly,
The boy stirred but didn’t turn.
He must be very tired.
He thought to herself.
Reid’s the kind of child that wakes up with just the slightest movement but for him not to brother waking up now,it means he’s really tired.

She looked around from the bed,
Andre wasn’t in the room and neither was Justin.
She took a deep breathe and carefully lay back on the bed quietly enough not to disturb the sleeping boy.
Her thought ran wild as she looked at the ceiling.
She could still recall everything that had happened.
Dean kissing her unexpectedly,
Andre barging into the room and seeing them,
That led to the fight that made Andre push her.
She shook her head in disappointment,

Andre’s irrational behavior had brought a lot of problems to her,
First was at the set and now in her changing room.
She felt she can’t do it anymore,
He wasn’t going to officiate the relationship and yet he’s still being a jealous jerk,
It’s so absurd.
Maybe she should call it quit,
She’d a life before him and would still do even after he left.
She looked at the boy that was lying peacefully beside her,
Reid mommy’s so sorry but shell have to separate you from your big brother.
Staying with daddy has caused her a lot of trouble and its beat if she leaves him,
We’ll go to the way we were living our lives before your daddy came.
Just me,you and grandpa,
Just us three in a place where your daddy can’t cause trouble for us again.
She sat up and began to slowly stroke the boy’s hair as a few tears dropped to her cheek.

Unexpectedly, the tears that had dropped from her eyes fell on Reid’s cheek,
The boy moved slightly, then another drop,
He woke up immediately and looked at the woman,
“Mommy,you’re awake?” He asked surprised,
She quickly wiped the tears that were almost escaping her eyes,
Then nodded to the boy.
“Mommy are you hungry?” Reid stood up immediately from the chair he was sitting on and straightened his overall with his hands,
Guess I have to call the doctors first.” He said,correcting himself,
“Mommy stay back here,I’ll be right back.” Reid opened the door immediately and left to get the doctor.

He came back awhile later with the doctor and two nurses,
“Run a check on my mommy to see if she’s now alright.” He said to the doctor before Gianna couldn’t even greet them.
Immediately the doctor went closer to her,
“Miss do you feel any discomfort or pain anywhere?” He asked her,
She nodded and slowly raised her hand and pointing at her back,
“Your back?
It’s the effect of what had hit you.” He said,
“Don’t you feel pain in your head?” He asked her,
She nodded.
The fact was that,
If not for the fact that her eyes,nose and mouth were connected to her head,
She would proudly say she doesn’t feel her head,
Cause as it stands,
She doesn’t feel anything on her head.

“Are you going to ask her only those silly questions?
Check her to know if she’s okay now,
I want mommy to come home with me.” Reid said willfully,
Gianna did look at the boy but she didn’t say anything.
“Okay,we’ll check her properly but you’ll have to give us some privacy.” The doctor replied the boy,
Reid frowned,
Why?” He asked the man,
The doctor nodded.
“Yes,you’ve to give us some privacy first.” He repeated.
Reid looked at his mommy and she nodded slightly,
The boy turned and walked out of the room.

Thanks doctor turned to Gianna immediately the boy left,
“How’re you doing?” He asked her,
She nodded.
I guess I’ll have to tell you this,
I have a good news and also a bad news.” She continued to mope at him as he spoke,
“Which would you want to hear first?” He asked,
Slowly she parted her dry lips,
“Tell me the good new first.” She said to him.
The doctor smiled to her,
“Gianna,you’re pregnant.” He blurted out.
The words hit her terribly but she didn’t react or say anything.
“And the bad news is that your baby isn’t safe.” The man continued,
“There had been a foetal microstructural defect and since it hasn’t been fully formed it’ll take special grace to save the fetus.” He said to her,
In the exact same way he’d told Andre the other day.

Gianna was shocked beyond words,
First she’s pregnant,
And secondly, her baby wasn’t safe.
Hers and Andres baby wasn’t safe because of a microstructural defect.
Nah,she can’t do this.
She’s going to leave Andre,
Since he can’t control himself.
She’s going to take her son and her baby to somewhere Andre would never find them.
Somewhere far from all this chaos and turbulence.

“Does he know about it?” She found her voice asking the man,
He nodded,
“President De Marco knows about it.” He informed,
“Then you’ll have to discharge me now,
I need to leave with my son.” She said,
“But me no but,
I’m leaving this hospital now whether you discharge me or not.” She said firmly.
The doctor turned to the nurse,
“Go arrange her discharge process,”
Then he turned back to Gianna,
“Miss just rest here while we go get your discharge process facilitated.
She nodded and the trio left the room.

In a couple of hours later, Andre was done with a research he was going through on his uncles when he received a call from an unknown caller,
He was in a hurry driving back to the hospital because the doctor had called him earlier that Gianna had left the hospital without their permission.
He didn’t want to take the call cause he was in a hurry but the caller became more persistent,
So he had to take the call,
“Hello.” He said,
No reply,
“Hello.” He said again,
This time a bit more impatient,
Still no reply.
He sighed and wanted to hang up when a male voice finally spoke up,
“Andre De Marco,you dare not hang up on me cause I’ve both your woman Gianna and your beloved son Reid.” The male voice said to him.
Andre thought it was a joke till he heard Gianna’s cries from the other end of the phone,
“Andre!” Her voice called,
Immediately he heard her cry,
The phone fell from his grip.

To be continued.






“Gianna!” Andre called,
“You don’t have to be angry Andre,
You can still save her by just doing what I ask you to do.
I won’t hurt Gianna nor her son as long as you do what I want you to do.” The male voice coerced,
“What do you want from me?
Name it!
What do you want?” He yelled angrily,
Immediately the caller hung up.

“He’s such a spoilt demon,
Thinks everything all about money.” Uncle Aleksandr said to his younger brother,
His accomplice Alekhine,
The man laughed evilly,
“No matter how spoilt he’s grown,
He can never wish to trade the life of his woman,” The man trailed his finger on Gianna’s cheek,while she continued to sob cause her mouth was gagged really tight.

“You’re such a beauty and so was your mother
Love having her take care of me then.” Uncle Alekhine said to Gianna.
Reid was tied to the other corner of the room,so he could barely see him mommy or know what’s going on with her.
“It’s no surprise my nephew took fancy to you,
You’re a very stunning woman,
It’s just a waste your beauty is about to be wasted now.” He said to her to her trailing his hands down to her chest.
Gianna shook her tied body vigorously to stop the man from touching her but he didn’t,
Rather he smiled and trailed his hand to the neckline of the gown she was putting on.

Uncle Alekhine is just two decades older than Andre and is the youngest of the De Marco’s brother.
Alexander (Andre’s father),Aleksandr and Alekhine.
As a growing up child,
Colin De Marco his father hadn’t paid much attention to him and his mother,
So was Aleksandr and his mother.
The old man had only treated his first wife and their son Alexander while the rest had just shadows of his love.

This had cause problems in the family,
It became worse when the man brought in Katerina.
The three sons had been madly in love with her especially Alexander,
Seeing it would bring more trouble to the family,
The old man adopted Katerina as his daughter to avoid his sons fighting for her love.
A few years after Katerina came into the family,
The old man lost his first son.
He was left with little Alexandre and Katerina,
Later the latter was confirmed to be pregnant.
The old man had been so furious that his precious daughter is pregnant,
Carrying the seed of a peasant.

He,in a fit of rage ordered that she abort the child,
Katerina had bluntly refused and in no time,
She left the house.
He searched the whole city,turned everything upsidedown but he couldn’t find his daughter.
The old man hadn’t been himself ever since,
When both his two wives and sons left,
He didn’t bother looking for them and that made them hate their father more.

That hatred hardened both Aleksandr and his brother,
Both had same interest of making sure that their father pays for not treating them and their mothers right.
And now,
Since the mans old and just a few years from his grave,
Their main target is Andre.

“Now,you’re going to be out bait to have Andre do what we want him to do and also give us what we really wanted.”
The man turned to his older brother,
“How about the other lady?
Whatshername again?
What happens to her?” He asked Aleksandr.
The older man turned from the window and came to his brother,
“She’s nothing but a puppet to us and after we get what we want,we simply get rid of her.” The man said icily.

Jasmine’s working with Andres uncles to help take the Andres position from him.
That woman’s so vile.
And here this men are planning on killing her too.
Gianna was so shocked and equally afraid too.
Cause of Andre doesn’t act fast,
She, Reid and her unborn child are going to die together.
Andre please come save us,
I’m so sorry I’d left the hospital without your permission but ease come take me away from these cruel men,
I’m so scared.
Gianna cried for help in her heart.

Andre was reckless,
He’d no clue on where those bastard had held Gianna and Reid,
And that’s what’s driving him nuts.
He wanted to call his grandfather and have the man help him bit on a second though,
He couldn’t.
He can’t tell the man that his granddaughter,
The granddaughter he’d been searching for is being held by some bastard.
Maybe he should call Dane.
The man is a good underworld king and would help him find his woman but he decided against it.

He’d to do something.
An idea came to him,
Since his son Reid had connections with Hurricane Group,
Why not he call Agent Lee and inform him of the boys abduction.
The man might get him link to Hurricane Group and have them help him search for both mother and son.

He fumbled out his phone and dialled the Agent’s number,
Just one ring the man picked up the call,
“Good day President De Marco,
Agent Lee speaking.” He replied the man,
“Mr Lee,there’s problem,
Reid and Gianna had been kidnapped.” Andre informed the man.
Immediately the man shouted in shock,
“What!” immediately
I just received a call from the kidnappers but they didn’t let me talk before they hung up.” He said to the man.

“Mr De Marco, where are you now?” Me Lee asked,
Andre looked around the unfamiliar road he found himself.
He wasn’t thinking straight while driving,
So it was no surprise he ended up in this unfamiliar neighborhood.
“I have little knowledge of this place but let’s meet at Baronet View now.” He said to the man,
“Yes Sir.” The man hung up immediately and took a U turn.

At Baronets View,
Andre explained end to the man the situation at hand and also gave him the number the kidnappers had use to call him,
“Here’s the number they use,
The man hadn’t allowed me say anything before he hung up.” He told the man,
“I swear,if I get hold of that bastard,
I’m going to shrewd his body and make sire his life’s a living hell.

He’s going to pay for ever laying his hands on Gianna and Reid.” He swore,
Agent Lee just sat opposite the man,
Deep down,he’s feeling sorry for the bastard that had just abducted Gianna,
Cause the man in front of him is ready to move the earth for that woman.

“President De Marco,
I’ve made contact with Hurricane associates and the chief himself is sending his men.
I’ll just have to get the details of user of this number,” He said to Andre,
“How long is it going to take to get the information on the bastard?” Andre asked,
The other man looked at his laptop,
“Just a few minutes.” He replied and averted his gaze back to the laptop.

After hacking some few systems,he was able to gain access to the network unit.
Andres phone began to ring,
Both men looked at each other on instinct.
“Let me take this.” Andre stood up with the phone,
He accepted the call,
“Hello.” He said clearly to the hearing of the caller,
There’s an emergency,
Grandfather has been admitted in the hospital.” The caller,who is the ground master of the De Marco’s Mansion.
“What?” Andre yelled,
“Yeah,we’re at the family hospital now.” The man informed,
“I’ll be there soon.” He said and hung up,
Andre went to Mr Lee,
“Please carry on here,there’s an emergency at home.” He picked his car keys and hurried out of the place.

To be continued.






Andre drove speedily to the hospital,
His grandfather at the hospital.
The thought scared him to death.
He’s still bothered about Gianna’s and Reid being kidnapped,
Now it’s his grandfather.
Wonder who’s going to be next?
Or even himself?
Life’s so cruel.
Why not call Dane and ask for help?
He asked himself as he drove,
He had never seen himself asking for anyone’s help
But now the situation is so tight,
He can’t handle this alone.

So he connected his phone to the car via Bluetooth and placed a call to Dane.
Dane who’d unintentionally left his phone in his conference room didn’t know it was ringing,
Therefore he didn’t see Andre’s call.
“Pick up Dane.
Please do pickup.” Andre prayed as he drove.
He hadn’t been the desperate all his life,
This time,he’s in a tight corner,
With Gianna,his unborn child and Reid on one side while his grandfather at the other.

When he got to the hospital, the whole place was chaos,
Andre made his way inside and went straight to the Operation Theatre,where his grandfather is being treated.
Seeing some teams of doctors inside the room,
He pulled one of the people there,
It was the old man’s nurse.
“What happened to my grandfather?” He asked the lady,
“Sir he……”
“Talk! What happened to him?”He asked angrily,
The lady froze with fear,
” Grandmaster had been in his room when Lady Jasmine came in and informed him of a lady called Gianna being kidnapped,
Immediately she told him the news,
The grandmaster stated complaining that his heart was tightening and he couldn’t breath.
We had to rush him here.” She said terrified at the mans presence.

So she’s behind all this mess?
Andre asked himself.
How else did she find out about Gianna’s kidnap if it hadn’t been hatched by her.
That woman had just done the worst thing she could ever do.
He’s going to kill her if he ever lays eyes on her again.
“Where’s Justin?” He asked the nurse about his other son.
“The little master was asleep while all this was happening,
So some maids and guards had to stay behind and watch over him while we brought the grandmaster to the hospital.” She replied him.

Immediately Andre left her and raced to his car,
First he’d to go see that Justin was alright,
Then he’ll have to look for Jasmine and have the woman have a taste if his wrath,
She’d touched the wrong side of him.
On his way back to the De Marco’s Mansion,he called Dane again,
The man was picking up,
So he called Reid’s manager,
Mr Lee.
“Jello President De Marco,
How’re thing going over there?” The man asked concerned,
“Not so good,
Have you gotten their location?” He asked the man,
“No Sir..”
“What then are you doing?” The man yelled out of anger and frustration.
“President De Marco,
My computer can’t gain access into the network system,
It’s just like its being stopped by some configured data on the system.” He explained to the angry Andre,
Thank God he isn’t present with me here.
Mr Lee prayed.

Both father and son are likely the same,
When they get too worked,they vent their anger on the next person to them,
The only person both shares their sweet moment with is Gianna,
Wife and mother to both father and son.
“I’ll be done before you know it and I’ll send the information to you.” He said to the man,
Immediately Andre hung up.

When he got home,
Justin was up cause he wasn’t in his room.
“Justin!” He called,
No reply.
“Justin boy,daddy’s home.” He called louder,
No reply.
Soon a maid came running out from the archery room.
“Sir,Justin’s the library downstairs.” She informed the man,
Welcome home Master Andre.” She greeted,
Andre nodded and went in direction of the library.

“Justin.” He called when he saw the boy engrossed in the book he was reading and didn’t notice him enter the library.
The boy looked up and ran to him,
“Daddy.” Justin wrapped his hands around the man.
“Son,how’re you?” He asked,
Pressing the urge not to break down in front of the boy.
The boy nodded,
“Fine daddy,
Daddy when are we going to see mommy and little brother?” Justin asked,
Andre shook his head,
“Not now son,
Daddy still has a few more things to handle before we go there.” He lied,
Not wanting to tell the boy that his mommy and brother have been abducted.
“Where’s mommy Jasmine?” He asked the boy,
“She left a few minutes ago,
You should have ran past her on your way.” Justin said to him,

“Okay,go get dressed,
You’re going with daddy.” Andre told the boy,
“Where are we going to daddy?” Justin asked,
“Just go get changed,
Were going to see grandpa at the hospital.” He said,
The boy gasped.
Great grandpa’s at the hospital,
What happened to him?” Hr asked innocently,
“Great grandpa just for extra weak and we had to take him to the hospital.” Andre said,
He took the boy from the library and both father and son went to get changed.

While at the hospital, Justin requested to stay with his great grandfather while Andre went to have a chat with the doctor,
“Doctor what’s wrong with him?” He asked the man immediately they’d settled down,
“He’d a cardiac arrest.
Something must have shocked him and he reacted to it.
And I must say this Master De Marco,
Your grandfather’s cells very weak and I doubt if he’s going to survive this.” The doctor said to him.
Andre didn’t say anything,
“Master De Marco are you paying attention?” The doctor asked,
He nodded.

“Doctor, just make sure he stays alive,try do something……”
His phone rang and he averted his gaze from the doctor to his phone,
“Hello Dane.” He said coolly,
Even the doctor was surprised because the Andre De Marco is a very rude and rash man and won’t speak to anyone as calmly as he just did.
“Master De Marco,
I saw you missed calls and I…..”
Andre signalled the doctor to give him some privacy,
The man stood up immediately and left his office.
Sure that he was far alone,
He open up to Dane.

“Dane,Gianna and my son has been kidnapped.” He blurted,
“What!” The other man yelled,
And I called to tell you that i would need your help to be able to get my woman back.” He said,
“Do you have any suspect?” He asked Andre,
“I have as much as hundred suspect but have just one prime suspect,
My supposed fiancé Jasmine.
She’s my main suspect.” He said to the man.
“Okay,send me her photo and I’ll have my men tail her.” Dane assured Andre,
The other man nodded and said a thank you to Dane.
Who received the photo of Jasmine from Andre immediately.

He called his most trusted men Jandro and gave him the phone,
“See this lady,
Run a check on her,
A thorough check on her for me.
Then tell Small to continue search for my brother.”
The man took the phone and left immediately while Dane sat and his thoughts went wild.

What if Dean has a hand in Gianna’s kidnap and is working hand in hand with this Jasmine lady?

To be continued.

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