Unnecessary Medical Interventions in Labor and How to Avoid Them
Studies show birth is most common Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Is this just coincidence or is it a contrived effort by providers to control personal schedules?
Pregnant women are often encouraged to welcome the chance to have their baby on a scheduled date for the convenience of their provider. But often theyre not told the risks and side effects involved. They dont realize that some interventionssuch as pain medications, epidurals, C-sections, or birthing the baby with forceps or vacuum extractionmay not only be unnecessary, but also dangerous.
Moms-to-be may blindly trust providers, thinking everything suggested is goodbut this isnt always true, says registered nurse and midwife Breck Hawk, author of Hey! Whos Having This Baby Anyway? (Metropolis Ink, $19.95, www.HeyAnyway.com). Unless its anatomically necessary, women deserve and need to be told they probably will birth babies vaginally and naturally. Hawk has over 27 years experience as a midwife, doula, prenatal instructor, and registered nurse specializing in maternity and neonatal intensive care. She has helped hundreds of women give birth. Here she reveals how to avoid common interventions and have a successful birth.
Hire a doula or professional labor support person.
Exercise during pregnancy. This strengthens muscles and prepares your body for the long stress of labor.
Consider a birth center or having a homebirth with a midwife.
Attend childbirth classes that teach non-pharmacological methods of pain relief such as yoga, HypnoBirthing, Lamaze and others.
In the hospital, ask to be assigned to the nurse who is the strongest supporter of natural childbirth.
Before taking pain medication, ask for a vaginal exam. See how far your cervical dilation has progressed. You may be further along than you thought and decide to forego the medication.
No matter whats on your providers personal agenda, remember its your body and your baby and its your right to have the last word regarding your babys birth!
How birth-savvy are you? Take the 12 Question Quiz for Moms-to-Be or purchase your copy of Hey! Whos Having This Baby Anyway? at www.HeyAnyway.com