
The Billionaire’s Surrogate – Full Novel – Part 2

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The Billionaire's Surrogate - Full Novel - Part 2



Just by rewinding his memories, he could vividly recalled the night he’d spent with the blindfolded young girl who couldn’t withstand his everything.

He’d willfully taken control of her and he’s eager to do that again

She’s such a delicate girl,like bubble that’ll pop in just one touch but rather,

In front of him,she’s shown her brave side,cautiously protecting her poor pride.

It was girl’s like her that move men to want to protect and care for them and that’s what she has just done to him.

However, this delicate girl has just happened to trigger desires he suppress deep within himself for long.

He wanted her,his body keep raging so bad that the so called ‘formular’ wasn’t simple as afterwards.

He wants her to be his till her last breath.

Seeing how haggard and dirty she was,she couldn’t go and get Reid from school like this,so she took a cab home and changed into another set of clothes,

When she got to the school,the other kids were gone and only her son was left,

“Reid!” She called the boy,walking into the school gate,

The lad who’d been waiting for her for long raised his head up,seeing her,he ran to hug her.

“Mommy,what took you so long?” He cried,

” Reid has been waiting for you since.”She squat in from of him and hugged the boy,

Careful enough not to release tears and letting her son she how helpless she’s.

But the boy was sensible enough to know she is worried,

“Mommy,what’s wrong with you?” She shook her head,

“Nothing mommy’s just happy to see you.” She lied,

Who’s fooling who?
Mommy’s worried again and her face looks like she has been crying for long, the boy thought.

“Mommy did anyone bully you?” He asked,
He knows his mommy’s weak and people tend to bully her,

“No,no one bullied mommy today.” She said,he still wasn’t convinced but won’t persuade her to talk,

He knows how to go about in all this things.

“Mommy,remember you said you’ll get me crab cake today?” He reminded her,

Crab cakes were his favorite and she’s promised to get it for him today.

“Ehm Reid… Could you mind if mommy doesn’t get it today,” The boy’s face fell,

“Mommy’s going back on her words.” The boy cried,

How’s she going to explain to her son that she has lost her job and…

Seeing her worried face even though she tries to hide it with a calm expression, Reid knows she’s troubled,

“Mommy,don’t worry about it,Reid doesn’t even like crab cakes anymore.” He pretended to be happy,so she wouldn’t be more worried,

I’m so sorry I can’t provide for you my precious son.

Seeing the boy good acting,she couldn’t help but smile,

Reid’s phone rang from her bag,

When she got home,she’d put her line in Reid’s phone to be able to get calls,

Rummaging through her bag,she brought out the phone,
It was her best friend Janine.

“Hey Janine,” she greeted,

“Gigi,I’m home! I’m in the States now.” The caller screamed,Gianna had to shift the phone from her ear,

“Janine, you’re back?” She asked surprisingly,

“Yes,I’m back and back for good.” She shrieked in happiness,

“That’s good..”

“Let’s see tonight, its been so long and I really miss you,I want us yo meet tonight,I’ll send the address to you rightaway.” She hung up,the Gianna turned to her son,

While she was taking her call,Reid hid the parents teacher invitation inside his bag and she was too engross not to see his little action.

“Mommy where’s your cell phone?” He asked her,

She has her phone, so why bother put her line in his to take calls?

The boy was sure something went wrong,

“Ehm,my phone fell on the road and a cab driver ran over it.” She lied,

The boy wasn’t buying it,

He knows she’s very meticulous with her phone and that was why she bought him his own,so he doesn’t have to disturb her for hers.

“Okay mommy, let’s go home.” The boy said pulling her hands as they walked away.

That evening,she met up with Janine at a fancy restaurant,

“Wow Janine,you look so good.” Gianna complimented her best girl friend,

“I believe those Australians couldn’t get enough of you.” She said,

“Well,I for one prefer here to there,its good to be home.” Janine said acting all relaxed and peaceful,

“So how’re things going here?” Janine asked her,

“Well,things aren’t going really well,I just lost my job today,” Janine gasped,

Seeing Gianna,one would never know she’s going through a hard time cause she’s good at hiding her troubles,

“Why? What happened?” Janine asked surprised at the employer that could fire such a nice and hardworking person like Gianna,

“Well,it’s a very complicated family stuff,” She said,

“Because of Camille right?” She asked,she already knew that Camille had something to do in this.

That girl came from no good,had done no good and will do no good,

She’s a thorn to Gianna’s flesh.

“Well,since you’ve lost your job I think I might be able to help you get one soon.” Gianna was elated,

“I heard Denver Tower are going on about making a movie about ‘Green Love’?”She said again,

Gianna who wasn’t a fan of entertainment didn’t seem interested in it,

” Gigi,they’re looking for a female lead actor, my source said Dean Wilson is the male lead actor, don’t you think you should go for it? I know how much you love acting and wanted to be an actress,”Gianna wasn’t interested in what Janine was saying,

“Gigi.” She poked the girl to get back her attention,

“Janine,I’m not interested and why do you think they’ll chose a nobody like me to be the female lead when they’ve got beautiful actresses like The Williams Sisters,Kate Lawrence and many other beautiful actresses?” She asked mockingly,

“Stop it girl. Haven’t you read the book ‘Green Love’?” Janine asked,

“This movies need someone delicate and serene to play the role of ‘Emily’ and don’t you think you’re that perfect person?” Gianna sighed,

“Do they have another vacant space apart from the female lead?” She asked,

“Yeah,I also heard they need a makeup artiste.” Janine said,

After thinking for awhile,

“I think I might just go for the make up artiste,than going for a big role like the female lead.”

“Okay,suit yourself.” Janine finally gave up,
Gianna was such a difficult person to deal with.






Aaron got the information Andre wanted concerning the woman,keeping it in the boss’s table he turned to leave but Jasmine came right in,

“Where’s Andre?” She asked him haughtily,

“He’s not in,he went for some meeting with…..” He said,she doesn’t care,

Where he is doesn’t matter to her.

When she wanted to leave,her eyes caught sigh of the documents on the table and she strode forward to see it,

Aaron couldn’t stop her,he was just a mere manager and she was his boss’s fiancee,so he swallowed hard,

How’ll she react of she finds out the boss is digging up on another woman?

Like she knew his fears,she turned to him,

“Mind if I see theses?” Actually she doesn’t really need his approval to check this papers,

She opened the file,it was containing details of someone,

‘Gianna McKenna’

The name had some old stirring in her,

She flapped out the pages,not really reading the content of it but stopped when she saw the pictures of the subject,

“I know her.” She said to herself,

She opened the next few pages,it was pictures of the lady and a small boy.

She took a closer look at the boys face and gasped,

“Isn’t this Justin?”
“No,Justin looks more chubbier than this kid.”
“But they..” Her eyes moved to the lady standing with the kid,

This is not happening,
This girl was the surrogate eight years ago
How come she has a child that looks like Justin?

Then she recalled something,
Back then,the woman was pregnant with twin and it happened that one died.

Or did she hide the child for her selfish gain to get into the family.
Most women uses their children to gain status into rich families.

She was really surprised at what she saw,

And now Andre has decided to get information on her,


She opened another page,this time around it was the woman but here was when she was….

“Isn’t this Gianna from the orphanage?” She pointed to the frail looking kid,

Deep down her memory etched,

Scenes of a young girl defending herself and her,Jasmine standing with her friends accusing and mocking the girl of stealing her jade,

“I didn’t steal it,its mine.” The frail kid cried but the kids wouldn’t believe her cause,she Jasmine was a real princess.

Actually, she’d stolen the girl’s jade at night when the kid was asleep.

When the girl saw it on her she knew immediately that it was hers and decided to get it back but she,Jasmine had lied it was hers and get everyone to believe her.

She’d done that to get possession of the jade cause it was really beautiful but when the wealthy man came and took her as his lost granddaughter, she realized something,

There’s more to Gianna and that jade,that people cannot see.

Gianna is the real young mistress of the De Marco Family and the daughter of Katerina.

Knowing this truth,she decided not to let anyone know of her big secret.

A few years after she came into the De Marco’s Mansion,the old man decided to run a DNA test on her secretly,since she shows no resemblance to his Katerina.

But Jasmine got wind of it,she played fast by bribing the doctors in the hospital to fake the result.

It came out positive, that she’s Katerina’s daughter.

The old man believed her,even though it was so obvious that she isn’t even close in resemblance to Katerina.

‘Maybe,you looks like your father,he’d said to her when the result came out the second time.

If Andre see this,he’ll know of my secret and he’s sure going to expose my true identity.

She took out the files containing Gianna’s childhood pictures and the one she’s with her son,

Aaron was surprised at what she’s doing,

“Ma’am…” She gave him a deadly glare and he kept shut,

After taking the necessary ones,she left just a few with almost no useful details in it,

“Aaron,I’m sure you don’t wanna get me angry.” She walked up to him seductively,

“Make Andre believe theses are the only information you got on her and I’ll reward you greatly.” She trailed her hand over his face,

Which is worst,
Offend the boss without his knowing
Offend his fiance and get punished

Seeing the situation at hand,he nodded,

“I’m gonna keep this a secret between us but you’ll have to do something for me.” He took advantage of the situation and kissed her fingers one after the other,

“You know how much i love you and has secretly wished to have you beside me since the day I met you….” She shut him up,

Now she knows what he wanted,its no big deal to her,

She’s been doing this for long and this is no new thing to her.

“Okay,meet me at Grand View Hotel tonight at eight.” He took her hand and kissed it lightly,

As long as she gotten what she want,she can give in to him.

Now,she’ll have to think of a plan to get rid of Gianna and her son.

No one can ruin her already good plan
No one can take her place as the young mistress of the De Marco family.

On the day of the audition, Gianna got Reid ready for school and dropped him off the school,

She hailed a cab and went to the audition centre at Denver Tower.

The place was so crowded when she went here,from the outside,she’d to push her way in.

Seeing the crowd,she started feeling nervous,

“What if I don’t get chosen?” Taking a deep breathe, she walked into the building boldly and calmly.

In the large hallway,there were so many beautiful girl,sitting down and waiting for them to be called.

“I can’t wait to be chosen, so I can act along side Dean,he’s so charming.” One girl said to the other who frowned,

“In your dreams,I’ll get chosen that role.” She argued,

“Sir please where’s the office of the manager,she asked a security guard,

” Are you here for that audition? “Thanks man asked,she shook her head,

” Well no sir,I’m here for the makeup artist position.”She corrected,the man smiled,

“Well Miss, you should go for the female lead,you’ll fit in perfectly well.” The man said,she laughed,

“Don’t flatter me Sir.” She said,

“No Miss,I’m being honest…but since you want see the manager in charge…Go upstairs to the fifth floor, the office is by the left.” She directed,she nodded and thanked him.

She was walking out of the elevator when she bumped into someone,

“Oh sorry,I’m sorry Sir.” She pulled away from the man,

Two men in black were behind him,

“Hey Miss,can’t you see.”One of the men rushed to hit her but the man held him back,

“Let her go,Miss,you’re okay?” The man asked,she nodded trying to straighten her rumpled cloth with her hand.

“Yes,I’m fine.” She manage to say,
This man is hot as hell,he’s tall and slender with his slacks showing his nice body shape.

“You’re here for the audition right?” The man asked,

Gosh,this girl is break taking,she’s so beautiful and charming,
Her clothes might be of low quality but it was like the clothes made her look more like a goddess on earth.

“No,I’m here for the position for the makeup artiste.” She said fluently,

The man was stunned at her mode of speaking,

“Miss do you know you can pass out as the female lead?” The man lean to her and whispered,

She smiled like what he said meant nothing to her,

“No Sir, I’m not interested.” She politely turned down the man.

He felt aroused by this single action, so many girls would die to have such opportunity but she’s turning him down politely,

‘This man seemed to be wealthy but she doesn’t want to get involved in the dirty plays of these rich men.’

“I can help you get it if you want to.” He said coolly,she obliged,

“No thanks.” She turned to walk away but he called her back.

“Miss,you wanna see the manger?” He asked,she nodded.

“Follow me,I’m going to meet him.” He said smiling,

His smile was so genuine,she followed him at a close distance.

Dean couldn’t help but be astound at the girl beauty.

She’s so pure and so real,
He’d met girls,quite good number of them,beautiful and charming but not one of them had enticed him as this one.

She’s so pure and innocent,

Like Emily coming out from the novel
Him being the male lead knows the qualities of the female lead and he as seen it all in this young girl walking behind him.

“She’s the Emily we’ve been looking for.” He thought to himself.

Director Selden was so angry,
All the candidates present,none of them passed out as Emily,

“Director Selden,what’s matter?” His assistances and the other directors asked,

“All this are trash,none of them match up to the personality of Emily.”

He rumbled the paper and cleared the table in anger,

” We’ve been auditioning for over three days now but none of the ladies present match up to Emi…..”

The door opened and Dean walked inside with a young girl of about twenty two years walking behind him,

“Director Selden,you don’t have to worry anymore,I’ve found the perfect Emily for the movie.”Everyone looked up to the woman behind him.

“Here’s the Emily we’ve been looking for.” He said sitting on one of the executive seats available.

Gianna couldn’t argue,

Now this man’s going to make me make a fool of myself now.

“Young girl,what’s your name?” Director Selden asked her,she look up at him,

“Gianna, Gianna McKenna.” She replied and took her eyes from his,

The men eyes her ravishly,

“Gianna can you come back tomorrow for your audition?” He asked nicely,she didn’t even know when she nodded.

Director Selden like the girl at the instance,she has the carrying of Emily,pure and innocent.

She’s the one we’ve been looking for.

Leaving the room,Gianna didn’t look back,she hurried out of the room like a prey that just escaped its predator.

“Hey Miss, wait up for me.” Dean ran after her,she froze and turned.

“Miss,you didn’t tell me your name,” He asked her,all of a sudden her nervousness drained away.

This man seems to be nice,

“My names is Gianna and you’re?” She brought out her hand for a handshake,

“I’m Dean Wilson.” He smiled,revealing his beautiful dimpled chin.

Her hands were soft and lovely,just like a cute stuffed toy.

“Nice to meet you.” She said smiling,

Andre walked put the elevator, the first sight he met was Gianna and Dean in a handshake, smiling at each other,

What’s she doing here? He asked himself,

Seeing Dean hold hand with her made him boil with jealousy.

The two walked past him as he came out of the elevator, they entered and closed it before he could say a word.

Not wanting to ruin his reputation for being cold and heartless,he made the guard leave while he pursued them taking the other elevator.

No one dares get intimate with his woman.







As Dean and Gianna got out of the elevator, people turned to their direction immediately,

“Wow,that’s Superstar D”
“Who’s the girl beside him?”
“Gosh,he’s so handsome, if he speaks to me,I’ll fly.”
“Is she his girlfriend? He’s holding her so protectively.”
“No I don’t think so,he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
“I love you superstar D!”
“Dean! We love you.”
“Superstar D is so handsome,I wish he’ll turn and look at me.”

The people especially young girls wowed and threw their selves on them as they duo passed,

Most of them weren’t there for the audition, they just wanted to see Dean Wilson,’ Superstar D’ as they fondly call him.

Thank God for the guards, they were able to get Dean and Gianna out of the crowd,

The ‘wos’ and ‘yays’ was so much,Gianna looked at the man walking elegantly beside her,

He look like a powerful but nice king,with his elegant walking step,

One could tell he was born to the noble or wealthy families of the States.

“He’s very popular, wonder why don’t I know him?” She asked herself,

She sighed,she knows the answer,

As much as she loves acting,she’s haven’t had the time to indulge herself in entertainment gist and reals.

Or more,social medias,she isn’t really a fan of it and doesn’t indulge herself in it.

Andre walked out of the elevator with fury all over his face,

How dare that man take his woman away?” He was so mad and furious,

When he came out,the paparazzi were everywhere he didn’t want to create a scene,so he blend into the crowd,

Since only some few people had seen his face and they’re all noble men who’d come to pay homage to him.

The crowd didn’t noticed the demi god walking through them,

He stood from a relative distance and watched what was going on between Gianna and Dean,

“So you’ll come back tomorrow?” He asked her,she nodded.

“Okay let me drop you off..” He offered,

“No,never mind,I’ll go home by my self.” She said to him,

She still has to go get her son from school and she won’t want anyone to see the boy,fearing of her secret being exposed.

“Okay then.I’ll see you tomorrow by ten am.” He said,

She smiled,
“Okay,by ten.” She turned to leave when the silence between them got awkward,

“Gigi,” he called and she turned,

“Have a great day.” He said after her,she nodded and waved goodbye at him.

Andre,seeing that Gianna had left,he wanted to go to Dean to give him a serious warning when his phone rang,

Looking at the caller ID,it was Justin,

He took the call,

“” The boys word slurred as he cried out and that got him worried,

“Justin! Justin where’re you? Daddy’s coming there right now.” He toss his phone into his pocket and ran to his car,

Justin’s having one of his heart pain again.
This pain is always so excruciating the boy who seem strong can’t withstand it.

Turning on the engine,he zoomed away not minding to call his chauffeur to come drive him.

Unknown to Gianna,Camille had been at the audition and had seen her walked pass with Dean,

“What’s Gianna doing here and why’s she with Dean?” Camille asked herself,

She was jealous and troubled seeing a lowly person like Gianna walking and also holding hands with the Superstar,

Why does good things always come to Gianna?
She’s beautiful and very lovely people always get captured by her charms.

That girl must be a vixen that reincarnation to steal men’s attention.

Now,she’ll have to deal with this wretched adopted sister of hers before she takes everything and leaves her with nothing.

When she got home later at night,she went to her father to tell him about the audition,

Actually,she’d gone earlier without his knowledge,so she did want to tell him in cade if she get selected,

“Father,I have something important to tell you.” She said respectfully,

He was busy with dinner,so he gestured her to wait till he finishes his meal.

When he’d finished his meal,she took out the dishes to the kitchen and washed up everything.

Tony watched her in amazement, and bewilderment,she has never done any chores at home,willingly,

This must be something very important she wants to ask me for.

Waiting for her in the living room,he adjusted his glasses as he saw her coming out of their kitchen

She sat beside him and cleared her throat,
Carol came out,

“What’s the meeting going on?” She asked nonchalantly as she sat across Tony swiping the remote control,

“Mother,I’ve a big announcement to make,” Camille aired, the woman now focused her attention on her daughter,

“I’m going for a big audition tomorrow.” She gladly announced,Carol screamed in happiness,

“In Denver Tower,its for an upcoming movie ehm….whatsititsname again.” She racked her memory while Tony sighed,

“Green Love.” She said excitedly,

“Camille, wouldn’t it be better if you go back to school and get your degrees than wander about hoping to get chosen in a big movie..” Tony said,the mother daughter duo frowned,

“Father if I get the role,I’ll be paid lot of money and I’ll become famous, then I’ll get you and mother a nice house,a nice car and a…..”

“Camille, do you think the industry is as simple as you think? No,its filled with predators waiting and searching for innocent preys like you to feed on.” He explained,getting angry at her silliness,

“But Gianna’s allowed to be there?” She said thinking her father knew of Gianna going there.

The man frowned,

“Liar,Gianna wouldn’t go to places like that,she’s to mor…” Camille didn’t wait for him to finish before she flared up and turned to her mother,

“Mother I’m not lying,I saw Gianna in Denver Tower,she was walking with Dean,Superstar D.”

“Why’s Gianna allowed to go when I’m not permitted to go.”

Tony was getting infuriated at the girls word about his Gianna, the next thing that followed her running mouth was a slap that shut her up,

“Don’t you ever say such thing about Gianna again!” He yelled,stood up and walked into hhis room,leaving the girl to wail and complain to her mother,

“Mother he slapped me because of that wretched girl.” Camille cried while her mother consoled her,

“Don’t worry,mother’s giving you her permission, you can go to that audition, you have my full support.” Carol encouraged the girl,

Deep down,her hatred for Gianna grew astronomically

When Andre got home,he rushed to his son’s room like he was being chased,

“Justin,” The boy was lying on the bed with his grandfather and Jasmine sitting beside him,

“Father,I’m here.” He called him with his weak voice,

Justin,how’re you feeling?” He asked the boy feeling his temperature with the back of his palms,

This man only shows his sympathetic and sweet side to his son while with every other person, he’s nothing but a fearful Lord.

Jasmine sighed,

The boy didn’t want to say anything with his mommy and great grandfather present and Andre noticed the boys discomfort at their presence,he turned to them

“Grandpa, you can leave now.I’ll take it from here.” Saying this the boy was relieved,

He wants to talk to his father alone.

Immediately they left,he sat up and stared into his father’s eyes.

“Justin what’s it?” He asked the boy,wondering at how the boy was staring,

“I had a dream about mommy.” He said,

“What about to Jasmine?” He asked his son,he hate referring to her as his sons mother or his fiance,

“Not that mommy,it was another woman.She was so beautiful and so caring,she was stroking my head lovingly but this mommy came and dragged me away from her.” He explain,

The boy was dreaming about Gianna…then Jasmine taking him from her forcefully…

“Don’t worry,you’re gonna be fine.” He made the boy lay back on the bed,

He need to call Aaron,to talk about what he dug up concerning Gianna current life.

“Father,stay with me.” The boy’s eyes called as his lips spoke,he took his big palms to stop him as Andre turned to off the light and leave the room

He say back and started stroking the boy’s hair till he was sure the boy was fast asleep.

When Gianna arrived home from Janine’s, she ate what her son had prepared for dinner.

Even being intelligent, Reid had great culinary skills,

His master chef’s skills surpassed his mother’s, so from when the kid was five years and seven months, he began to prepare simple dishes but now,he’s so good at cooking, he doesn’t let his mother cook at home.

He know how to purchase vegetables and meat,he knows that red meat isn’t good for his mommy and she loves her food to be spicy and her favorite so far is his home made Crab cake and garlic shrimps and she loves it more with his fruit splatter.

He’d always told her,
“Mommy’s job is to be beautiful while Reid takes care of her stomach,cause the best way to mommy’s heart is her stomach.”

And he was damn right,Gianna loves and enjoy her son’s food than the ones in Five Star Hotels

“My Reid is a better cook than any other person in the world,he’s the best cook in the world.”

The next morning,she’d fully explained to Reid what she was going to do,so immediately she left,he called his agent,

“Hello Agent Lee,it’s Reid.” He introduced himself,

“Sir Reid,good day.” The man from the other end greeted,

“I want you to run a check on the new movie Denver Tower are working on,check what and what they’re working on and last but not least, I want my mommy to be the female lead,you know what you must do to make that happen right?” He told the man,

“Yes Sir.” The man replied,

“Then come pick me up from my house,I want to personally watch over mommy.

“Yes Sir.” The man replied again,Reid hung up the phone and turned to his computer,

His demeanor has changed,his face is now cold and void of emotions.

He doesn’t seem like the seven years and nine months boy he’s,

Rather now,he’s nothing but greatest and youngest shareholder of Dunnex Toy Empire,the largest toy empire in the whole world.

To be continued







Coming out the house,he looked across the street

A black Rolls Royce Phantom was waiting for him there,

Reid adjusted his black overall clutching his cell phone,he walked majestically to the car,

The door opened and an older man walked out,

“Director Reid,good day.” The man greeted him,Reid nodded and got into the car,

The man went in after him,

“I got information on the new movie ‘Green Love'”, The man brought out his laptop and placed it on his laps,

” Dean Wilson is the male lead,now they’re still in search of the fem…..”He looked at the man coldly and the man froze,

“I thought I’d asked you to make my mommy the female lead?” He asked him again,

“Director Reid,she’s going for the audition and from the look of thing,she’s bound to be the female lead even without our interference.” He explained shitty scared,

He’s boss might be a kid but he’s no one to be messed with especially in things concerning his mommy.

She was his reverse scale.

He’d met the boy about a year and some few months ago and he’s the only one who knows what the boy’s capable of doing.

When he was first sent to meet the boss,he’s being so eager to work for the person who has bought about sixty percent share of the company’s assets,

But he was more shocked when he found out that his new boss is none other than a six year old kid,

At first he though the kid was playing a prank on him but after a few more authentication, he found out that it was no joke,

The kid was actually his mysterious new boss and with the boys high level of IQ and EQ,he couldn’t help but be astound at the prodigious boy he’s working for.

“And what if she doesn’t get it?” The kid asked,

He kept shut,his boss was a type of person that keeps his promise whether good or bad,

Since the man didn’t reply,he decided to do it for him,

“I’ll cut out fifty percent of your monthly salary.” The man swallowed hard,

He knows his boss would do it, so he prayed earnestly that Gianna get chosen for the female lead role.

Out of the hundreds of girls who applied for the position, only ten were chosen for the audition and Gianna was among the chosen ten,

“Who’s she?” The girl’s asked themselves as Gianna walked into the director’s office with Dean holding her hand.

“And why’s she with Dean…” Another asked,

Three other girls came out from the elevator, they were chatting at smiling at each other,

“Hey see,its the Williams sisters and Kate Lawrence.” Everyone turned towards them,

“They’re so beautiful.”
“We love you Katy!”
“The Williams sisters are so lovely.” Their fans continued to praise them while the girls walked majestically to the audition room.

These three friends have been in the entertainment circle for long and has gained so many reputation.

They have lots and lots of fans and followers.

The Williams sisters, Fanny and Keith have Don Juan as their financial backer,

He’s among the shareholders of Denver Tower Entertainment House.

While Katy has Alfredo Hernandez as her financial backer,

He’s too is among the directors of the entertainment house.

Not to mention the unspoken rules of entertainment circle they’ve all indulged in.

The girls were booming to success.

The girls were a star.

During Gianna’s first audition, the directors were all stunned,

She might be a newbie but has a good acting skills,

Gianna portrayed the role of Emily so well,director Selden was certain she’s the one for the movie.

“She’s is just like Emily coming out of the novel itself.” He’d told Dean when they finished the audition that day.

“Gianna,Director Selden said you’ll have to come back tomorrow for the finals.” Dean told her after the whole audition stuff,

It was already night and she was in a hurry to go home and eat the dinner her son has prepared for her.


“Meanwhile, after the finals,there will be a Met Gala party at the Grand View for all the supposed actors and actress,I would want you to come with me.” She smiled,wanting to refuse the offer

“Don’t worry,its been hosted by Denver Tower and you must be there but I want you to me my partner.” He made himself clear,

Then someone interrupted them,it was Kate Williams,

“Dean!” She rushed past Gianna and hugged the guys,

“I didn’t know you were back in town till I saw you on TV yesterday.” She said not wanting to release him from her hug,

“Katy,Katy let go.” He slowly pushed her away so as not to make her fall.

She was still smiling at him,

“Yeah, I came back some few days back and has been busy since,ehm…We’ll talk later on,as you can see I’m in the middle of an important discussion with Gianna here.” He took Gianna’s hand and walked away leaving Kate dumbfounded,

“Who’s she that made Dean walk out on me?” She was red at the embarrassment,

Actually, she’d came over to ask him if he’ll want her to be his partner of the Met Gala that’s coming soon but he didn’t even give her a chance to speak because of that girl.

She furiously walked out of the place before anyone noticed what has just happened.

Camille was so angry when he got home, they didn’t allow her enter the tower cause the security men said that anyone for the position should have an application letter,

She wasn’t with one though,actually she’d gone there empty handed,

The only thing in her bag was a copy of Green Love novel and her makeup kits.

And the worst was that she can’t even compose a letter talk more of an application letter to one of the biggest entertainment company in the States.

She continued lurking around the building till it was night and she went back home frustrated,

“How can I get an application letter?” She asked herself as she paced to and fro the house,

But then an idea struck her,


She could use Gianna’s help to get what she wanted.

She just have to put two and two together to get what she wants.

Gianna was eating the dinner her son has prepared for her when her phone rang,

She checked the caller ID, it was an unknown number,she declined the call and continued with her dinner,

“Mommy,who’s that?” Reid asked her,she looked up from her phone,

“I don’t know who it is.” She doesn’t want to be bordered by it so she told the boy not to worry and continue eating,

But the phone rang again,

It might be Dean?
Maybe he has something to tell me
It might even be from the directors,

She accepted the call but a loud sound deafening her,

“Hello, is this Gianna McKenna?” The caller,a male asked her,

“Yes,I’m Gianna, what the matter?” She asked the caller,

“Well it your younger sister Camille, she’s pretty drunk and can’t go home, can you come get her and take her home?” The person asked, she wanted to refuse,

After all she wasn’t the one who sent her to drink but Camille’s crying voice got her attention,

“Okay,I’m on my way there,send me the address now.” She stood up and looked apologetic to her son,

“Reid,let mommy go get your aunt,she’s in trouble.” She said,the boy’s face was motionless,

She gets into trouble all the time.

“I’ll be back soon okay.” She came over and kissed his forehead,

“Don’t wait up too long.” She whispered to him and hurried out.

Reid lost his appetite immediately she left,he took out the left over food and pack them in the refrigerator and washed the dishes.

After making sure everything was okay, he went into his study room and immense himself with work.

Getting to the place,Gianna discovered it was a club,

What the heck is Camille doing here?” She asked herself as she walked inside,

The notice from the place was deafening,

“Please do you know where Camille is?” She asked a lady,the woman nodded then ask her to follow her.

They got into an inner room and Gianna saw Camille sitting on the bar seat,she was so drunk,

She walked to her and pulled her hands,

“Camille let’s go home.”

As she tugged the girl’s hand,so they can leave

A man tapped her from behind and she turned to him,

The mans look so dangerous and his clothes were so rugged, he Jas tattoos all over his arms.

Gianna shuddered at the sight of him,

“Wow,you’re Camille’s elder sister? You look so beautiful and I know you’ll taste good.” His mannerism was so poor,Gianna knew for one he’s a thug.

He passed a drink at her but she refused,

“You can just commented in here and go back like that, join us for a drink.” She refused it,

She’s very poor at handling alcohol, so she doesn’t dare take it,cause one sip is enough to send her to a drunken state for long.

“No,I’ll just leave now..” She turned to leave bit the man pulled her back,

“I’m so sorry mister but I can’t take the drink.” She cried but the man insisted,when she became adamant, he forced her mouth open and poured the drink into her mouth,

It wasn’t alcohol though rather it was sweeter.

But little did she know it was spiked with Love Hunting Power.

This is a dangerous aphrodisiac that can make someone greedy for sex,

It’s been sold out in black market and the worst of it is that it’s sold at cheaper rate there making people get it easily.

Any victim of this powder is addicted to sex for as long as the potency of the drug last,

It can last for as long as seven to eight hours depending on how much got spike in the drink.

The victim can’t get pregnant due to the drugs effect and won’t recall anything that happened when the drug was in potency.

Before Gianna could know what’s happening to her,it was too late,

Her loins were getting warm and she was getting an unusual sensation between her legs.

“Is everything ready?” The man asked his fellows, they nodded and headed him the card key,

“Here’s the key to the room.” He took the key from the man,

“Take her to the car and remember, no one should disturb me tonight.” He ordered,they took Gianna’s from him and together,they all walked to his car.

Andre had just finished his meeting with the board of directors from Hurricane Groups when he saw the man coming out from the elevator,

The man was holding a young girl who seemed like she was drunk.

The man latched to her so closely,

Since he didn’t see her face clearly, he didn’t know that the drunk lady was none other than his woman,Gianna.

Leonardo had just lay the girl on the bed,she was murmuring some words and squirming,

Seeing her do this turned him on the more,he licked his lips,

“That Camille is such a devil,imaging paying your debt with your sister’s body.”

Two hundred thousands dollar for this beautiful creature in front of him.

“Well,I should be lucky that I was given this pretty woman as my pay.”

Gianna was so uncomfortable,the heat seem to worsen as time goes by,

She just want nothing than to quench this insatiable desires she’s having.

As the man was about pulling off his pants,someone knocked on the door,

I thought I’d asked those scumbags not to disturb me,

He wanted to ignore the knocking and get to business but it became persistent,

Looking at the girl on the bed,he smiled foolishly,

“I’m coming baby.” He went ahead and opened the door,three men in black with cold faces slapped him and he fell back into the room,

“Who’re you guys?” He got angry and wanted to fight back but one of them who appeared to be their boss punched him,

“I didn’t do anything bad,I bought her for two hundred thousands dollars at the club,please spare my life.” Leonardo had never been this scared all his life,

“Next time you don’t mess with the boss’s woman.” The man who had punched him said,

“This boss’s woman?” Leonardo contemplated,

“Who’s this your boss?” He asked the men,

Immediately he said that,Andre walked unto the room,he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman who seem to arouse his lustful desires with her cries,

“She’s my woman.” He answered the man coldly,

The man looked up to see the face of the so called boss,

His face was like something calved out from a god,

He’s tall and has a strong but slender body.

His looks alone can make one freeze.

He’s like an aristocratic lord,

“Who’re you?” Leonardo trembled at the man’s presence,

“I am Alexandre De Marco.” The man said,Leonardo was shocked,

Now he’s offended the States demi god by trying to touch his woman,

His woman?

But this is Camille’s elder sister,

If what this man’s saying is the truth and she’s his woman then he is doomed for.

“Take take him outta here and do take good care of him.” Leonardo couldn’t miss the evil glint in the man’s eyes as they took him away.

“I’m so so…..” The man slammed the door at his face while the other men dragged him away.

Andre walked to the bedside and looked down at the woman who was squirming,

Waiting for someone to cool her off with his touch,

“Is she that cheap to be bought for just two hundred thousand dollars a night?” He asked himself as he caress her cheeks,

Taking off his shoes and jacket then lay next to her and helped her easen the fire that was burning within her with his touch.

To be continued.






When Andre was done with her and was sure the potency of the drugged had worn off,he got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

He’d lasted almost four hours on her and was willing to go more if not that he noticed she was very weak and can’t bear to carry him again.

When he came out of the bathroom, he noticed her phone was ringing, so he accepted the call after checking the caller ID
” Baby Reid “appeared on the screen,

“Hello mommy,where are you?” A child voice spoke through the phone,

Mommy? So she’s has a child already?

“Reid has been waiting for you and can’t sleep at all.” The boy continued to complain,

“Mommy please come home soon,Reid missing you.”

Andre was baffled,

What irresponsible mother would leave her son at home and go to the club to be…..

“Mommy,are you there?” The boy asked since no one was speaking,

“Well boy,your mommy…” The boy didn’t allow him finish,

“Who are you and what are you doing with my Mommy’s phone?” The boy’s childish and sweet voice was replaced with a more cold and demanding voice,

Andre was shocked at this,
This boy was being a sweetheart awhile ago,
How come he’s authoritative now?

“I’m your Mommy’s boss and we’re busy with a tough job,so she’ll be staying later at the office,

“What office?” The boy asked him doubtfully,

“I though mommy was going for an audition?” The boy argued,

This boy’s so smart,

“Yes you’re right,it part of the audition.” He lied again,

“Okay sir,do make sure you take care of mommy and don’t make her overwork herself.” Before he could say another word,the boy ended the call to his amazement,

He took the phone and threw it into the bin,then left the room to allow the woman sleep well cause if he stayed longer,he might end up giving in to the urge of making love to her again.

When Gianna woke up, she found herself in a strange but very luxurious room,

“How did I get here?” She couldn’t recall anything,

Moving her legs to come down from the bed,her thighs hurt,

“Gosh what did I do?” She was frightened,

She recalled rejecting the drink from a man and he forced her to drink it but anything after that was out of her memory league,

The door opened and she hurriedly wrapped herself with the blanket,

A woman popped her head inside,she was holding a tray,


“Lilian!” She called out,less scared now,

At least she knows……

Wait,how did Lilian know she was here?

“Good morning dear,how’re you feeling?” The woman asked her,she was so embarrassed she couldn’t say any word,

Years ago after that night with the boss,Lilian had been the first person she saw in the morning had asked her this same question,

“The boss said you should take this.” The older woman showed her the pills on the tray,

It’s a contraceptive pills.

Gianna took the pills and swallowed it,flushing it down with the glass of water.

The same man that had deflowered her has taken advantage of her the second time.

It was more of like fate was playing a trick on her.

“There are some new clothes in the bathroom, mind if you go have a shower and change,” Gianna couldn’t say a word,

“I’ll have someone bring your breakfast and change the sheets.” Gianna looked at the sheets,they were so rumpled and was evident of their intense love making yesternight.

“Don’t worry for the breakfast,I’m not hungry.” She said,

“Well,the boss ordered we make sure you eat before you leave.” Lilian persist,

Who’s this boss that he’s to dictate her life for her,

He did that years ago and she tolerated it cause it was for his children’s wellbeing but now she’s free of that contract,so he should tell her what to do and what not do do.

“Okay.” She couldn’t voice out her protest,so she just obeyed and walked into the bathroom to scrub herself.

When she came out,breakfast was already on the table,so she changed into the clothes they’ve bought for her,

Wow,this clothes are of high quality,
They must be very expensive.

When she finished her breakfast of egg and bacon with toast and a cup of tea,she stood up.

My phone?

She rushed to her clothes and searched for the phone but it wasn’t there,

“Lilian please did you happen to see my cellphone?” She asked the woman,

She shook her head and then brought out a new pack of phone,

It’s the latest iPhone model,

“Here,the boss asked me to give you this.Your was damaged.” Gianna took the phone,

How did her phone get damaged?

And why would the boss get her this expensive phone to replace the old and worn out phone he’d damage.

This boss must sure be a very wealthy man and she would really want to see his face.

Like Lilian heard her thoughts, she spoke up,

“Hurry up Gianna,this boss’s waiting for you downstairs.” She turned to the woman,

“Why?” She was scared,he might want to scold her or maybe he might have found out about Reid by going through her phone,

“I don’t know, you won’t want to keep him waiting.” She fearfully took a step forward and followed the woman downstairs to see this so called boss.

Outside the hotel,a Bentley parked by the side of the gate,

Gianna and Lilian walked towards it with the latter leading the way,

“What if this man has found out about Reid and want to take him away,

I can’t let that,Reid’s my only baby,I can’t leave without him.
Her mind was wandering as they approached the car,

Lilian opened the back door,gesturing her to enter but she couldn’t,

The man in the passenger’s seat had a cold aura emitting from him that scared her,she wanted nothing but to take her son and run somewhere he won’t see her.

“Come in.” The man ordered,

She looked at him again and swallowed hard, but Lilian slightly pushed her and the next thing,she was in the car and Lilian closed the door,then went to the passenger’s seat at the front.

The man with her closed the partition between the front seat and the back seat so as to have a private moment with her,

Looking at her,he wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes she was wearing and make love to her in the car but he had to control himself,

Andre when did you become this lustful and insatiable?

Ever since you met this charming woman.

“What do you want from me sir?” She asked him,feeling nervous as he raped her with his eyes,

“Nothing much,I want you.” He said lightly but with great severity,

She coughed,

“You said what?” She hadn’t expected him to say that,

Doesn’t he have any shame at all?

“I want you to be my woman,I want you to be mine.” He said,she took a deep breath,

Now,she’s in for it.

“How much do you want?” He brought out his check book,

“Two million dollars.” Since that man had brought her for two hundred dollars for last night,he’ll do her s favor by making his two million dollars,

Immediately she felt insulted by his words,

Seeing her frown,he tore out that cheque,

“Is it not enough,two hundred million.” He started writing another check,

“Sir,do you think I’m that cheap?” She asked tears filed her eyes,

He was surprised, he’s expected her to be happy but here she’s,shedding tears,

“You call two hundred million cheap?” He was astound,

“Sir,if you want to but me I can sell myself to you but can you afford it? She asked wiping the tears from her eyes,putting a more furious look,

” Yes,”He boasted,there’s no amount she calls he won’t give to her,

“Well Sir,my price is your heart.” She said and he frowned,

He’d expected her to call monetary price but here’s she asking for his heart,

Many women would be dying to share his bed and she’s being hard to get,

“Sir,if you can pay with your love for me,I’ll gladly sell not only my body but my whole life too.” She said,

“Sir,if you’re willing to give me what I want,I’ll be sure to come back.” With this words,she opened the slowly moving car and jumped out,

Since the car was moving slow, she didn’t sustain any injury.

Andre was astound as he saw her leave the hotel and hailed a cab outside and left.

She’s really something else but in all,
I’ll have her as my woman whether she likes it or not.

When Gianna got to Denver Tower, the audition has began,

She met Dean at the door of the auditing room, he was actually waiting for her,

“Gigi,how come you’re late, hurry up and go inside it will soon be your turn.”He took her bag and she ran unto the room,

Kate who’d seen how Dean who was always giving them cold shoulder was helping the new girl,she couldn’t help but feel jealous,

Who’s she any ways that Dean has to care for her like that?

With the boiling jealousy in her,she couldn’t perform well during her audition and she got disqualified by Director Selden,

This made her more angrier,

The last straw that broke the Carmel’s back was when she saw Dean helping Gianna rehearse before it got to her turn,

“What’s so special about her that everyone has taken a great liking to her?” She sighed as she left the room.

With Dean’s help and support, Gianna did very well during her audition and the director’s present were so impressed at her performance.

“She has really good acting skills.”
“She’s the Emily we’ve been looking for.”
“Beauty and brain,what a nice mixup.”

“Well Gigi,you did perfectly well,well just have to wait for the result to see who gets chosen but I’m sure as my next breath it’ll be you.” Dean had been so happy for her,

“All thanks to you.” She felt,he was the one who made it more easier for her and he deserves the praises not her.

Taking her to his BMW minivan,he brought out an invitation card and a Emperor Armani designer’s bag and handed it to her,

“The Met Gala is just a day from now,I’ll want you to wear this.” She was elated,

This is how a man should treat a woman,not that stupid boss that was pricing her worth.

“Its so beautiful, she opened the bag not wanting to take out the cloth from it,

There was another box inside the bag,she took it out,

It was a jewelry box.

Opening it,she was astounded at what she saw inside,

It was the Mary Klerk summer designer’s jewelry,a complete set and it’s the only one of it’s kind.

Very expensive that not all nobles can get it,it was meant for the really wealthy and powerful people.

“Isn’t this too much?” She manage to ask,

“Nothing’s too much of a damsel like you.” Dean whispered to her, she smiled at him,

“Thanks a lot Dean.” She showed a great deal of appreciation to him.

When they went back inside for the result calling,Andre,Jasmine and little Justin were present.

Andre turned and saw Gianna holding hands with Dean and smiling with him,

His fury knew no bound,

Not wanting to create a scene in front of everyone,he left the hall.

Director Selden got on the stage,son the murmuring in the hall died down,

Those who were present during the audition already knows the result,

“Hmm Hmm.” The man cleared his throat,everyone turned towards the stage,

“On behalf of the Denver Tower Entertainment and Green Love,I would love to welcome everyone present here tonight,” He smiled,

Justin was with Jasmine at the front when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, he winced,

Not wanting to create a scene,he endured the pain but it became worst,

He tugged Jasmine’s gown but the woman was so busy greeting her friend she didn’t notice the boy’s discomfort,

“Mom….” He winced holding his chest,the woman was so engrossed in her discussion she has totally forgot about the child with her,

Gianna was with Dean but something caught her attention, it was a boy in the front,

Though she couldn’t see the boy’s face but she could feel the child’s in great discomfort,

“Dean,I’ll be right back.” She let go of Dean’s hand and made her way pass the crowd to the front,

The boy had bent down,one hand in his chest while the other on his knee,

She made her way to the front and knelt in front of the boy,

“Are you okay boy?” She placed her hand on his head,

“My chest…it hurts.” He cried raising his head up,

Gianna was surprised, shock ad and happy seeing the boy’s face.





Gianna had mixed emotions seeing the boy,no word could come out from her mouth,

This is Reid’s elder brother,my son.
The son I gave up on so many years ago.

Immediately Gianna touched the boy,the pain vanished,

“Mommy,it’s has stopped hurting me.” He boy said,Gianna for once thought the boy was referring to her and she smiled,

The boy turned to Jasmine,

The woman who’d just realize that the boy was talking to her turned to him,

“You were saying?” She said nonchalantly,the boy frowned and so did the Gianna,

“Is this how they’ve been taking care of my son?” She asked herself,

“Mommy,let’s go home.” He said to Jasmine,who hadn’t noticed Gianna’s presence with them,

Gianna felt so jealous that her son was calling Jasmine mommy and not her,

“Go meet Nana Maurice, I’ll join you soon.” She didn’t look at the boy for once while she spoke,

Gianna couldn’t take her eyes off the boy as hr walked away,

He’s just like Reid just that this kid is more chubbier and well built.
Reid on the other hand is frail and looks younger, the boy don’t seem to gain weight much because of his health.

Justin felt the woman still staring at him as he walked,

He doesn’t like someone staring at him but with this woman,he doesn’t feel angry at her at all,

He’s just having a warm feeling towards her,

“Ma’am, you’re staring at me.” He reminded the woman,who came back to her senses and smiled at him,

“I’m sorry boy.” She mouthed,the boy turned and left,

Gianna was about walking back to where Dean was waiting for her but Jasmine stopped her,

“What do you want?” The woman asked her with a furious face,

“You should know that you don’t have right over that boy,”

Gianna found the woman’s behavior strange but deep down,she knows what this woman is saying is true,

She doesn’t have right over any of the boys,neither Reid nor this little one.

“And if you’ve totally forgotten, you signed a contract that you don’t have…”

Gianna knew what she was getting at,

“I know Miss and I don’t want to get custody of the boy.” She replied not wanting further embarrassment from the woman,

“Mommy,I’m waiting.” A voice spoke, Jasmine turned and saw Justin standing close by,

She couldn’t say what was in her mind again,she just brushed past Gianna and left with the boy,

Gianna was so unhappy when she went back to Dean and he noticed her sad face,

“What happened there?” He asked,she took a deep breathe and shook her head,

“Nothing,it’s just a little boy in discomfort.” She said,he knew that was not all but didn’t wanna push further,

“Dean I’m tired now,I think I’ll start heading home.” She said,she doesn’t want to stay here any longer,

“Can’t you wait for the result?” He asked,he wanted her to stay longer,

“No,I’m so tired.” She said with pleading eyes,Dean couldn’t refuse her,

“Okay,I’ll drop you off at home.” He signaled his manager that he’s coming back soon then left the hall with Gianna.

Andre was outside by his car smoking when he sighted Gianna come out with Dean,

What’s up with this woman?

He wanted to go and drag her with him when another man appeared with them talking to Gianna,he moved closer to hear what they were talking about,

“Ma’am, your son wants you to come with me.” The man said,

Unknown to Gianna,earlier Reid had been upstairs with his agent watching the scene between her and the little boy who looks like him,

“He must be my brother cause we look so much alike.” He’d said to his manager,

Seeing his mother’s happy face at seeing face,he couldn’t help but be jealous,

He wants his mommy’s love and care to himself and he’ll give his whole love and care to her,

He doesn’t want a brother and father that’ll come in and share his Mommy’s love with him.

When he was younger,he’d wished for a father but now he didn’t want one,

His mommy is his mother and father altogether, he doesn’t want any more interference in their lives.

“Reid?” She asked,

How come he’s here?

She looks at Dean who’s more confused,

He shouldn’t know that I have a son,I have to do something fast,

She smiled,

“Oh Reid, tell him I’m on my way.” She smiled casually at the man and he left,

“Dean,I’ll see you at the Gala tomorrow.” She smiled nervously,

Dean leaned closer and gave her pecks on her both her cheeks.

“Take care of yourself, goodnight.” He whispered after the kiss,

She nodded and walked to the direction of the black Rolls Royce Phantom, the man was waiting for her to get in first.

She got inside and saw her son sitting on the passenger’s seat fondling his cell phone,

“Mommy,” He threw himself at her,

“Reid,how are you and what are you doing here?” She asked the boy still hugging him,

“I was worried you aren’t home,so I called Principal Lee to bring me here to see you.” The boy half lied,

He couldn’t tell his mommy that him,her son is not who she think he’s.

He would tell her but definitely not now,

Agent Lee got the message and played along,

“Miss,your son was so worried about you and he pleaded with me to bring here.” The man said in reaffirmation,

“Thanks a lot Sir,” she thanked the man and turned to her son,

“I’m so sorry for not calling since.” She said,the boy nodded,

Meanwhile Andre who was watching the car,got into his and followed the Rolls Royce in front of him and they drove into the dark night.

When they got home,Gianna and Reid got out the car,

“Thank you Principal Lee.” She said to the man and pulled the boy to greet the older man,

“Thanks a lot Sir.” The boy mouthed,

The agent smiled,the boy’s so sweet when he’s with his mommy,

But when he’s dealing with others,he’s ruthless and cold,

Most times,it pains him to see a young boy of his age doing what Reid does,
Kid his age are busy playing with toys while this youngster was busy controlling a Toy Empire,

She took her hand bag inside while she was still outside with the man,

“Sir,I hope Reid doesn’t give you trouble in school?” She asked even though she knows the answer,

“No your son’s is a very good boy,he’s very smart and very sensible.” The man,

Gianna smiled,the man back into the car,

” I’ll be on my way Miss. “He smiled at her and drove away.

Andre who was standing at a relatively close distance,walked towards her,

” Hey Gianna! ” He called to get her attention,she stopped at her track and turned to him,

Seeing him,her expression changed,

This man followed her home
Had he seen Reid?

He walked till he was right in front of her and he stopped,

“Wh……you…want…….me” She stammered, it was obvious she was scared of him,

He cupped her cheeks,

“I want you.” He said casually like the word isn’t a shameless,

She frightfully pushed his hand from her fave,

“Let me go.” She was like a scared kitten,ready to fight with the little strength she has,

This single action made him want to drag her to his car and make love to her,

Reid was inside trying to boil water for her to bath when he heard his mommy’s yell outside,he rushed to the window and saw a man standing with her,

With the look of things he was bullying his mommy,

Who dares bully his mommy?

Furiously, he rushed to the kitchen and took the lukewarm water and marched outside,

“I want you to be mine.” Andre repeated,Gianna couldn’t say a word than stare at him with hatred,

“I’ll treat you we……” A warm water ran over him,

“Don’t you ever try bully my mommy.” The boy’s fierce voice roared,

Gianna turned and saw Reid holding the empty bucket,she left Andre’s front and ran to the boy,

“Mommy why didn’t you tell me this nerd was bullying you?” He pointed to Andre,who was still shocked at the action of the young boy,

Taking a closer look at the boy’s face,he was stunned,

This boy looks exactly like Justin.

Going down his memory lane,

The doctors had told him his second son died but when he asked for his sons corpse, they told him they’ve buried it,

Does this mean the child had survived and this woman took his child away?

Gianna who was now scared that he has got knowledge of her secret,she pulled the boy inside and shut the door.

No,she can’t let this man take her son from her.
Reid’s her life,she can’t leave without him.

Andre who was too shocked to move was still standing there even after they went inside,

She has my son,
The more reason I’ll want to make her mine.

With head filled with so many thoughts, he walked to his car and drove away.





After she was sure that Andre has left,she bundled up herself and Reid and they went to Tony’s place.

“Mommy are we going to grandpa’s house?” The boy asked sweetly,she smiled at him.

“Yes,remember mommy told you about a Gala party she’ll be attending?” She asked him,
The boy nodded,

He already knows about the Gala party before she found out,

Dunnex Toy Empire are among its sponsors,so he has great knowledge of it,

“You see,Mommy’s going for it,so shell want you to stay at grandpa’s for the night.” She said,

Not that she couldn’t leave the boy for the night,

After all the Gala ends after midnight,

But she was scared,
What if Andre try to take the boy when she isn’t around?

She couldn’t take such risk,not especially with Reid.

“Okay Mommy.” The boy answered innocently,

Actually, he’d sent information to his agent,he wants to gather information on the man that dares bully his mommy,

Hell deal with the man later,now he has to follow his mommy to grandpa’s.

Shortly after Reid’s sixth birthday,he’d a relapse.

The boy being born prematurely, had great history of being sickly,he’d spent almost his childhood days at the hospital.

He has a congenital heart defect and also gets hyperventilation, so he isn’t allowed to be under stressful conditions.

But that day,he’d played helped his mommy out with working around the house and had played much,so his health slide,

After the celebration, Gianna was busy cleaning the dishes when she heard her son’s scream,she ran to the living room and saw the boy on the floor,

He was unconscious,
She ran to him,took him up and ran hysterically to the hospital,

It was so strenuous for her during that period, cause she had to juggle two jobs and her son’s care.

Reid who had regain consciousness after two days of staying at the hospital was so sad for his mommy.

During this period, he’d finished the missile toy car he was drawing on his mini laptop,

Actually,he was competing in a science fair and had drew the missile car to work on it.

But before that,something unexpected happen.

A day before the science fair,he received an email from an unknown group, they wanted to buy his drawing.

The boy had little idea on the drawing,he decided to sell it to them for a nine figure,

He was so shocked,

How can those people buy an ordinary toy car for a nine figure.

Being suspicious, he decided to run a check on the group and he found out that the name of the group is,

Hurricane Group and they produce firearms and weapons of all type,

They’re the leading group in firearms,dangerous to the core.

Seeing the boy’s potential, they decided to employ him,

Even though they didn’t know he was merely six years old,

He drew missiles and firearms for them and they pay him awesomely.

When the boy became their regulars,

They bought him a sixty percent share in their toy company, Dunnex Toy Empire.

They’d given it to him cause the company was at it lapse of bankruptcy,

But with Reid’s appearance, the company bounced back to life under six months of his being a shareholder.

He drew the designs of toys they’ll work on and had it over to them and they produce it.

He became the mastermind of the company success,

Since then,he’s being in control of everything going on in the company and only two people knows of his identity,

Agent Lee,his right hand man and his manager,
Chairman Armando,chairman and president of Hurricane Group.

He owns about five coastlines,one in Europe and in Asia,two in North America and one South America,

Passages of goods through his coastlines, earns him more than five billion dollars yearly

With him as the chairman, Dunnex Toy Empire, got into a new light,it became the leading company for toys and also it created branches in different countries of the world.

Recently, they’d bought a fifteen acres land and turned it into Fair.

Dreamland Fair.

The Hurricane Group had been pleading with him to officially join them but he’d refused,

He wouldn’t want to involve himself into their ruthless dealings.

And they’ve has also invested in Denver Tower’s new movie,’Green Love.’

With all this assets,Reid McKenna is said to be a real prodigy.

But one thing he couldn’t do so far was letting his mommy know about his dealing,

How could he explain to her that her beloved son is into firearms and smuggling,she might hate him for life and that’s one thing he can’t stand,

His mommy hating him.

So for now, he’s gonna play the sweet boy to his mommy until its finally right to tell her who he really is.

When they arrived at Tony’s, he was in the living room watching ten pm news with Carol.

“Gigi,you’re here.”The man stood up to welcome them,

“Good evening dad,good evening mom.” She greeted,

Tony replied but Carol acted like no one greeted her.

“I saw you on TV, you got the lead role.” Tony said smiling,

“Congrats.” Even though he wasn’t in full support of her acting,he trusted Gianna so well she won’t mess herself up,

Carol smirked,

He who was reprimanding his biological daughter a few days ago to abstain from the entertainment cycle is encouraging his adopted daughter to go on with it,

What a two faced man.

She wanted to leave the living room,when she caught sight of the designer’s shopping bag Gianna was holding,

It was an Emperor Armani designer’s shopping bag,

Where had Gianna gotten money to go for such expensive things?

Then she recalled Camille telling her last night that Leonardo had complained to her that Gianna had a very wealthy and powerful financial backer and isn’t the type of person he would want mess with.

Eyeing the bag,she walked into her room.

When Camille came back,she saw her father and his filial daughter and grandson in the living room,she walked past them without greeting and went to her mom’s room.

She’s angry,she’d gone to see Leonardo for him to get her an invitation card to the Gala but the man had refused to help her even though she offered her body in return of the card.

That night,Carol told her about the designer’s shopping bag shed seen with Gianna earlier,

Camille resolved in her mind to steal the bag when Gianna isn’t around.

When Gianna came back from her morning run the next morning,she was shocked at the mess her room was in,going to the wardrobe to see if her clothes were still intact,she found out that the designer’s bag containing the clothes and jewelry was gone.

“Who did this?” She cried,

Reid came inside and was surprised to see their well arranged room in a great mess,

His mommy’s designer’s clothes were missing,

He knows who did this,

Aunt Camille.

He wanted to place an order for another gown but he couldn’t when he overheard his mom talking to someone on phone,

“Dean,I’m so sorry but I can’t make it to the Gala….”
“The gown you got for me got missing,someone broke into my room..” She cried,
“Gigi don’t worry,I’m coming to pick you up now,let’s go get another one.” He said,

She’d expected him to be angry but here he’s pleading for her to come out so they can go shopping for another gown.

“I’m at Hills road now,you can come pick me up from there.

After the call,she ran into the bathroom to freshen up and came out with a yellow sunflower gown,

It accentuates her beauty and made her skin fairer than it already is.

“Mommy looks so beautiful.” Reid complimented her as she came out of the room,

She bent towards him and planted a kiss on his forehead,

Thanks son and you’re the most handsome boy mommy’s has ever seen.”He flushed,

Her words still has it’s effect on him.

Reid’s rather possessive when it comes to her,
He doesn’t want anyone stealing her attention from him,
He’s promised himself that he would stay with her till he’s very old and they’ll only care for each other.

He doesn’t like it when she carries any other child or say anything other child is beautiful or handsome,

He wants to be the most handsome son while she’ll be the most beautiful mommy in the whole wide world.

Watching her leave,his heartaches,

What if some day,his mommy start liking another man and will want to marry him?

He’ll support them only when he’s sure the man would protect his mommy very well and will give her everything she needs and won’t bully her.

But that’s not now,it might be in the future,so for now,he’ll enjoy his mommy’s love and care to himself.





Camille was so excited with the stunt she pulled,

“Now Gianna won’t be able to attend the party anymore.” She chimed with joy as she prepared breakfast for herself and her mom,

“Aunt Camille!” She turned to the loud voice that called her,

It was Reid,she frowned,

“Why did you steal my mommy’s clothes?” The boy asked her,

His tone was so high,in fact Camille became doubtful,

Is this Reid speaking or someone else speaking through him?

“You’re a thief and bet me dear,you’ll pay for this.” The boy snorted,

“And who’s gonna make me pay,little niece.” She touched the boy’s hair irritated at his behavior,

“Watch me make you pay.” With this he stormed out of the kitchen

Camille was stunned at the intensity on the boy’s word.

No,he can’t do a thing,he’s just a dumb seven years old.
After all, he’s nothing but a weakling like his mother.

Dean drove Gianna to EMPRESS,
EMPRESS is the leading fashion house in the State,

It’s a luxurious fashion shop patronized by socialites and top movie stars,

The shop was highly decorated, From Milan’s Fashion Week handmade tops to Italy range of luxurious dresses.

Its clothes are way expensive and the best,it’s exquisite designs can only be gotten by nobles and the wealthy,

A third class actress can not purchase anything there.

Its not an anybody’s shopping zone.

When they entered the building, they were met by Manager Alan Pierre,he’s the manager to Madame Bianka,the owner of EMPRESS.

Dean and Mr Alan Pierre had know for quite awhile now,so literally they are friends.

“Dean,you’re here,” The man happy the superstar had come to patronized them again,

“Wow, such a beauty,.Is she your girlfriend?” Mr Alan Pierre was astound at Gianna’s beauty,he hadn’t seen someone as beautiful and pure as her,

Dean smiled,
Wish she was.

He looked at Gianna who was red from blushing,

“She’s a close friend and my partner for the Met Gala,” He replied,

“You guys look good together,you can make the perfect couple.” The man complimented,Dean smiled while Gianna was still red,

“Have a seat,” He offered seat to the both of them,

“So what should I get you?” The man asked,

Since Alan was a top designer and makeup artiste and has worked for many top artists,

Dean wants him to personally do Gianna’s makeover and everything…

“I would want you to personally get your most beautiful and exquisite gowns for Gianna to choose from.” He said,

The man nodded,he turned to Gianna and asked her to stand up,

He wanted to see how her body is,so as to know what type of gown would fit her well,

“You can sit down.” She sat down while the man left immediately to search for her perfect gown.

Alan came back some minutes later,holding some few gowns with him and another lady walked in too with some more gowns,

“Miss if you don’t mind,can you follow us to the changing room?” He asked Gianna,

She looked at Dean,then stood up and followed,

Dean waited patiently for them to come out and while he waited another couple came into the shop,

It was Megan Sylvan and an older man,the both were holding themselves like couples in love.

He sighed,
Of all people on earth,why must it have to be her,

“Ah Dean, you’re here.” The girl smiled at him,
“Hmm Meg,how are you?” He said hiding his frown,

“Dean Wilson,the Wilson’s brother?” The older man asked,Dean looked at him and nodded,

When they say the Wilson’s brother,they mean his older brother Dane.

He actually is the illegitimate son of his father while Dane was the legitimate son and the head of the family since their parent passed away.

The Wilson hold special powers in the States,
His brother control them all,cause he’s cold heartless and ruthless in nature.

The family was still gaining it’s stand in underworld dealing,they’re smugglers and money launderers.

But unlike his brother,Dean wasn’t interested in all that and that was why his brother sent him abroad at his young age.

He has the passion for acting and not in ruthless dealings.

Since Dane who was five years older than Dean,doted on his younger brother and father’s illegitimate son,he made sure Dean had his way,made sure he’s comfortable and made sure no one ever bullied him.

With this Dean was the apple of his brother’s eye.

Gianna and Alan came out later,the gown was beautiful but Dean doesn’t like it,

He wanted the best gown,so he stood up and scanned the place,his eyes settled for an elegant and glamorous red gown in the showcase.

“That one Alan,I want that one.” Everyone turned to the gown,

The gown was designed and sewn by the world known designer Helen Swift,it was in noble red.

The top came with a shoulder yarn followed by a small fluffy skirt flowing down from the waist.The silky gown was so exquisite and had all the curves in the right places.

“No Dean,that’s our IMPERIAL JEWEL.” Alan protested,
Dean frowned,he wanted the gown no matter the cost,

“Then I want your IMPERIAL JEWEL.” He said adamantly, Gianna was not comfortable with Dean’s idea of her trying out the gown,

It looks so expensive.

“Dean let’s go for another one..” His look made her keep quiet,
He wanted this gown for her and nothing can stop him.

Megan seeing that Dean was bent on getting the how for Gianna frowned,

“Paul,I want that gown too.” She whined,the older man who was with her had in eyes fixated on Gianna he didn’t here her speak,

“Paul!” She called louder,the man jerked back to his senses,

“Ehm eh,” he muttered,feeling embarrassed at his lustful thinking towards Gianna,

“I want the gown too.” She cried,tugging the man’s sleeve,

“Let her try it on first.” Paul said to her.

Actually the IMPERIAL JEWEL was meant for one body and only that body could carry it.

Alan was still debating with Dean about letting Gianna wear the dress when another couple walked in,

It was Alexandre and Jasmine De Marco,

Gianna swallowed hard as her gaze landed on Andre,
He was wearing an elegant black suit while Jasmine was wearing a simple but sophisticated velvet gown.

She moved closer to Dean when she noticed Andre was staring at her,

“Alan,get Gigi to try out the gown.” Dean said for the last time not minding Andre’s presence.

“Okay.” Alan went to the showcase and took out the gown then went in with Gianna.

How dare he call her so intimately?
Andre was fuming in anger.

Alan made Gianna wear the gown and he redid her makeover,she looks excellent.

When she came out,Dean,Paul and Andre couldn’t take their eyes of her.

This woman can make an emperor lose his throne.

“Gigi,you looks so beautiful.” Dean managed to say,he couldn’t take his eyes away from her.

Alan nodded,

She’s the only one that can carry this gown.

Seeing Dean complimenting her,Andre frowned,

“It doesn’t look good on her,Alan take it back.” He said,

“But President De….” The man cold glare made Alan keep shut,

“This gown definitely has one carrier but it isn’t her,so let her take it off,” Dean was now angry,

Alan led Gianna back to the changing room and she took off the gown.

This man is so evil,
Why trample of my pride like it means nothing.

When they came out,Alan kept the gown back in the showcase.

Jasmine seeing that Andre has not supported Gianna smiled,

“Andre,I want the gown….I want to try it on.” Alan didn’t move an inch by her word.

He found Andre’s attitude overbearing but couldn’t dare say it out loud.

Seeing Andre insulting Gianna made Megan happy too.

Gianna’s a nobody and shouldn’t wear the IMPERIAL JEWEL.

“No one touches the gown.” Andre ordered,Jasmine frowned,

She’d expected him to give it to her but here he’s ordering that no one should touch it.

“Well sorry President De Marco,I want that gown for Gianna.” Dean said arrogantly,

The two men had a very high personality,
It’s no surprise they can go against one another.

“Alan,how much does it cost?” Dean brought out his checkbook,

“Two hundred Million Dollars?” He said looking at the man angrily,Alan couldn’t say a word.

He’s caught between a rock and a hard place.
He can’t dare offend Dean and wouldn’t want to offend President De Marco too.

“Two Billion?” Dean asked again,

“Five Billion?”

“Ten Billion?”

Gianna became scared as Dean increased the billing,
But she loved as he protected her pride which Andre was bent on shattering,
She wouldn’t want to cause a fight between this two men,

So she tapped Dean hand,

“Don’t worry about it, I love the other gown not this.” She whispered to him,

Dean anger cooled by her words,taking one last look at Andre,Dean sighed.

“Alan,get the other gown for Gianna.” He pointed at the first gown they’d brought out.
Alan wrapped the gown and handed it to Dean,

“Here’s you money.” He wrote a blank cheque and handed it to Alan,

“Write the price and catch it later on,then remember, you’re gonna get Gianna ready for the Gala tonight.” Alan took the cheque while Dean took Gianna’s hand and they left the shop.

That night,Dean came and picked Gianna from Tony’s house while they went to the hotel and had Alan do her makeover for her there.

The Met Gala was held at Grand View Hotel and many stars were present,the paparazzi were everywhere,so as to get the headline for tomorrow’s news.

Gianna was nervous, she hadn’t been to such parties before, so before they left,she kept asking Dean and his manager questions,

Dean and his manager found her so amusing,

“I can’t handle my drink,so make sure to let me not drink any alcohol.” She reminded the manager,

“So does Dean,he can’t handle his drink too.” Manager Sullivan said,Gianna laughed

“He doesn’t?” She asked again,the man nodded while Dean frowned,

“It’s just the normalities.”He said,loving the feeling that she was with him tonight.

When they went to the entrance, all eyes was on her,

The William sisters who were being praised by the paparazzi got jealous when they all turned from them and faced Gianna.

This girl has just stolen their limelight.

Everyone turned to Dean and Gianna,

She’s so beautiful.
They look so perfect together.
Omg,she’s an angel.
Her gown is so beautiful.
I heard she got signed in to Denver Tower and she’s also has the female lead role in Green Love.
Her name’s Gianna,she just got signed in recently.
She’s so beautiful.

Comments and compliments came from everywhere as they walked inside

Kate Lawrence and the William’s sisters were right across Gianna and Dean,they smirked as the two passed them,

” This Gianna of a girl is a vixen reincarnation, see how she stole our limelight. “Fanny complained to her sister and her friend.

For the past years Gala,the three had been the talk of the whole paparazzi but this year seemed different,
Someone is out to top them but that wouldn’t work.

” Gianna has to be shown her place, she can’t just come in and steal our show.”Kate retorted and the two sisters nodded.

They’ll have to make Gianna make a fool of herself tonight.





Gianna was still the talk of the show when Camille showed up,

She’d did turn a few heads but not like Gianna did,

“Who’s she?” Katy asked her friends,
Neither her or them knew who Camille was but her gown was so beautiful, they can attest to that.

“Why are these two girls here to steal our show?” Keith complained,

“I don’t know but one thing for sure is that we need to show them we run the show here.” Katy retorted,

She left her friend and walked toward Camille who seemed to be engrossed in the praises showered to her she didn’t see the woman coming towards her,

“Sister,your gown’s beautiful.” Katy commented her pretentiously,

Camille smiled not noticing the anger in the other woman’s face,

“Where did you get it?” She asked,

“Well,I ordered it from EMPRESS yesterday.” She lied,

Actually,she’d heard about EMPRESS but hadn’t been privileged to be there,so she lied that the gown she’d stolen from Gianna had been ordered from there,

“Wow Madame Bianka did a very good job with this dress.” Katy said stepping on the hem of the gown without Camille’s knowledge,

Feeling she was being flattered, Camille smiled,

“Yeah,it cost quite a lot,just five hundred dollar.” She guessed but Katy knows the gown’s cost.

It’s not from EMPRESS and it worth seven hundred thousand dollars.

She’s being eyeing it for long and had hoped to buy it for the gala but was surprised when she’d gone there and they told her Dean had bought the gown,together with the Mary Klerk summer jewelry set she was eyeing alongside the gown.

So Dean got her this gown?
She was furious and wants nothing more than ripping out this girl’s face.

But if Dean had gotten her the gown why then did he choose Gianna as he partner for the Gala?

She asked herself,obviously not knowing of the relationship between Camille and Gianna,

Is Dean playing the two women?

No,Dean isn’t like that,he barely as time for women talk more of playing two.

“Do you care for a drink?” Katy asked Camille, finding the girls ignorance amusing and useful.

I can use her to get back at Gianna for stealing Dean from me and for stealing my position as the female lead role.

Camille nodded,

A server passed by and she collected two glass of wine,

“Here you go.” She handed one to Camille who accepted it, thinking it was out of the woman’s kindness,

“Thanks.” She mouthed and took a sip from the wine,savoring it taste,she took another sip.

“Well,I’m Katy and you’re?”

“I’m Camille.”

“Nice to meet you Camille,” Katy extended her hand for a handshake,

“The pleasure’s mine.” Camille took her hand,smiling at each other,they let go of disengaged their hands.

After walking around the hall for awhile and exchanging pleasantries with some other top guests and artistes, Katy turned to Camille,

“You know Gianna uhm?” She innocently asked,
Camille almost choked in her drink,

“Uh,you said?”

Katy smiled,

“I said,do you know Gianna McKenna?” The woman repeated her question.

Why’s she asking me about Gianna?
Should I say yes or just lie that I don’t know her?

“Yes,I know her,she was my senior during my high school.” She said,it wasn’t a lie though,
Gianna had been her senior during their high school days.

“Do you know who she’s with tonight?” Katy asked,

“No,who’s she with?” She actually didn’t know Gianna was Dean’s partner,she only knew she was chosen for the female lead role.

“She’s with Dean,Dean Wilson.” Katy said with hatred in her voice,

Dean? How come Gianna is with Dean?
Camille was stupefied.

“Well,you see Dean was supposed to be with me but Gianna warmed her into his bed and he chose her over me.” Katy pretended she was in tears,

“That girl is such a bitch,how can she stoop so low as taking someone else’s partner.” Camille spat in disgust,

At least I’m not the only one who’s out to harm her.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Since Katy is Gianna’s enemy,why can’t she be my friend.

“Well she did it and I’ve been made a laughing stock amongst my friends because of her.” She pointed to Gianna who was smiling heartily with some directors and Dean by her side.

Camille felt pity for Katy,she can’t believe her step sister is as vicious as this.

“I want to get my revenge on her.” Katy said,
Camille looked at her,

“Can you help me get my revenge on her?” Katy pleaded,
Camille nodded,

“I’ll help get your revenge,Gianna is a vixen and must pay for her despicable crimes.” She retorted,

Katy smiled inwardly,
She couldn’t believe it will be to easy for her to get Camille against Gianna,

But little did she know Camille had her own selfish motives.

Seeing Gianna’s beautiful gown,Katy smiled,

“Here’s what I want you to do,I want you to spill this drink on her and act like it was unintentional.

At first, she’ll have to ruin Gianna’s dress then she’ll go on with the next plan after that’s done.

Camille collected the drink from Katy and walked towards Gianna.

Unknown to the two girls,Andre had overheard their plan,so he decided to use it to his advantage.

He watched as Camille walked towards Gianna,

She clumsily bumped into her and spilled the drink on Gianna’s gown.

“Ouch!” Gianna cried as the drink spilled on her,

“Oh sorry Miss…..”
She looked to see who’d spilled the drink and saw Camille,
“I’m so sorry Miss,it was an accident.” She lied,

Gianna knew it was no accident, Camille had done that on purpose but that’s less of her problem now,she just want to get out of this dress.

“Gosh my dress is ruined.” Gianna cried to Dean,

A server walked towards her,

“Ma’am if you don’t mind follow me and I’ll help you get rid of the stains faster.” She said to Gianna,

“Don’t worry,go get yourself cleaned,I’ll wait for you here.” Dean said to her and she left with the server.

“Miss,can you come with me?” Dean smiled to Camille, she left in tow with him,

She dares not say no to the Superstar D.

“Miss please go wait for me in room number 204A,I’ll be right there.” She gave the card key to Gianna who took the card and went to the elevator.

Dean took Camille to one secluded area,

“Why did you do that?” His cold face showed he was not someone to be messed with,

“I didn’t do anything,it was an unintentional accident.” She lied,

He caught her arm and squeezed it,

“Ah!” It hurts,

His cold glare was enough to make her cripple with fear,

“I’m not under those men that find pleasure in hitting women but don’t stretch your luck with me.” He warned,

He’s no fool,he saw that she did spill the drink on Gianna intentionally.

“So why did you do it?” He asked again,

Camille’s stomach churned,

Thinking she was going to hurt Gianna,she has offended Dean Wilson.

“I’m……Ka..ka..ty.” She stammered,

“Katy asked you to do it?” He asked wanting to be sure,

Camille nodded fearfully and he let go of her,

“Next time don’t you ever try to hurt Gianna or you’ll have me to deal with.” He thundered,leaving her in tears as he left.

The room wasn’t locked when Gianna came,so she opened it and went in.

The room was dark, she not liking to stay at dark places went to get the switch when a hand met hers,

She wanted to scream but the hands covered her mouth to stop her from screaming.

“Who’re you?” She cried,
“Please don’t hurt me.”

“I won’t hurt you.” The voice said,there was a tinge of familiarity in the voice,

Then the light came on,she turned to the person behind her,

It was Andre.
She’d been tricked by him to coming here.

She frowned at the sight of him,

“Where you expecting someone else?” He asked seeing her frown at the sight out him.

He went and sat on the bed,

“Come closer.” He said,

She sighed and turned to leave but he called her back,

“Gianna,you would want to hear this before you leave.” She halted and turned back to him,

“What is it?” She asked arrogantly,

“I know that Reid’s my son.” He said,

Immediately he said the word,she stopped breathing,

He has found out.

“And remember the contract years ago,you aren’t allowed to take any of the kids?” She nodded,

He was right,
Signing the contract made her lost every right over the kids,

She might have given birth to them but legally they’re not hers.

“You breached the contract.” He said,he doesn’t even look angry at all,

“Do you know the consequences of breaching the contract?” He asked her,she nodded slowly,

Since she has breached the contract,she’ll pay him five million dollars and take Reid back to him.

He couldn’t do that,Reid’s her entire life,
She might struggle for the money and give it to him but she can’t give back her son to him.

“Well you have two options, satisfy me or you pay up and bring back my son.” He said smacking his lips together,

Sleep with him?
No she can’t
She has made that mistake twice but wouldn’t make the mistake again.

“I’ll pay you the five million dollars.” She noticed the man wanted to trample on her pride like he did earlier at EMPRESS.

“And my son?” He asked,

No she can’t let him take the boy.

Then an idea pop into her brain,

“I’ll bring the boy to you and pay you your five million, but I don’t have enough on me now, so I’ll pay it little by little.

This woman wants to play smart with me,

“Well I want the five million here and now or you satisfy me.” He was he’ll bent on making love to her tonight or else,he won’t be comfortable.

“I’ll pay up,Dean will transfer the money to you.

The mention of Dean’s name made him angry,

” Will you want to tell him how you owe me five million? “He asked,

No,she wouldn’t want anyone to know she has a son and those rumors spread about her would turn out to be true.

She’d just got into the entertainment world,she wouldn’t want to create a scandal for herself.

This man is so heartless,he loves to take advantage of her helplessness? She frowned,

There’s no way out for her,
Andre had made sure she has no rescue lead,

” I’ll do it.”she mumbled,

“I didn’t hear you.” He stretched his ear with his hands,

The man’s so shameless,

“I’ll do it.” She said louder and angrier but it sounded like a sweet melody to his ears,

“Do what?” He asked again,she sighed,

Does he really want to hear me say those shameless words,

“I’ll satisfy you.” She said,he smiled,

“Now come and do it,come closer.” She took some baby steps forward and before she knew it,

He grabbed her and pulled her to himself,
Kissing her fiercely like he has been hungry for her kiss.

He ravaged her with kisses,making it so intense he bit her lip.

Since her skin was so fragile,his kisses and bites gave her some faint marks on her neck and her shoulders.

Gianna couldn’t do much as she tried to fight him off her.

The more she struggles to resist him,the more intense his kisses became.

Having got enough of her lips,he tore the gown he was wearing and delve into the beauty that lay before him.





The first person Dean went in search for was Katy,

How could she have done something like that to Gianna?

Seeing her chat with her friends, he went and stood beside her,

“Katy,can I have a word with you in private?” He asked politely while she nodded,

She followed him as he walked to a more secluded area,he won’t want to disgrace her outside in front of her fans or the paparazzi.

“Why did you do that to Gigi?’ He asked her,his demeanor has completely changed,

” Did what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”She feigned ignorance but Dean was no one to be fooled with,

He gripped her neck and pinned her to the wall,

Katy has never seen him this angry before, she became scared,

“Dean…you’re…. hur…ting….me.” She coughed in suffocation,

Dean was in no hurry to let her go,

“Who gave you the right to touch Gianna?” He asked his hand still gripping her neck,

Blood drained from her face as she thought she was going to die there,

“Dean…” She cried,

Having regained his composure and let go of her neck,


Dean signed and left her there,

Who’s told him I asked Camille to pour the wine on Gianna?
She asked herself as he left,

She’s the only one that knew of the plan,so she must have told him.

Now I’m gonna teach that middle class idiot a lesson she’ll never forget.

When Dean came back,he’d expected Gianna to be there but she wasn’t.

“Maybe the dress hasn’t dried yet.” Manager Sullivan had told him,so he waited.

But after one hour and the Gala was about to officially begin and she isn’t back,he got scared.

He lost the interest to be there.

What if something bad has happened to her?

What if she’d lost her way and is somewhere calling out to him.

What if someone has hurt or some of this naughty old men had held her captive.

Gianna’s too pure and innocent to be left alone in this wild den called entertainment cycle.

Different silly thoughts ran into his head as he paced up and down looking for him.

“Where’s Dean’s partner?”
“Where’s Gianna?”
“Maybe she might have left,”
“Or she dumped him and went for the unspoken rules.

People were raising different comments on Gianna not being there,

So Dean went in search of her,

Luckily for him,he met the server that’d offered to help Gianna with her clothes,

“Hey Miss, where’s Gianna?” He asked the lady who for one didn’t seen happy to see Dean,

“Who’s Gianna?”Actually she never knew that the woman she’d given to Andre goes by the name Gianna,so it sound alienated to her,

Dean found her reply disrespectful and frowned at it,

” You won’t love to hear me the repeat the question. “He said coldly,

Emitting a strange but so terrifying aura,he glared at her,

His cold glare scared her,she racked her memory nervously to know whether she has come by anyone by that name,

The woman that man had asked her to lure to the room?
Is she the Gianna this man is referring to?
But it’s over two hours since I’d left her there,

” A man had asked me to bring her to executive room 204A,”she confessed,afraid the man might kill her if she dares not to speak,

Dean was shocked,

Who’s the man?” He’d asked furiously,

“I don’t……” He pushed the lady aside and ran to the elevator,punched some control buttons and the door closed, taking him to the tenth floor,Executive Lounges.

Gianna was almost in the verge of crying,
Andre was kissing her roughly, like he was tauting her,

She fought with the little strength she possessed but he was damn too strong for her,

He made her stay on top of him,

“Pleasure me.” It was an order,

“You’re so shameless.” She cried,feeling disgusted at him,

“Me shameless? You who stole my son and had him for almost eight years now is calling me shameless,” He said to her,he saw her face fell and knew,his words had hit her,

“Or don’t you know how to pleasure a man?” He asked peering at her almond shaped crescent eyes that glitters in the dark room,

“No I don’t.” Her answer was sincere,

Giving birth to two sons and having to take care of Reid, she never had to chance to a flirtatious youth.

And with all the rumors them about her having a sugar daddy and being a baby mama,she was literarily seen as an outcast by her classmates.

And moreover,he’s the only man who had slept with her since then.

“Am I your first?” He asked,tracing his hands down to her curve,she pushed his hands away and didn’t answer him.

He’s her first,
He’ll be her first and her forever,no one has access to her except him,
Not even Dean or any other man alive.

Looking at her curves,he smiled,

She seems not to have added much weight after giving birth, she’s still as skinny as ever and he loves her body like it is now.

“Come let me teach you how to pleasure a man.” He pulled her to beside him and got in her,

Trailing his kisses all over her,she cried,

“Please stop.” He wouldn’t stop,he was bent on having her tonight.

Dean came out of the elevator, down the hallway,he shouted Gianna’s name.

“Gianna where are you!” He shouted as he walled down the hallway,

I should have gone with her then,he blamed himself
If anything bad happens to her I won’t forgive myself.

Going down the hallway,he heard a lady’s cry from a particular room,

Thinking it was Gianna,he burst the door open with his feet but surprisedly, it wasn’t her,

Rather it was Camille,

She seems drunk while three older men around her,

Laughing at their escapades,
Immediately the door burst opened,they all turned to the intruder, it was Dean,

“Let her go.” He ordered them men,
Dean knew one of them,
He was Don Juan and has a bad reputation of taking advantage of young girls and newbies,

He’s one of the top directors in Denver Tower,so with the promise that he’ll take them to the top of their career,

Young girls flocks around him to gain fame.
He’s currently latching on the Williams sisters Fanny and Keith as their financial backer.

“And what is your business here?” That man asked him,Dean ignored the mans words, went to the bed and dragged Camille out of the bed,

“Dean Wilson,know you’re just an actor in this industry, don’t try act rude just because you’re popular.” The other man said,

Dean didn’t pay attention to them but before he got to the door,two thugs showed up,

“Take the girl back.” They ordered,

“What if I don’t?” He wasn’t going to leave this girl at the mercy of these old perverts,

Dean had a very good skills at fighting,so it didn’t take him much to bring down the two thugs,

“Is that the best you can bring?” He mocked,not wanting to lose face,

Don Juan brought out a gun and pointed it at Dean,

” Bring the girl back and we’ll forget the scene like it never happened. “The man threatened still pointing the gun at Dean,

Dean laughed,
It’s like this men know nothing about me apart from my acting skills.

Before the men knew what was happening, Dean pushed one of the men to Don Juan who pulled the trigger and the bullet sank through the man’s chest,

Leaving the other two dumbfounded and scared,he dragged Camille to a safe corner and went back to search for Gianna.

” Gianna!” He called out again,

She heard his calling and pushed Andre off her and stood up,

She was moving towards the door when Andre called her back,

“Would you come back here and continued with what we’ve started or you want me to come open the door so he’ll see you like that?” He was quite angry but nevertheless, he don’t want to let her go.
She looked at herself,
She won’t want Dean to see her like this,with hickeys and bite marks all over her neck,

“Now be good and come back here.” She wanted the ground to open and swallow her,

Is this man always this vicious and insatiable,

She’d spent over two hours trying to pleasure him but he still craves for more.

She slowly walked to him and he grabbed her wrist pulling her to him,

“Aargh!” She cried as she hits the soft bed.

Dean heard her cries from outside and started banging the door,

“Gigi,are you in there?” He asked nervously
He continued to knock harder and banged louder but the door didn’t open.

He was still there when Alan came,holding a bag,

“Who called you over?” He asked the stylist,who was also surprised to see Dean there,

“President De Marco asked me to come here and get someone dressed.” He replied the man,

“Should it be the woman he wants me to dress up is Gi…..” Dean glared at him,

“Shut up.” He ordered almost slapping Alan,

When did Dean start losing his composure because of a woman?
Hmph,woman are poison.

When. Adrian finally opened the door,the first pair of cold eyes he met was Dean’s,

The terrifying aura emitting from both men was enough to frighten Alan,

This men should fight here please, he prayed.

When the two men battled an eye contact
war,he couldn’t even cough out loud for the fear of facing the men’s wrath.

“What did you do to her?” Dean asked arrogantly, not minding he was talking to President De Marco,the latter moved slightly from the door so Dean can see Gianna who was still laying on the bed.

Mere looking,one would say nothing had happened between them because Andre looks like he hadn’t done anything out of the way.

His suit still looks impeccably elegant and Dean couldn’t detect any intimate play.

Dean wanted to push his way inside but Andre stopped him,

“She’s resting and I want Alan to dress her up,so you can wait outside.” He said not breaking the eye contact,

This two men are always full of themselves,especially President De Marco.
Alan sighed and went into the room with one of his female stylist.

“How dare you touch her?” Dean asked when he was sure the door was locked,

“What I do to her is no business of yours Dean,she’s my woman and I won’t let another man covet her.” Andre retorted,

“How shameless can you go?”
“Getting a woman through this upper hand means,you’re shameless Andre,very shameless.” He spat,

“I’m shameless for laying with my woman and you who latch yourself around a woman that doesn’t want you…..”

Dean sent a blow across Andre’s face,the latter who hadn’t see this coming staggered back to the door but didn’t react.

“Gianna has right to choose who she want to be with and bet me Dean,you’re in the least of her list.” Andre spat venomously and left the place.

“You’re a bastard Andre!” He yelled after him,

Gianna would definitely choose him not the beast in human form.


Next – Chapters 21 to 30

Previous – Chapters 1 to 10